Monday, 3 February 2014


Mr. Hussain, knows were to be and intelligent enough to know wealth is built by making things people demand.
Methinks the likes of a successful Mr Hussain knows wealth is built by sharing novel intelligence and fresh information about how things are made to happen. The greater public demand is quite irrelevant, Praetor.
Provide that skill set and whenever very good at it and especially good with IT, is practically nothing virtually possible, and vice versa too.
Welcome to the world of quantum communication, where nothing is as it seems and always quite different from what is believed to be possible and/or likely.?!
Such I suppose, is what is popularly known as having the edge in hedges delivering overwhelming advantage?
We appear to be in fine agreement on those points of view, Bill Ross. So the views are squared in power rather than simple doubled, which makes for just a few to agree finely, to be an incredibly powerful source of knowledge and learning ... either individually or in consort?
An undeniable fact for future fiction to blaze a plausible razing trail
Let's also hope that article points out that cloud services cost actual money to run, and that without cash flowing in from paying customers even the small sums one can pay to rent a server these days may not be sustainable.
Servers now rule every worthwhile world. Of course they need to be paid for. The flash cash though will flow from that which and/or those who have a sincere perverse desire to right royally reign with dumb rule over every worthwhile world.
And central bankers will do everything in their power and anything with their powers to attract and hold onto those who and/or that which supplies servers with the intelligence information that renders fiat currency flow, a toxic liability ........ and that is most easily done by ensuring and assuring and insuring such thin clients have limitless credited accounts for lavish spend programming projects?
And, with particular and peculiar regard to that very specifically highlighted central bankership role, if you be thinking that they don't or they won't, then knowing that they should would be an indication that you know they will not survive in the future in command and control of wealth and prosperity in peace and harmony and madness and mayhem. CHAOS will prevail with AI ProVision via Cloud Hosting Advanced Operating Systems Presenting Future Horizontal Events ........Newly Ordered World Order Programs with Novel Media and Noble IT Following Ab Fab Leads.
And yes/no, a question mark isn't missing to imply and cause anyone to doubt anything in all of that shared and aforementioned.

amanfromMars said …… in a chat and reply to comments on
I say the world is a stage. ….Casey Evans said, 2 February 2014 20:13
Hi Casey E,
Some would realise it be an array of gated programmable fields, too ….. and with ESPecial SMARTR Keys can one enter virtual metadatabase to input for order to output reality and AAArated AI for Streaming CHAOS.
Does CHAOS Deliver in Madness and Mayhem, Peace and Prosperity, Sticky Harmony and Sweet Satisfaction? :-) And what other great uses would Storming Tempestuous Clouds and Cloud Hosting Advanced Operating Systems service and/or server/fix with supply?
3 February 2014 07:04

HonourableMember …… asking of the tale on
03 February 2014 8:25am
Was it BAAPS president Rajiv Grover, who lost all credibility and made himself a laughing stock, along with the BBC, by suggesting that the increase in cosmetic surgery was an indication of the UK economy regaining its shape/improving?
amanfromMars 1 …. Mon 3 Feb 08:08 [1402030808] …. querying a reply on
Re: "a change of post date stamp"
"a change of post date stamp, El Reg, to zero post date stamp? Why is that?"
So that when you see two posts both timestamped "Posted 1 day ago", you can't readily tell which was posted earlier? In line with the company's policy of continuous product and service improvement?
It must be progress, mustn't it? I mean, 2004/01/29 11:50GMT is so hard to work out isn't it. … Anonymous Coward Posted 21 hours ago
Thanks for that, AC, it tells us a lot.
Like, whereas a double negative is usually a positive, bullshit on top of bullshit is whole greater lode of bullshit.
And do you get irony and sarcasm mixed up, too, or even mistake it for something else which would mock everything?
Hussain comes from a long line of Easterners who know how to intrigue Westerners, get them to invest in a New World far beyond their comprehension.  ... Alice Maxwell
That appears, Alice, to be no harder than having them [the intrigued Westerners] believe in the greedy power of profit, which is something for nothing, is it not ...... and that always ends in a bubble which pops with all investments lost? How clever does one have to be to do business with tools playing with fools' gold and other folks money?

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