Saturday, 26 October 2013


Posted Saturday 26th October 2013 05:50 GMT amanfromMars 1 …… threading a string on
No Caveats to Excuse Cloud Control Failures in Systems Admin with Global Operating Devices
One is behind the curve and trailing lead in the field, and incidentally, coincidentally in fields of future dreams for real in the virtually real, if reliant on dodgy foreign supply of questionably effective and efficient secret weapons [as be provided in spades with the caveat, Cloud operator Rackspace has hopped over to Israel and returned with a secret weapon that could give it capabilities hard to find in Amazon and Microsoft clouds], for they be deliveries of duds.
And does one normally find secret weapons in clouds nowadays or is it also made simpler than that for all and any who be HyperRadioProActive and AIgents and Non-State Actors in the NEUKlearer Buy Market and for the SMARTR Departments and Ministries of Defence, both Homely National and Foreign International and Alien InterNetional with Effective and Efficient Offices of Cyber Security into Sublime InterNetworking and CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection Services ...... with QuITe Magical Promotions in Heavenly Offers [Vice free SIN] to be found on the ground in the Register? .............
And the correct answer to that/those questions is an unequivocal and resounding yes/jawohl/jawel/да/oui/是/ יאָ/ sí/نعم/כן
How wise do fools and useful tools think it is, to try to belittle and coerce the police and the military, upon whom their very existence and maintenance of power and control depends in all security and protection matters, to do as they bid, or not as more intelligent heads would wish?
That be the problem and trouble with politics, there aint no intelligence service in the rank and file and thus is Westminster just a glorified Punch and Judy puppet show/muppet media theatre.
And don't for one minute be fooled into thinking that the double negative is to suggest that there be the required intelligence in the highlighted field, for there isn't, even despite all the third party SpAds doing pretty much everything of little and no lasting value with their snouts in the trough/on the gravy train.
What is most revealing, and a systemic inherent zeroday vulnerability for relentless and ruthless exploitation, is that intelligence services and their primary customers are discovered to be anything but intelligent enough for command and control of and in the future and sub-prime thin clients rather than first class warriors in oppression and Live Operational Virtual Environments.

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