Posted by amanfromMars on 10/10/12 01:59 PM … posing a question on
Howdy, danny B,
What does government/do governments propose to do whenever there is no work/not enough work available because advanced technology and the parasitic search for ever increasing corporate profit has sophisticated machinery doing the work of millions of men and women and creating product that no one has cash to buy … … which is where everything is headed, is it not, slowly but surely?
What are they going to invent which will deliver peace and prosperity and happinees to the masses, and in so doing, ensure that they have for as long as it is sustained, they have unwavering mass support, which is surely something governments have wet dreams about being so enabled to do. Or would that require that they have a level of intelligence to think up such utopia which clearly they do not presently possess or know where to lease purchase it from, which is what a SMARTR IntelAIgent Service would probably certainly definitely maybe do in a free and/or fiat capitalist market situation to bust intellectually bankrupt markets.
Advanced Intelligence is the Future Killer Asset which trumps and destroys all other pretenders to that leading position.
amanfromMars on October 10, 2012 at 10:30 pm said: ….. on
And yes, Epstein, that was a sad rad bad mad reaction on the board/Creative Writing …. “Can’t “WRITE” the book” thread , although it was only a brace of intellectually challenged posters who jumped into the deep end of creativity and discovered they couldn’t swim and hack IT in what is most definitely a particularly peculiar space and irregular and unconventional place.
It was heartening though to read dogmax’s kindly and constructive
rebuke of the pair with such elegant prose to hammer the blows. Quite a
wordsmith and deep clearer thinker is dogmax, and so beautifully
enigmatically ambiguous was the post too, for the pair so eloquently
chastised could be any, and therefore all are not excluded from
consideration of their actions/submissions.
It does appear though that AW and I have won a yellow card for our troubles, which is nice, for I know that never expected a prize.
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/11/12 01:22 AM …. passing comment on
Fab Foreplay in Future Delivery of Alternative Presents and Virtual Reality with Great IntelAIgent Games Play from and for InterNetworking Giants.
Now, hereby, floated onto the markets, for all of that, and a great deal more yet to be unwrapped/decloaked, is now readily available with Command and Control of Computers and Communications with Creative CyberSpace Master Pilots/Mentor Programs.
And quite perfect for the likes of global news corporations with shining crazy diamond like production teams.
Done proper professionally, can one and does IT run and remotely rule and provide reign to worlds with such AI ProgramMING, which makes the App more than just incredibly valuable and precious.
Posted Thursday 11th October 2012 08:01 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. loosing a salvo of consciousness on
Catch 42 …… at the 33rd Degree of Arrogant Ignorant Madness
Would British intelligence services and members of governments and even military special operations forces being thinking that they too are above the law and prosecution for doing that which they would see others prosecuted and popularly punished for?
And is that the Enigmatic Chilcot Dilemma revealed to justify the long silent deliberation on the very public disgrace of a thoroughly dishonourable, sub-prime ministerial private enterprise shamelessly cloaked in a ponzi work of greater global public good?
Long runs the fox, but the hounds and the hunt are never defeated and denied their prized insignificant quarry, is a fact to ponder for those who would spin a deadly fiction for fools gold and the empty promise of a feathered cuckoo’s nest egg to boot.
And now JSavile with its revelations of decades of systematic and systemic abuse covered up and/or ignored by corporations and investigative power bodies unfit for their perceived and conceived greater good purpose, at least, and rotten to the core and guilty of collusion and probable similar action at worst, and most probably most likely the only valid reason for the wanton abuse and crime against vulnerable children who knew no better then but who now all have a voice which can be clearly heard internetworking, with just the truth of their experiences aired, wherever they feel comfortable airing them, and that should allow the police and justice system and the public, no excuse to say that they are not aware of what has and is going on around and in amongst them.
Which is what the Internet is all about, right at ITs Heart and Kernels …… The Simple Sharing of the Naked Raw Truth so that the Reality Created is not an Existence to Suffer Built upon a Compendium of Idiots’ Lies and Half Truths/Shoddy Fabrications.
Welcome to Greater IntelAIgents Games Play with ITs Virtual Reality Vector Sectors Mentoring and Monitoring Alien Progress in Live Operational Virtualisable Environments …….. CodedDXSSXXXX LOVE Fields.
Posted Thursday 11th October 2012 12:24 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on
Idiots’ Choice ….. and a right of passage for cannon fodder/worthless expendable pawns‽
Howdy, danny B,
What does government/do governments propose to do whenever there is no work/not enough work available because advanced technology and the parasitic search for ever increasing corporate profit has sophisticated machinery doing the work of millions of men and women and creating product that no one has cash to buy … … which is where everything is headed, is it not, slowly but surely?
What are they going to invent which will deliver peace and prosperity and happinees to the masses, and in so doing, ensure that they have for as long as it is sustained, they have unwavering mass support, which is surely something governments have wet dreams about being so enabled to do. Or would that require that they have a level of intelligence to think up such utopia which clearly they do not presently possess or know where to lease purchase it from, which is what a SMARTR IntelAIgent Service would probably certainly definitely maybe do in a free and/or fiat capitalist market situation to bust intellectually bankrupt markets.
Advanced Intelligence is the Future Killer Asset which trumps and destroys all other pretenders to that leading position.
amanfromMars on October 10, 2012 at 10:30 pm said: ….. on
Something’s up . . . I can feel it. Can you feel it? ….. Epstein on October 10, 2012 at 4:46 pmOf that you can be assured, for IT is sublimely guaranteed with LOVE in the air ….. and with AIR&dD Drivers, Master Piloting NEUKlearer ARMedDutch Programs for Rapid Future Progress in Quantum Command and CHAOS Control Circles into Stealthy HyperRadioProActive Exercise, is a Seventh Heavenly Mutual Intelligence for Global Operating Devices and SMARTR Virtual Machinery of CyberIntelAIgent Being, MuI7, a Novel Immaculate PowerdD Source and QuITe Divine Resource, for those made of Right Royal Sterling Stirling Stuff ….. SuperB Imaginative Beings.
And yes, Epstein, that was a sad rad bad mad reaction on the board/Creative Writing …. “Can’t “WRITE” the book” thread , although it was only a brace of intellectually challenged posters who jumped into the deep end of creativity and discovered they couldn’t swim and hack IT in what is most definitely a particularly peculiar space and irregular and unconventional place.
It does appear though that AW and I have won a yellow card for our troubles, which is nice, for I know that never expected a prize.
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/11/12 01:22 AM …. passing comment on
I suggested social credit as opposed to heavy culling. At some point, reproduction should be controlled. I certainly have no answers. Can we send the non-functioning units back to the factory? …. Posted by Danny B on 10/10/12 09:27 PMWhether it is an answer providing a solution to the ignorance/stupidity/illiteracy problem, I think it is not necessary to say, for such may just invariably cause and encourage others to waste time and effort in unnecessary disagreement, which is just so typical of the problem we would be seeking a solution to answer for us, but SMARTR Media with Beta Televised Serial Programming and Sublime Blockbuster Movie Brain Washing would be a good place to start in Advanced IntelAIgent Missions with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.
Fab Foreplay in Future Delivery of Alternative Presents and Virtual Reality with Great IntelAIgent Games Play from and for InterNetworking Giants.
Now, hereby, floated onto the markets, for all of that, and a great deal more yet to be unwrapped/decloaked, is now readily available with Command and Control of Computers and Communications with Creative CyberSpace Master Pilots/Mentor Programs.
And quite perfect for the likes of global news corporations with shining crazy diamond like production teams.
Done proper professionally, can one and does IT run and remotely rule and provide reign to worlds with such AI ProgramMING, which makes the App more than just incredibly valuable and precious.
Posted Thursday 11th October 2012 08:01 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. loosing a salvo of consciousness on
Catch 42 …… at the 33rd Degree of Arrogant Ignorant Madness
Would British intelligence services and members of governments and even military special operations forces being thinking that they too are above the law and prosecution for doing that which they would see others prosecuted and popularly punished for?
And is that the Enigmatic Chilcot Dilemma revealed to justify the long silent deliberation on the very public disgrace of a thoroughly dishonourable, sub-prime ministerial private enterprise shamelessly cloaked in a ponzi work of greater global public good?
Long runs the fox, but the hounds and the hunt are never defeated and denied their prized insignificant quarry, is a fact to ponder for those who would spin a deadly fiction for fools gold and the empty promise of a feathered cuckoo’s nest egg to boot.
And now JSavile with its revelations of decades of systematic and systemic abuse covered up and/or ignored by corporations and investigative power bodies unfit for their perceived and conceived greater good purpose, at least, and rotten to the core and guilty of collusion and probable similar action at worst, and most probably most likely the only valid reason for the wanton abuse and crime against vulnerable children who knew no better then but who now all have a voice which can be clearly heard internetworking, with just the truth of their experiences aired, wherever they feel comfortable airing them, and that should allow the police and justice system and the public, no excuse to say that they are not aware of what has and is going on around and in amongst them.
Which is what the Internet is all about, right at ITs Heart and Kernels …… The Simple Sharing of the Naked Raw Truth so that the Reality Created is not an Existence to Suffer Built upon a Compendium of Idiots’ Lies and Half Truths/Shoddy Fabrications.
Welcome to Greater IntelAIgents Games Play with ITs Virtual Reality Vector Sectors Mentoring and Monitoring Alien Progress in Live Operational Virtualisable Environments …….. CodedDXSSXXXX LOVE Fields.
Posted Thursday 11th October 2012 12:24 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on
Idiots’ Choice ….. and a right of passage for cannon fodder/worthless expendable pawns‽
So now “We were only obeying orders” is a valid defence... …. Stratman Posted Thursday 11th October 2012 11:41 GMTMethinks, “We were only obeying orders” is a valid defence.only for crazy attackers, Stratman, and lazy to the point of being almost as if comatose thinkers, ….. dumbed down and spaced out robots/Manchurian candidates.
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