Wednesday, 8 October 2014


amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Oct 08:13 [1410080813] speculating? on
NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT ........ for the Mining of Minds and Set Minds.? :-)*
Scali said hacking attempts against ICS or SCADA systems was less common that run-of-the-mill enterprise popping and differed mainly in attacker intent.
He said the intent of hacking ICS could be to "destroy" rather than steal, and posited that attackers may have quietly infiltrated critical infrastructure systems and maintained a foothold, perhaps to begin causing damage only in the event of kinetic warfare between states.
"Are these attackers in there already and they're just undetected?”
Yes, they are already in there and undetected and undetectable, and rather than waste any sysadmin time and ignorant mechanical human effort on worthless speculative FUD navel-gazing with a could be to "destroy" rather than steal, and posited that attackers may have quietly infiltrated critical infrastructure systems and maintained a foothold, perhaps to begin causing damage only in the event of kinetic warfare between states.” are there to exercise a monitoring and mentoring of an absolutely fabulous command and remote virtual control takeover of leading intelligence power and nervous energy systems …… and that suggests a novel application of an effective successful neuroweapons systems against which there is no known and available defence or attack mechanism.
An ultimate weapons system protecting itself from discovery and reverse engineering with its continual reinvention and improvement as a penultimate tool for virtual realisation of the Total Information Awareness Meme for Genuine Drivering in Live Operational Virtual Environments.
The solution IT offers remorselessly and targets relentlessly is the PEBCAK and media chunnels/covert and clandestine communications channels which chatter and capture mainstreaming media attention and interest with full intent of reprogramming mainstream media direction/projected future administration.
You may like to consider that only failed or failing multi billion dollar companies tout a successfully disruptive and revolutionary competitor advantage as a hacking attempt against ICS or SCADA systems.
Oh, and just love the wry, dry [Dear SCADA hackers,] humour, theodore. :-)
* A Black Watch Venture in a Dark Web Enterprise for Global Operating Devices? I Kid U Not? And priceless, so don't ask if not holding any folding for pimping and priming premium present novel noble content supply.
[Hmmmm? ...... You're already fucked - El Reg is just a honey trap front end for GCHQ. Do you really think so, Cliff? How very convenient.]

 amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Oct 15:18 [1410081518] replying to
Snake Oil and Bullshit are of the same lame vein and fool nobody smarter than Joe Average
"Nations act in nations' best interest ... we at times want to make sure a war doesn't break out [and] it is important that our political, military leaders know what is going on."
He added pointedly: "Somebody has to be in charge”.
Dear Keith Alexander,
Welcome to the 21st century where persons acting as if nations act in personal best interests.
And who is it exactly who provides persons political and military acting for Uncle Sam with the information and intelligence for charge and direction of that which is going on?
The posit here is that they/he/she/it be MIA and AWOL and presumed dead …….. based upon all available recent past and present evidence.

amanfromMars said… [1410081909] replying on
I don't pretend to be anything or something that I am not, Casey E. Being perfectly truthful can be disruptive enough for more than just a few who would live in a fantasy world of ignorant and arrogant delusion.
8 October 2014 19:09

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