Saturday, 12 October 2013


The spooks sense, politicians are trying to kill the beast while it's wounded? ….. diddoit
12 October 2013 12:16am
Such is, from the chittering political classes, the usual arrogance of perfectly normal hubris, which their lack of intelligence arms them with to provide media column inches of wannabe news.
Methinks Chilcot is something of a known unknown intelligence service weapon which can be easily deployed by intelligence to remind them who leads and with what from the anonymous shadows they be quite rightly excluded from, for all the right reasons based upon their serial ignorance and delusions of influential grandeur.
And when did just a shaving nick be considered a wound to a beast.
If government players aren't 24/7/365 surveilled so that all be able to be known about their daily shenanigans and future plans at the public expense, then are the intelligence services criminally negligent and fraudulently trading in such an intelligence service guise/disguise.

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