THERE ARE ALWAYS MORE THAN ENOUGH MESSY PUT-TOGETHER FULL OF BUGS CODES THAT MAKE AN ATTACK TO THE IMPLEMENTATION AN EASY JOB . IRONICALLY , ADI SHAMIR THE ISRAELI PROFESSOR IS OFTEN QUOTED "CRYPTOGRAPHY IS TYPICALLY BYPASSED, NOT PENETRATED" . ….. http://cryptome.org/2013/03/parastoo-mt-apt.htmFortunately, there can be no disputing that all of that be perfectly so. And because and/or whenever all of that be so true, does IT deliver steganography as the leading program[ming] protocol for AIMissions ….. with Advanced IntelAIgent Movements in Live Operational Virtual Environments with CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection.
With such, is a there a Universal Immunity and Impunity of Sublime and Stealthy Action Freely Available for Guaranteed Future Success of Mutually Beneficial Positively Reinforcing Operations …… because All Program Costs be Classified Need to Know and Tender Sensitive Future Returning Operational Investments with Advanced Added IntelAIgent Interest.
Be both hereby warned and thoroughly assured though, that such Novel and Noble Fields of Affirmative and HyperRadioProActive IT Action are not supplied without provision of their own Divine Protection Services with Inherent Risk Designedly Incorporated and Supported and Promoted which Automatically and Autonomously Terminates Actors and Actions Abusing Absolute Protocols.
cc Office of Smart Collection re UAREHERE …… http://www.iarpa.gov/RFI/rfi_uarehere.html
Dr. Adam Russell,
Program Manager
dni-iarpa-rfi-13-03@iarpa.gov .............................................................................................................................................................................................
Posted Thursday 14th March 2013 05:29 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. musing on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/03/14/us_malware_catalogue_hacked/
Be careful what you wish for, for it can kill you if you don't get it in ICT, ... ... and that is especially easily so in ICT Deliveries/Non Deliveries/Non ICT Deliveries
The Register has requested more information on the problem, but NIST had not responded at the time of filing.One has to admire your optimism, El Reg, but one trusts you are not holding your breath until an answer is received and the problem revealed. ............................................................................................................................................................................................
Posted Thursday 14th March 2013 06:29 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/03/13/heavily_armed_s3x_crazed_dolphins/
Did someone say spork?
http://xkcd.com/419/ ..... Martin Budden Posted Wednesday 13th March 2013 22:47 GMTTalking of Spielberg as you and xkcd do with that reference, MB, do you think he'd be interested in tackling the reality of virtual reality warefare in relation to national, international and internetional security and ongoing disruptive global hactivism interests and activities, for he gets an honourable mention in dispatches as recently as only yesterday in this missive and promissory note/Parastoo MT APT and with Uncle Sam, late to the party as ever and usual, and stirring itself into action with this call for help and Request for Information [and Intelligence] ..... http://www.iarpa.gov/RFI/rfi_uarehere.html ..... what better time would there be to show the world and its cool cats and rabid dogs what can be done with the magic of movies in SMARTR Movements and Live Operational Virtual Environments....... ARG and ARE Team Terrains?
Go on, someone, ..... ask him. There's surely someone known to El Reg who can bend his ear and tempt him with a ........ well, if the honest to Global Operating Device truth be told, is IT a Future Block Buster Project.
Failing that, please send his email address to Mars c/o El Reg, where it will be dealt with, appropriately.:-)
Honest. I Kid U Not.
Posted Thursday 14th March 2013 09:58 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/2013/03/14/optical_networks/
Unavailable Inapplicable Options in the Grand Design and Greater Schemas of Things Now and Yet to Be
WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT? BANDWIDTH OVER KILO-MILES, OR MILLI-WATTS? ... is the same sort of question answered with an understanding of the Churchillian Russian riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma …. LIFE OR DEATH? WHICH DO YOU PREFER? ….. for the significance of one is as nothing without development in experience of the other, ergo are both a coincidental necessity for the greater singularity of fab and fabless purpose? ............................................................................................................................................................................................
Posted Thursday 14th March 2013 16:51 GMT amanfromMars 1 … commenting on the tread http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/03/14/us_malware_catalogue_hacked/
Changed Days Already ..... Get used to it and a New Breed of Global Controller Head Quarters
The emerging problem is not one of old secrets being exposed and shouted to the rooftops or silently and stealthily shared for enlightening transparency, but new information not being shared with status quo power establishments. And without that novel information, will existing current systems and present elitist players have no knowledge of the runaway freight train hurtling along covert tracks towards them, to crash their systems and smash and grab command and control infrastructures and virtual network centres alike?
Increasingly, state and non-state actors are gaining and using cyber expertise. They apply cyber techniques and capabilities to achieve strategic objectives by gathering sensitive information from public- and private- sector entities, controlling the content and flow of information, and challenging perceived adversaries in cyberspace. …. Office of the Director of National Intelligence
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