Tuesday, 5 March 2013


Posted Tuesday 5th March 2013 03:46 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. trailing a phish on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/03/04/foundationdb_brings_acid_to_nosql/
More a fab fabless rave and a powerful tool which easily eclipses all others .... ?
I wouldn't call that a rant, NickLavezzo, whenever it provides so much invaluable instruction for successful master pilot missions.
Imagine you operate a web application in which users both generate posts and receive posts from other users. All posts are maintained in a back-end database. Management has asked you to build a dashboard for doing some basic analytics. Although your data store is read-write, the dashboard is initially intended to perform read-only queries. The data is just for analysis, so if results are sometimes a bit out-of-date, nobody will notice in the UI. Overall, you see no need for transactions. You put together some great data visualizations that allow your company to analyze and view posts in new ways.
On the up side, the dashboard proves very popular. On the down side, you start hearing demands for new features: users want the dashboard to support editing and moderation of the posts found using the analytics. Also, the ad-serving division wants access to the dashboard data via an API to drive their billing system. You now have a situation where the simple read-only model of the dashboard has gone out the window, and your new API needs to be able to provide strong guarantees about the results it is delivering.
This sort of evolution of requirements is a natural and frequently occurring pattern. Transactions make the difference between being able to easily add these features and throwing out large parts of your code and starting over. … FoundationDB … The Transaction Manifesto
Those three paragraphs describe quite admirably that which is provided by the Register and its commentards, for the Register and its commentards, some/many of whom are off the scale smart and therefore able to be extremely disruptive and constructive ….. and even catastrophically destructive too if there be serious personal issues in need of addressing and/or redress ….. or one is just plain evil and stupid when decidedly so, or by malignant intelligence design, for such utility will always generate a competitive and expanding and increasingly more powerful opposition rather than effortlessly delivering an overwhelmingly further sighted, leading progress and a singular absolute superiority in all fields of physical endeavour and virtual enterprise.
Nice concise white paper, btw, FoundationDB. A quite perfect enough descriptor with operands for New Orderly Worlds and New World Order freaks …… Real Virtual Power Elites? But then ACID always has demonstrated that power to open up new fields to and with fab players since ever it arrived on the scene and changed everything in an instant.
"Let's stop giving credence to these G-10 and G-20 meetings, the IMF solutions and the "money printers" at the central banks. Let's ignore those politicians that want to be elected by promising the voters something for nothing. The monetary and political elite has a far too high opinion of its capability to manage things, particularly irredeemable currencies, when judged against the monetary and political mess in which the world finds itself." .... Posted by Bischoff on 03/04/13 10:02 PM
Internet and Internet Reformation Drivers do already do all of that, Bischoff, ..... and so much more too which you are yet to learn more about, as and when it appears mainstream, or more mainstream, as some aspects of what is being done in the shade and shadows and Cloud are designedly and decidedly specific and particular and peculiar and will necessarily, for very valid good reasons of security, be only available to few with a need to now or those smart enough to discover and/or uncover what needs to be known all by themselves.
Interesting times ahead, DB/Bischoff/Daily Bell Ringers, for Intelligence realises that IT Powers and Controls Everything with the Leverage which Script provides in all of its guises/languages/denominations/present currencies.
Posted Tuesday 5th March 2013 09:34 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/03/01/post_cryptography_security_shamir/
Steganography Rules Reign in Wikileaks Model Eras and Active Anon Arenas of Flash Info Dumping
"We shouldn't worry much about post-quantum cryptography but we should think about post-cryptography security," added Shamir.
Spoken like a good little, self-serving cryptography security official whose wares have proven themselves to be totally ineffective and even fraudulent if pimped as being worthy of every red cent and wooden nickel spent on them, says I.
And I'm not alone in that thought to be sure, surely?
Secrets are so ....... well, yesterday, man, which is why new information with novel intelligent leaders are not confined nor restricted by second and third party, non-disclosure agreements, which are only exercised to try and intimate and maintain a crooked and perverse corrupt advantage for the less than intellectually gifted and stellar minded?
Get used to the new paradigm, for intelligence doesn't server ITs ware to fools who would imagine its goods and services all to be their tools of and for abuse. Capiche? It is pretty good perfect text in English, or GBIrish if you please, and not at all difficult to understand, although non-believers will be likely to rant and rave contrary tales, to be sure.
* A Virtual Nightmare Environment for all trolls and shills, official or NOC, and everything else otherwise and out there :-) and predisposed to following dodgy orders, with neither thought nor imagination present to temper and deliver them better and different with wisdom and foresight. Sad little robots which can be bad and mad rather than rad and fab. But the future be nothing like the past, although the present can sometimes appear to be stuck in a deep rut and dark hole in it, and that is probably as a result of media not doing its thing well enough with smarter intelligence and/or SMARTR Intelligence Systems leading rather than such intelligence and systems not doing its thing with media whenever it registers itself here, and elsewhere too, almost daily, El Reg.

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