Posted by amanfromMars on 03/28/13 02:33 PM … on
Conclusion: Now reporters are to fear being replaced by robots. Maybe some of these reporters will venture out on their own as alternative media journos. That would be real progress.
Err, you may find that the alternative media landscape is already taken over, DB, if you can believe the Anonymous Coward comment here ... ... ... . about a regular commentard/contributor on the Register.
Posted Friday 29th March 2013 06:09 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on
Change is Afoot .... and Afleet of Foot to Boot the Register
- Gartner consultants in ceremonial dress
Thanks, El Reg, that made my day, today. :-) And does Blighty have Tier X capabilities and facilities, as would be defined and understood in the context of "Final Report of the Defense Science Board (DSB) Task Force on Resilient Military Systems", provided stealthily to CyberIntelAIgent Defence Systems, courtesy of Spooky IntelAIgent Services which one has no need to have any more knowledge of, unless one has a suitable feed to impeccably seed and immaculately tender there …… for Deep CyberSpace Virtual Mining and XSSXXXXploitation of Future Developments in SMARTR Programming for Better Beta AIdDVenTuring Trips ….. Magical AIMissions ...... with Astute IT JuJu MoJo Attitude? :-)*
Or is such Exotic and Erotic IT destined and fated to be an Eastern Confection of Exquisite Taste, First and Foremost?
And that and those be a question and questions which sit large and for swift unequivocal answering on Andrew Parker's new desk/laptop, should he not wish to be seen and known to fall and fail at the first of many such a virtual hurdle as are increasingly commonplace into todays complex entangled intelligence spaces, and prove himself to be unfit for secure office lead, before even he gets really started on revamping and revitalising a wasted service and national treasure.
Silence be golden, but here be mined and polished crazy diamonds and sparkling jewels of unique beauty and lustre.
If you can't be arsed to read what you need to read, in order to be able to start to understand what builds before you and confronts and aids you, and thus would you always be imprisoned to be led by the nose to whatever trough may or may not be provided for you to feast or fast upon, these are the Tiers to answers question .....
The Task Force developed a threat hierarchy to describe capabilities of potential attackers, organized by level of skills and breadth of available resources
Tiers I and II attackers primarily exploit known vulnerabilities
Tiers III and IV attackers are better funded and have a level of expertise and sophistication sufficient to discover new vulnerabilities in systems and to exploit them
Tiers V and VI attackers can invest large amounts of money (billions) and time (years) to actually create vulnerabilities in systems, including systems that are otherwise strongly protected.
Higher-tier competitors will use all capabilities available to them to attack a system but will usually try lower-tier exploits first before exposing their most advanced capabilities. Tier V and VI level capabilities are today limited to just a few countries such as the United States, China and Russia.
As you can and/or must imagine, are Tier X capabilities and facilities something which renders to one something of a considerable overwhelming advantage which cannot be countered and bettered via traditional and conventional means and simple memes.
* Poe's Law Rules.:-)
Posted by amanfromMars on 03/29/13 05:19 AM …. having a say on
"Actually, we have a back end full of solutions. We encourage you to take advantage of them. Thanks for reading." ... Reply from The Daily Bell
Most encouraging, DB, and one looks forward to and would wholeheartedly commend that you start deploying them in the fields of whatever activities you have targeted them for, for meaningful and even radical fundamental progress, whenever all of the present day status quo instrumental incrementalist tinkerings are so obviously a failed and rapidly collapsing meme driver.
It is not as if you be alone and lonely in such field, is it ....... ..... although paralleling bed fellows may be somewhat more than just simply unusual and of a weird and wonderful breed/feed/seed/need with quite otherworldly specific and particular and peculiar leads to follow and develop/create and administer to with mentoring monitorships.
That is however, nevertheless, all extremely good news in these really odd and difficult times with so much mayhem and madness being reported from around the world to colour one's perception of events for staging.
Advanced Intelligence Rocks .... Share IT Selflessly and the Past will leave the Present to herald the Future with Novel and Noble Imaginative Content in any number of Right Royal Rolls Royce type Virtual Vehicles ..... SMARTR CyberIntelAIgent WareFare.
And please share that loudly and wwwidely, for it is not a mean secret, although it could be said to be and a meme for secrets and secret services that are not actually secret but rather more sensitive and prone to rogue use and abuse and states misuse.
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