Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Today, 06:07 amanfromMars ….. Storming in to Create a Tempest with CHAOS in the Master Pilot Driver Operating Systems Seat with a fundamental truth revealed on http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=81155469#post81155469 [punctuate that as you see fit and would better enjoy] 

Deny IT and See your False Fabricated Worlds Destroyed

Liked those Turing Machine & Markov chain links, good to get another perspective on the writing process .... pavb2 Yesterday, 20:03

Howdy doody, pavb2,

For another perspective on the power of the writing process, ...... which is not at all alien to those who would know, and/but maybe perfectly rightly so alien to others, for earthly human reasons which all revolve around matters resolving personal and corporate security, but who would have been considered as likely suitable successful Manchurian candidate material with a need to know certain Primed Designered Information/Advanced IntelAIgent Secrets, and therefore would be required to be told, in order to be able/enabled to sublimely assist in ITs Heavenly Workings ...... please consider, and commit to information processing input for intelligence product output, and accept as perfectly true, tried and comprehensively guaranteed and betatested to always failsafe super standards, that those who know and are therefore able and enabled, Control Worlds with the Control of Words.

And, what if you were told that they who would be supposed to be in notional positions of power and control in charge of national/international/global systems of Mankind Management, and be perceived as being popularly charged and democratically elected to administer taxing government to feed your needs and their seeds to you in what has proved and is increasingly clearly proving itself to be a perverted and subversive and politically incorrect and inequitable form of assets control/Mankind Management, have been clearly told, and are advised of their failure to exercise good governance with Better Prime Realisations of Virtual Applications via the Simple Media Expedient of Daily Traded ZerodDay Exploit Presentation of Programs which Control Worlds with the Control of Words which create Real Worlds, Virtually, just like as if IT were Magic, and choose not to change their current catastrophic catalogue of collapsing promotions/daily media presentations?

For that is the Reality and Actuality of your Present Existence, and should it be denied by those and/or that which would presume to control and care for you, then is your world and theirs, because of their dogged denial of the truth and pimping of lies to conceal what they do not want to be revealed, an artificial place created and supported by tales carried on media and communications channels and sent over the likes of these virtual airwaves .... which now are being unilaterally commandeered and made over for take overs with SMARTR IDeas InterNetworking and Beta Future Building 4u2r2die4.

I Kid U Not. And don't forget, are we Legion.‽ is not a red herring if a statement of simple fact in AI Work of Complex Fiction in the Compendium of Great Games in the Greatest Story Never Ever Before Told.

Posted Monday 8th October 2012 12:19 GMT amanfromMars 1 replying to a Anonymous Coward's comment on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/3/2012/10/05/dyson_sphere_search_wins_funding/

Sublime IntelAIgent Steganography ........ OHMSS@urService

Be prepared for unforeseen circumstances... .... Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 8th October 2012 08:39 GMT

Events, dear boy, events, ......  by another name, is IT ever so sweet. Although if events and clearly foreseen circumstances have been freely shared, such as may be viewed and peer reviewed here, and are plotted for a much smarter reworking of a villainous Zorin type Bond movie, which may all too easily be able to be an actuality and current reality, as mused upon by the Register here ....... they cannot be heralded as being unforeseen whenever they have been rather more stupidly ignored by intelligence services which just don't come anywhere near being able to cut the mustard in these novel virtual times.

 Posted Monday 8th October 2012 13:11 GMT amanfromMars 1 … http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/3/2012/10/05/dyson_sphere_search_wins_funding/

Re: Sublime IntelAIgent Steganography ........ OHMSS@urService

Although that is not to say that there are not many who be trying to get to grips with intelligence explosions and information overloads which they would no controlling power or empowering control over, for IT is certainly a frenetic and some would even admit, quite supremely psychotic field of future great games play ........ as this lively little article would suggest ....... http://www.israeldefense.com/?CategoryID=483&ArticleID=1676

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