amanfromMars ……. having a blast on
Giving the banking system future contrived wealth ...... and that needs to be realised and personalised and recognised as individuals in that sector being given billions and trillions more to play with in support of failed existing traditional models of unfit for future purpose business or to sit on and/or fritter away on bad bets and crooked schemes ..... is the current recipe which is now cooking a monetary disaster. And the madness is in it ever being thought to be able to deliver anything different. Same old boys, same old toys, same old games but in these new times with these new virtual space places, is that never going to be acceptable as good enough whenever better is made easily available from others.
Aint that right, DB? There be far too many who would prefer or be only able to sit uncomfortably perched on that particular and peculiar fence and busy themselves hedging bets rather than jumping into the deep end of such things and ride the sharks which devour all in the new fields before them for themselves and theirs.
amanfromMars • October 22, 2013 1:08 PM ….. shooting the breeze on
It would be most unlikely that BT are not quite instrumental in NSA theatre operations with GCHQ thinking too to lead the colonials from the shadowy rear as if following lamely as a lapdog. They may think that be stealthy but .... well, some might call it artfully deceitful and maybe not quite truly British. In order words, a bit of a bastard of a great game operation and something to be exploited and developed further in these strange new virtually receptive times.
After all, whatever else would you expect from natives who supplied you with the likes of cricket and rugger? :-)
amanfromMars 23 October 2013 at 3:30 pm …. musing on
Golden Dawn, a political party in Greece where crazy state funding is allowed for such groups as claim to be representative of the people and which are little more than closed shop private clubs in all reality, and are not all political parties not exactly the same, have been denied their dues because of an as yet unproven malicious accusation that they are a criminal organisation .......
The same accusation could very easily be made against all of the parties in the UKGBNI and one would imagine that given that it now be so easy to snoop stealthily on whoever one pleases, the security services and the forces for laws and order are busy inspecting and investigating the banking system to ensure that the billions that pontificators have to play with are not being used and abused and squandered for personal and politically incorrect gain/crooked subversive enrichment.
And David Cameron's answer to a direct question on whether he was a subject/object of lobbying with regard to a £500 million per annum tax loophole enjoyed by major high street companies, was very strangely worded ...... "To my memory I've never been lobbied on this issue" ...... [16:58 ]
Is that a yes or a no in plain language? And George Osborne, his right hand man and Chancellor of the Exchequer, was very perplexed and unhappy looking with the rest of the very short answer which didn't answer the question of whether the loophole was going to be closed. Dodgy Dave having a bad hair day?
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