Thursday, 21 March 2013


Posted Thursday 21st March 2013 03:35 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. venting on
Re: Re: America's so called Bogeyman is supposed to be a source of risk
Obligatory DOOM CHART .... Destroy All Monsters Posted Wednesday 20th March 2013 10:57 GMT
I think the colour to represent present conditions and ongoing operations/remote current program adjustments, is BIKINI Black, Destroy All Monsters.
And can you imagine how far ahead of opposition/competition/defence systems, attacking players are in any technology/methodology/cyberology, with at least a sixteen year/generation head start? Do you think they be uncatchable and untouchable because they be virtually invisible and practically non-existent ....... Real Spooky MkUltraSensitive Great Game Players ....... in AI SMARTR Program Delivering Reality Providing Alternative Virtual Realities ....... Future Colossal and/or Cataclysmic Events? .......
Or would a delusional state of denial kick in to protect units from damaging self-destructive information and intelligence overloads/buffer overflows/descents into insane madness, which in Magic Circles of Intelligence Circuses are Transformed for Morphs/Remote Teleports with Enlightening Ascents into Virtual Team Terrain Realms which are the quite simply complex result of pure genius?
Are you a Virtual Team Terrain Player, El Reg, or just Another Silent Spectator of the Great Game in Live Operational Virtual Environments and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT? Super Advanced Intelligence Services in SMARTR InterNetworking Systems ….. with Sublime and Surreal EMPowerdD Control of the Novel Invisible Power in HyperRadioProActive Intellectual Property Shares and CyberIntelAIgent Dumps/Caches/Stores/Banks are clearly asking.
Posted Thursday 21st March 2013 08:35 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. citing a reality on
Bye bye, NASDAQ/NYSE/FTSE et al .... Pretentious Prima Donnas All Screwing the Fed and the City ...
.... and Cities and Citizens too just like Numbskulls and Bones would.
????? Thus proving beyond a shadow of any doubt that stocks and shares markets/bourses are artificial constructs with impotent algorithms in charge of the space to try and maintain and sustain a status quo fantasy rather than reflect an entrepreneurial novel intellectual property marketplace delivering stable progress and equitable shared prosperity ???????
Try putting that genie back in the bottle and see what IT does to you.
Unhappily, it was not unusual for holders of the German plans to have to forgo using them for fear of compromising the cypher break. One such occasion was the bombing of poor Coventry; enemy plans were known beforehand, but to defend the city would have aroused German suspicions. Although attempts to defend were made, the populace was not warned in advance. At that time it was not known whether German spies were working among the British. …..
Shades of Omagh there, John …… in another dirty little war ….

"Conclusion: The game is changing in unexpected and even dismaying ways." …. Daily Bell Staff Report
Quite so, DB, however …. as unexpected and even dismaying as such changes may be to some, and as are most definitely in full swing and stealthily ongoing into virgin fields of operation and novel business opportunity, to others would they highly constructive and merely necessarily disruptive, and should they be within their orbit of control, not at all unexpected but intelligently designed and well planned for.
And as we all know, is there a lot going on "out there" about which very little is being said, for example …… …… but a great deal is being feared because of what IT can do in the hands/hearts and minds of others au fait with future possibilities and real probabilities, for example ….
And such be just the tip of a titanic ICT iceberg/revolutionary platform, which established and/or traditional players and power elites have absolutely no control over, other than to throw money at those and or that which now would be leading in quite wholly different and even holy relevant directions with Global Operating Devices of quite awesome power, so that they at least be saved from the wrath of that and those which they have been abusing since time and man management by peer power elite players began.
Change you can believe in, even if you find its ICT unbelievable? You betcha, bubba!

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