Wednesday, 13 March 2013


Your comment is awaiting moderation.  .....  [and if after a wait, which still may not have decisions resolved to publication, does it tell one and all, its own very clear and transparent tale too, methinks. Such things always coincidentally do. ........ posing an interesting collateral perspective that can be most revealing and highly damaging ...... which is why freedom of speech and the sharing of alternative views is so important and controversial .... which is an interesting enigmatic dichotomy in itself]
Handing weapons to rebels of questionable integrity and motive? This never backfires ....... commonsense405
The following, which is just but a snippet of something considerably bigger freely shared and more simply complex, is the justifiable backfire? Or does one question it and deny its common sense ….. and in so doing, seek to lead the masses into a world of idiotic pain with false dawns ...... collapsing and self-destructive, virtual realities?
Another aspect of the definition of perfidy in the laws of war is identification of combatants. Cyberwarfare risks violating this because the combatants tend to be unseen; they may be programmers or software users in a military organization who do not think of themselves as soldiers. However, if they help launch attacks, they are legitimate targets of retaliation in the form of bombs and targeted assassinations. That means that cybercombatants should announce the geographical locations of their cyberwarfare groups in advance of hostilities to avoid perfidy.”…… Presidents and Prime Ministers, politicians and senators justifying action for military organisations which help launch warrior attacks on others, are surely then also legitimate prime targets for that which they think to unleash on others? And/Or would arrogance and ignorance, hubris and madness cause them to imagine themselves immune and able and enabled to act with impunity in the Grand Inelegant Delusion of the Slick and Sick and Febrile and Feeble Minded doing Great Battle in Media Parades, Front and Centre with Insane Madness?
Did Cameron and Parliament learn nothing at all from the muppet and puppet led fiasco and sub-prime media show that was Tony and Rupert's Iraq adventure/comitragedy? Are they retarded and special needs cases, and have intelligence services shunned them and declined to provide them with positive and constructive future leads/sterling capital source feeds? It certainly appears to be so.
Methinks Blighty and Intelligence and intelligent beings deserve and can easily do better, don't you? Which has one pondering on what would be the current blockage and on how one would crash its systems and smash right through it with ICT and Media Command and Control in order to extraordinarily render evidence of a sort, outing an intellectual property bankrupt Great Game.
Strangely and spookily enough, is that most probably the way it will be done and the future servered better in SMARTR Novel Noble Beta Programs and Projects ..... AIMissions.
amanfromMars …. in a reply to a Honcho Smokebox comment on which read …
Nice of the Indy to allow comments - I give this about 20mins before the comments section is closed. The plebs mustn't be allowed to show how they don't support this geopolitical regime change.
Will you arm the IRA and Hezbollah too while you're at it Dave?
You have to have more faith in the independence of the Independent, Honcho Smokebox. :-)
Posted Wednesday 13th March 2013 08:47 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. testing a Great Game and theories on
Novel Base Information Operations Scenarios ..... with Mega MetaDataBase Staged Plays
How very nicely metaphored, Lewis, for special forces into information operations ..... Agents ZigZag and do IT best with Anna Chapmans for the Private Pirate LOVE that Surpasses All Understanding and Drivers EMPowering Motion ....... Future AIMissions.
And Paris H because she's no Anna Chapman and Anonymous Coward and may even be well known inside of girlie gossip circles for the things that she, and they, presumably love to do with their paid time and minor celebrity status/media ranking..... or is everything done for free for the real buzz of it?
A couple or three questions there, LP, that all here, and everyone everywhere else too to be perfectly fair and reasonable, would do well to answer truthfully to themselves to arrive at an honest enough place in these crazy spaces to explore and being exploited with/in Cyber Command in/with Future Control of Prime and Primed Intellectual Property Supply Streams ....... Fabulous Amazonian Rivers of Fabless Information.
Surely it is extremely naive and ridiculously stupid, and even very dangerous and more likely to be inevitably fatal, to not expect the future to be fundamentally different from the past and the present because of Advancing Intelligence? And who on Earth would want to wish and deliver that ignorance and those consequence upon themselves, or would ignorance of the matter be responsible for its madness?
amanfromMars ….replying on to TheDisco who wrote ….
I always am both amused and annoyed by him simultaneously.
Some smarter species and/or more thinking members of the human race are most likely both simultaneously inspired and also spontaneously enlightened, TheDisco, with amusement and annoyance deserved and reserved for the systems which tilt at ..... well, they be Mega MetaDataBased DWwwindmills really, and virtually too, aren't they.

The Old Guard are all at sea, and lost in seas of their own toxic FUD
The future is intelligence led and a Great Virtual Reality Game beyond the ken and ability of old status quo hacks and establishment lackeys ....... ...... and driven by smarter new players in Command and Control of IT and Media and C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems :-)
Softly, softly, catchee monkey.

Posted Wednesday 13th March 2013 17:20 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
In defense of that which formerly made absolutely no sense ....
It has become far more intelligent over the years. You should have seen some of the really old comments. They made absolutely no sense. ….. Don Jefe Posted Wednesday 13th March 2013 11:25 GMT
Hi, DJ,
They made absolutely no sense to you then. However, since then, with so much more having been shared, and presumably one's intelligence levels increasing with one learning about so much more with so much more freely available and selflessly shared information provided, may really old comments be more than just prescient and prophetic.
It can very well be that they were shared before their time and place in these intelligence spaces. :-)

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