Sunday, 19 October 2014


amanfrommars 1 Sun 19 oct 05:44 [1410190544] sharing a view on
The Meme Genie is out of the Bottle and Mad as Hell*, Real Smart, Virtually Invisible and Practically Almighty?!.
His passionate idealism and determined commitment make him appear young and almost naïve, but his position is calmly and intelligently argued, so that you begin to wonder if it’s your own cynicism that greets such apparent sincerity with scepticism. …. Brid-Aine Parnell
Methinks for the perps wilfully abusing systems for their own personal apolitical advantage, it be the blissful ignorant apathy and convenient lack of inquiring intelligence of the masses, [which is now rapidly and rabidly being globally/universally addressed], is that which the tale and film show tells.
Cynicism and scepticism suggest far too strongly and incorrectly that there be much thought used to phish and phorm a valid accurate and valuable opinion based upon questionable elements of the truth which are being cynically concealed and/or not being fully revealed. Hide the truth and you be a sworn enemy of the free state and a captive controller of a mined mind command, and that creates all sort of increasing emerging problems ……
The Challenge of Going Dark
Technology has forever changed the world we live in. We’re online, in one way or another, all day long. Our phones and computers have become reflections of our personalities, our interests, and our identities. They hold much that is important to us.
And with that comes a desire to protect our privacy and our data—you want to share your lives with the people you choose. I sure do. But the FBI has a sworn duty to keep every American safe from crime and terrorism, and technology has become the tool of choice for some very dangerous people.
Unfortunately, the law hasn’t kept pace with technology, and this disconnect has created a significant public safety problem. We call it “Going Dark,” and what it means is this: Those charged with protecting our people aren’t always able to access the evidence we need to prosecute crime and prevent terrorism even with lawful authority. We have the legal authority to intercept and access communications and information pursuant to court order, but we often lack the technical ability to do so.
We face two overlapping challenges. The first concerns real-time court-ordered interception of what we call “data in motion,” such as phone calls, e-mail, and live chat sessions. The second challenge concerns court-ordered access to data stored on our devices, such as e-mail, text messages, photos, and videos—or what we call “data at rest.” And both real-time communication and stored data are increasingly encrypted.….

amanfromMars 1 [1410191603] having more of a say on
Re: The Meme Genie is out of the Bottle and Mad as Hell*, Real Smart,
And here's someone else stating the bleeding obvious, and realising there be struggles and losing battles for waging to try and come to terms with real and virtual terrain teams who are better not engaged and classified as foe to be opposed and competed against, rather than recognised as a distant learned friend to be lavishly supported and encouraged to perform better for the greater benefit of all lowly mankind than has ever been thought possible before ........
The Defense Personnel Security Research Center (PERSEREC) Cyberculture and Personnel Security project addresses a looming concern for personnel security: how computer technology and participation in cyber environments is changing which and how information and activities should be evaluated during employee vetting and workforce management. Security-minded organizations are broadly aware that society is being affected by new devices, and are putting policies into place to deal with the constantly changing environment, but the present project takes a different approach by focusing on understanding the long-term implications of these changes. The systemic changes brought about by technology might make obsolete some of the basic assumptions about what needs to be considered during personnel security investigations and adjudications. This research indicates that personnel security may face new behaviors of concern that occur in cyberspace but spill over into real life. In addition, cyberspace expands the range of counterintelligence concerns, such as through activities that increase the disclosure of personal information. The present report is the first in a planned series of related reports. It outlines both the major concerns and the state of knowledge prior to conducting additional research. This information is of interest to all members of the personnel security community, including policy planners, investigators, adjudicators, and employees. In addition, a second independently released report entitled “Cyber Culture and Personnel Security: Report II - Ethnographic Analysis of Second Life,” is based on empirical data and begins to address some of the unknowns. ... James A. Riedel, Director, Defense Personnel Security Research Center, 20 Ryan Ranch Road, Suite 290, Monterey, CA 93940

amanfromMars said ….. replying on
:-) .. Doing things the right way doesn't send you crazy, CE, but it can make those and that doing things the wrong way and badly, mad as hell and ranting and raving like lunatics.
Such is their problem though to try and live with and command with control.
19 October 2014 16:37

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