Friday, 14 February 2014


It appears that NAMA "assets" are going to be purchased by foreigners with worthless dollars/massively printed paper, which is nice trick delivering something concrete for virtually nothing, which is the magic which can be done with currency, which doesn't even need to be a physical commodity whenever just an electronic transfer and an adjustment of figures on an account balance.
And how sad that Stormont squatters haven't grasped the hang of ensuring that free flow of cash for everything and everyone yet.
It is hard to believe that none of them haven't arranged something more personally attuned though, considering some of their pasts and the dodgy acquaintances and/or organisations which favour them with their support.
Go on, admit it to yourselves, cash is a blunt ignorant command and control tool and has no value in and of itself.
"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it's profits or so dependant on it's favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.”— Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863
Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws” — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild
amanfromMars 1 …. replying to commentary from LeeE on Fri 14 Feb 05:11 [1402140511] on
In the Wastes of Time ..... is Cogito ergo sum, AIdDiamond Gem to Germinate Understanding and Advanced Consciousness
Hi LeeE,
Nice to talk with you. And I agree with your perception, or if you like and prefer, I find your perception agreeable. It is after all applied shared perception which provides reality its base metadataphysicality, methinks, ergo IT is.
And with particular and peculiar regard to any attempt to compete against and/or oppose .....
For this to work though, it'll be necessary for the individual AIOSs to be able to communicate with each other, to compare and share results: Skynet anyone?
Naturally, the big s/w houses won't be at all keen on the idea of being made redundant so when this eventually emerges from academia they'll be spreading a lot of FUD about it, and probably even pushing for legislation against it.
........ what a monumental waste of valuable time in free space that would be.
Seems like whoever is advising Renegade Barack Obama are more aware and quite rightly concerned about the powers that be now readily available for trading in CyberSpace Command and Control where there is nothing tangible to attack and destroy but where all Earthly assets are ....... well, arraigned and assigned says it all quite succinctly methinks. I refer of course to this phishing exercise and executive order wish list/hit list of targets ....... EXECUTIVE ORDER... IMPROVING CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE CYBERSECURITY
And to inquire further as to the whom and for the what is the power being displayed and horse traded, will have one lined up against a Great Game Virtual Wall of China Firewall and information and intelligence one needs to know hardly anyone else knows, and it be worth an absolute fortune in rigged markets, which makes it, quite perversely and conversely, also extremely attractive and even addictive to a certain class of player/non-state state actor type.
[And again posted at 0605hrs to the Register]

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