Monday, 6 October 2014


amanfromMars 1 Sat 4 Oct 08:42 [1410040842] having a say on new faces on
Yo, Big Bro ... Breaking Bad Typed News of Virtual Jihad Penetration Points of Interested Contact
Here is some news of revised views on Alex Younger's competition, or is that really the opposition ....
And .... if MI6 and/or any of those sorts of Intelligence Community Agencies are reacting to global events and trailed news stories, are they leading diddly squat with their reactionary support of that and those novel noble ignoble actions.
Is the Office of Cyber Security a MODified DODgy sinecure and Foreign Office money laundering operation? And if not, why not, whenever so much can be so successfully churned in plain sight of regulatory oversight? And is it and IT also MI6 competition and the reactionary opposition which be leading Madness and Mayhem into/with CHAOS ...... Cloud[s] Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

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