Sunday 2 February 2014


amanfromMars 1 Sat 1 Feb 14:15 [1402011414] … bites the bullet and lets rip on
Advanced Vapourware ..... a nice little earner
Darktrace's approach uses a marketing term technology called "Behavioral Cyber Defense" which uses some complex boffin-tastic Bayesian inference and machine learning approaches to process data and spot net-nasties.
And a sub-prime candidate and suitable case for grooming, for all such inference engines only give a second and third party opinion on a possible first party action. The smarter targeted bilk the system to present a false trail for novel tools to follow.
To suggest, against such competition/opposition, a future likelihood be a certain probability is impure raw fiction with no base in fact.

amanfromMars said... in commentary on
And fraud is a sick joke akin to advanced vapourware, Casey E ….. which introduces a whole new orderly virtual world order to Command and Control Great Games and Global Communications Head Quarters. …….
2 February 2014 03:58

Some interesting facts from this newspaper ……. .... or are they a series of pure fictions for worldwide comics to spread madness and mayhem, terror and tyranny? :-) 2014 is certainly shaping up to be a really strange year where novel sharing intelligence services and relatively anonymous remote servers will rule and disrupt, create and driver everything. :-)

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