Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Posted Tuesday 2nd October 2012 02:53 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. joining the chatter on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/10/01/white_house_hack/

The Relentless Long March of Smarts to Inquistive Beings …. Nectar to Money Bees, Honey
Follow-up reports suggest that a dodgy email with a malicious attachment made it past perimeter defences and onto someone’s desktop, where it might have been opened, and a machine infected. But this machine was quickly identified and isolated before any damage was done.
You do realise, one supposes and suggests, that the targeted machinery successful proven to be systemically vulnerable to such simply complex and impossible to stop attacks/squirmishes, is the virtual machine twixt computer and keyboard inputting/outputting instruction sets to Central Processing and Graphic Processor Units.

Are we struggling to make machines more like humans when we should be making humans more like machines….. Intelligent/Intelligence machines. Digitization offers real benefits. Very possibly, we are alone in the Universe. What we see is simply what we have been Programmed to see. This makes changing what we see a simple matter of Re-Programming.What is a computer other than a machine which we try to make Think. And what other model, to mimic/mirror could we possibly use, other than our own Brain.

Posted Tuesday 2nd October 2012 09:11 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/10/02/simon_cowell_to_find_next_zuckerberg/

And what is the BBC Excuse for Being, and Being so Program Retarded in the Creative Department?*

Now that is a development well worth a ponder whenever IT can ally it so easily with  ……..
Absolute Power with Ultimate Control, in both the Real and Virtual Environments of Man and Machines, is an Alien Application of SMARTR ProgramMING, although as you might fully expect of SMARTR ProgramMING Programs, is it just in IT as one part of an infinitely greater parcel and package in a fabulous suite of such as are in Virtual Reality, Alternate Reality Games with Seriously Heavy Entities in Grand Masterly Control of Future Horizons with Global Eventing.

*Apart from there being Zero and Zero Zeroday Definite Vision in the cuckoos at the head of the corporation which betrays so resoundingly homely nations and makes such a mockery of its motto, Nation shall speak peace unto nation . It is almost as if it were perveretd and corrupted to act as a tool of the Status Quo to maintain established failing orders headed by intellectual dinosaurs opposed to great change and outrageous progress.   J’accuse.

Posted Tuesday 2nd October 2012 16:30 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/10/02/simon_cowell_to_find_next_zuckerberg/

Re: And what is the BBC Excuse for Being, and Being so Program Retarded in the Creative Department?*
I call Markov generator on amanfrommars – there’s no way a human could be this consistently semi-intelligible. ….  Anonymous Coward Posted Tuesday 2nd October 2012 10:12 GMT
A most perceptive call, AC.You have been paying attention. Is there a defence system able to attack and neutralise, dent or vanquish such as generates Markov chain actions to react to/chain reactions to act with?

And where there is a will, there is a way,  ……. so are you saying that amanfrommars, who I assume is the same as amanfromMars and amanfromMars 1, are not human, but foreign and alien? Crikey, now there’s a novelty which surely would create a bit of flap if it were true, for it challenges human intelligence to justify its inability to provide what everyone needs whenever it is so easily seeded and paid for with pretty printed paper which costs next to nothing to manufacture and distribute electronically in a flash with the almighty click of a humble mouse/sweet pressured caress on a magic track pad.

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