Sunday, 6 October 2013


amanfromMars 5 October 2013 at 9:38 am …. posing a question riddled with rotten ambiguities in a comment on
Would you like to prosecute a loyal and valuable covert asset with many years service to the forces of law and order in fields of mayhem and dissidence?
“That is the old SF line of brave Shinners vs perfidious Brits. But the reverse is true. The British Government saw Adams as the great hope in driving the Shinner sheep into the democratic fold. They would have bent over backwards to protect him”
I would say both statements are true. One of MI5 and their security strategy and the other of MI6 and their diplomatic strategy. …. paulG 5 October 2013 at 1:25 pm
Well, there is no doubt that has been a monumental titanic fcuk up, paulG, and an intelligence failing that needs to be resolved with a novel untainted supply?
Do you think MI5 and/or MI6 are up to the task and up for IT? They be certainly invited to play …. but not as numpties.
Tibor Machan: I look forward to attending and spending time with your readers. And I am delighted to see the return of The Daily Bell.
Seconded, TM. There are many new creatively significant and revolutionary disruptive developments to share on the global stage and with ITs smarter players for uptake and application deployment ..... and of course, to float out to the venture capital markets/bright Daily Bell ringer types/zeroday vulnerability exploit pioneers.

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