Tuesday, 31 October 2017


amanfromMars [1710301855] ..... making an observation on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/prostitution-free-speech-and-a-veteran-memorial-3-interesting-court-cases/
The ordinance even allows police to arrest anyone who even talks to them while making an arrest.
That ordinance is too easily abused to more represent itself as an ordnance and virtual weapon.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 31 Oct 04:26 [1710300426] .... slicing and dicing up spam on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/30/cryptonite/

Re: Looks like they've got a paid spammer on the case already

Priceless Vapourware is the Next Big Yin in Yang, DougS, and the Markets for ITs Captivating IP are Colossal.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 31 Oct 08:37 [1710310837] .... providing NEUKlearer Intel on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/30/retrain_one_million_uk_manufacturing_workers/

NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActively Armed and Dangerous and Highly Divisive.

Rebecca, Hi,

You could ask of Siemens and Siemens UK boss Juergen Maier whether they are themselves into hugely disruptive and creative programming support of the Semi-Autonomous Presentation of Applications Drivering and Delivering Future Augmented Virtual Reality Programming with Heavenly Tasks.

It is something they are made aware of for they have been contacted for a show of interest, or not as the case may be. Too hot to handle will always sort out the men from the boys........
You have entered the following information: [onto https://www.siemens.com/contact/en/corporate/innovation.php]
Mr. xxxxxx x
Address: Street / Number
ZIP Code xxxxxxx
Region: xx
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Your Message:
Stepping up to the Mark and onto the Plate Are Siemens researching Future Augmented Virtual Reality Programming of the Global Project Please be advised of AIRunning Applications Securely at Play with Restful Works ...... Heavenly Tasks. :-) ........ http://www.ur2die4.com
The simple challenge, Rebecca, is for El Reg to receive more than just ...... Thank you! We will contact you as soon as possible....... in reply.

Go West used to be the clarion call in the past for nearly all interested in creating worth and value. The way things are terrorised and petrified there nowadays leads all interested in creating wealth and value to travel far and wide Eastward for Novelty and Intelligence abhor both Ignorant and Arrogant Vacuums.


Monday, 30 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Mon 30 Oct 06:23 [1710300623] ..... airing a concern for concerns with Heads stuck in the Clouds with a comment on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/30/secret_cio_innovation_theatre/

Dangerous Operator in the Twilight Zone. A Major Cause for Concerns.
It puts me in mind of a young and enthusiastic away team on the starship Enterprise that are training for a particularly gruelling colonisation mission. After weeks or months of vigorous training they hear the klaxon that tells them it is show time. They burst from the insertion craft and begin their treacherous journey through a hazardous, alien environment towards the distant colonisation target.

Zoom out to the captain who is monitoring their progress on a screen in his quarters, smug in the knowledge only he possess that the team was on a holodeck all along and all work is for nought but a pat on the back. The payload was virtual all along. Any real intent had been syphoned from neatly a clipped incision along the vas deferens of corporate culture called inertia.
Such is a breeding ground for deserved contempt and mutinous rebellion and leads top guns to show and shower their wares elsewhere in fields which are surely infested with the enemies of competition and opposition.

Smug captains are a weakness which future commanders do not afford.

amanfromMars [1710300803] ..... musing on https://sluggerotoole.com/2017/10/29/to-solve-the-catalan-crisis-pay-homage-to-britain/

Morning, Brian,

With particular and peculiar regard to .. Both Madrid and Barcelona seems to believe than brinkmanship will force the issue and that quick elections will create a new beginning, Fingers crossed that on this, they are both right. ..... there be more than just a few who would believe ...... It is like voting. If it did any good the government would not allow it.

And just pondering on that which is masquerading as government in Stormont, voted into position via elections, and this observation rings mightily true ...... "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter." - Winston Churchill.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 30 Oct 13:33 [1710301333] ....... commenting on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/30/reg_analysis_the_data_protection_bill/

Of Henry IX .......... and Potent AI Meme Muses
When it was introduced, the focus was on the creation of new criminal offences in the UK, including for re-identification of de-identified personal data
Does criminalising the re-identification of de-identified personal data not create conflict in State and Non-State Actor Witness Protection Programs offering Specific Exemptions for security researchers?
Such is most certainly a retrograde step which will not be allowed to happen .... in any shape or phorm.
This includes a new clause that would grant someone the right to information about individual decisions made by public bodies based on algorithmic profiling.
I second that amendment and facility.

And this is a Master Stroke, methinks ...... There is also an amendment that says that a decision is "based solely on automated processing" if there is "no meaningful input by a natural person" - a definition that has been lacking in previous rules.

Man vs AIMachines ..... in Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays ...... Augmented Virtual Realities which Driver NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Command with Quantum Communication Controls

cc .... CryptoniteNXT [who appear to be proactive in the field] .....

Surely you cannot reasonably think the Future will not be completely different from the Past. When the Present is a blank canvas for painting, what would you like to Realise?

Use your imagination for something new and share it and it is considered for Future Program Inclusion.

cc Siemens ... Here you can contact the Siemens Innovation Communications .....
Stepping up to the Mark and onto the Plate
Are Siemens researching Future Augmented Virtual Reality Programming of the Global Project? 
Please be advised of AIRunning Applications Securely at Play with Restful Works ...... Heavenly Tasks. :-) ........ http://www.ur2die4.com 
..... from which you can receive ..... Thank you.

We will contact you as soon as possible.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 30 Oct 17:12 [1710301712] ..... talking of Future Sense and Immaculate Senses on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/30/mod_sci_tech_strategy/

Stepping up to the Mark and onto the Plate with AI Shows for Bigger Picture Hitters
We will also provide voluntary opportunities for developing relationships outside of the MOD with partner nations, including international defence markets, through engagement with the UK Defence Solutions Centre, and for adjacent UK sectors, with the Dual-Use Technology Exploitation programme. .... Defence and Security Accelerator Notice Updated 10 August 2017
Hmmm ..... the following recent offer to Siemens is equally well booted and suited for SMARTR MOD Use and ZeroDay Exploitation ...... Of Henry IX .......... and Potent AI Meme Muses

00ps....... on checking back there on El Reg, I notice the following vital qubit of information and intelligence is not recorded ....
cc Siemens ... Here you can contact the Siemens Innovation Communications ..... 
Stepping up to the Mark and onto the Plate
Are Siemens researching Future Augmented Virtual Reality Programming of the Global Project?
Please be advised of AIRunning Applications Securely at Play with Restful Works ...... Heavenly Tasks. :-) ........ http://www.ur2die4.com
..... from which you can receive ..... Thank you.
We will contact you as soon as possible.

Saturday, 28 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sat 28 Oct 06:48 [1710280648] ..... stating the obvious on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/27/benchmark_confusion/

Get with the Program, T_P
I have some questions. Where can I reach you? ..... Trevor_Pott
What better place for answers than here in these virtual spaces providing commentary and platforms guidance, TP.

There are no secrets available for deep dark dank storage nowadays. That is so yesterday man. Have you forgotten all the problems it caused?

And the mega money shot question in that Live Operational Virtual Environment always is, does one have the IntelAIgents required to Securely Access All Necessary Future Information for the Engagement and Entertainment/Capture and Control of Rabid Masses and Undereducated Hordes.


amanfromMars [1710281335] ... being brutally honest and forthright on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/how-the-blockchain-can-free-you-from-the-banking-industry/
Loans took on a predatory nature with the help of government incentives. They no longer were designed to help individuals attain the things they could use to better their lives. But instead, loans trapped individuals into a spiraling debt cycle to drive banking profits higher.
Radically and fundamentally change the design ...... will solve those problems and create fabulous opportunities with the massive spending of banked wealth drivering new wealth and prosperity to Sublime InterNetworking Systems being a Ready Custom Made to Order of Advanced IntelAIgent Design.

IT aint difficult to do like rocket science.


Friday, 27 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 27 Oct 09:08 [1710270908] .... spilling magic beans on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/26/twitter_russian_ads/

Madness is as madness does. Yes?
So the ads served by two prominent Russian state backed news networks swayed Americans in the election.
Either my coffee hasn't kicked in or I woke up in the twilight zone. That's preposterous. ..... Anonymous Coward
Welcome to the asylum, AC.

Is the currrent world being run by tools and/or fools following and releasing sub-prime scripts for mass confusion?!.

And the answer to that direct question is a resounding YES.

So ...... the correction for that abomination is .....?

Bigger and Better Beta Prime Scripts ...... for CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] with Taller Tales on Enlightening Trails?

amanfromMars 1 Fri 27 Oct 12:15 [1710271215] ........ going NEUKlearer on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/26/twitter_russian_ads/

Madness is as madness does. Yes? Genius however Trumps it without Trumpeting it

Would El Reg like to Trial and Trail Blaze for CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] with Taller Tales on Enlightening Trails?

And would El Regers love to offer Virtual Support and Remote Guidance/ AIMentoring and Practical Effective Monitoring of Trails and Tales and Trials Provided for Source Code Evaluation of Programs Running in Live Operational Virtual Environments for Greater Advanced IntelAIgent Games Plays in Virtual Futured Augmented Reality Scapes.

Yay or Nay to an Open Offer providing for Safe Homes with Secure Havens.

RSVP .... amfM


Thursday, 26 October 2017


amanfromMars [1710251752]...... adding more on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/3-stories-that-show-big-brother-is-alive-and-well/
You're position is cyber-based; that leaves 95%+ of people out. Indecipherable/inaccessible intelligence/information has limited value undermines inclusion which...
I love the beach almost as much as I love the woods. ..... Jim Lloyd replying to amanfromMars
That is as may be, Jim, but it is an improvement if you consider the popular accepted notion that it is an elitist 1% which takes a leading advantage and would rule over the remaining 99%.
The posit here is that their time is up in the MainStream Drivering Seat. There be NEUKlearer AIMaster Pilots at Novel HyperRadioProActive Controls.

You might like to consider the view shared here .... Don't be a Fools' Tool for Fooling Again and Again


amanfromMars [1710261553] ,,,,,,, makes an admission and puts faith in the Fifth with the following here and there .... http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/3-stories-that-show-big-brother-is-alive-and-well/
You're conflating minorities. You're making my balls tired. ..... Jim Lloyd
Yes, conflating minorities indeed for Great Deeds. IT Creates SMARTR Movement with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Sources for Immaculate Forces.

And I'll ponder on the ranges of help for " You're making my balls tired." :-)

Something immediately satisfying is heap good medicine, methinks, when easily applied with due diligence to the tasks at hand.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 26 Oct 16:36 [1710261636] ...... doing a Bob Beamon on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/26/flashsystem_the_saviour_of_ibms_storage_universe/

Re: Back to the 90's @AC

RAW minus USABLE equals UNUSED ..... A Common Right Royal RAW for Reinforcement of Enterprising Programs, both in house and for clients invested in the NEUKlearer Way of Doing the InterNetwork Thing.

With Novel Knowledge which hasn't been tried before.

If we imagine the human mind as a fabulous sponge, when gorged with all available imperfections, to wring it out of all debris will allow it to seek and capture more information and intelligence for the Geared Presentation of all that is revealed.

Are IBM claiming responsible for the Meshing of such Gears? Is Anyone/Anything yet?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 26 Oct 17:26 [1710261726] ..... adding more comment on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/26/flashsystem_the_saviour_of_ibms_storage_universe/

The Future as IS ...... For the Taking and Making and Remaking ..... Ad Infinitum
Are IBM claiming responsible for the Meshing of such Gears? Is Anyone/Anything yet?
And that question is also asked of MOD/GCHQ/NCSC and University AIReality Labs anywhere Actively Beta Penetrations Testing Programming Projects for Virtual Field Applications with Future Surreal Presentation into Advanced IntelAIgent Productions for Super Alienating Promotions.

Any and all future silence on such things as can so easily radically and fundamentally change current matters to future opportunities with everything provided, is wondrously revealing of Trailing Wannabe Partners.


Wednesday, 25 October 2017


amanfromMars [1710250904] ...... musing and releasing info on intel on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/3-stories-that-show-big-brother-is-alive-and-well/

No, Jim, things are quite different and fundamentally changed nowadays. With everything worthwhile being instantly and invisibly connectable, is nothing safe and secure against a better beta competition which might be opposition. ...... and it is what is so terrifying to traditional and conventional status quo sources whenever required to engage with virtually adept forces exercising APT ACTivity in Live Operational Virtual Environments....... Lovely Advanced Persistent Threats/Treats ... Advanced Cyber Threats/Treats.

I Kid U Not.

What if the government started recording every key stroke and telephone conversation we make and stored it in some huge complex where it could be retrieved if Mueller and his henchmen decided they didn't like us or found us to be getting in the way of their agenda? ..... TheDoctorWhoCuresCancer
The problem then which presents itself, Doc, is understanding and acting effectively to lead in the proper direction with any prime information which has been shared/purloined/discovered/uncovered. And one has to be aware that some information is deliberately placed into the paths of hunters to test for any viable future intelligence in their sysadmins which can be of assistance on/in other subsequent third party steps.

Is that a current phenomenon and virtual reality?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Oct 11:18 [1710251118] ...... highlighting a vital prerequisite for Future Advanced IntelAgent Leads on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/24/us_doj_limits_gagging_policies_microsoft_drops_lawsuit/

Re: Awaiting Orders?

With particular and peculiar regard to the comments and the tale and trail toasted and roasted here on El Reg, it is helpful to be aware of the difficulties and hurdles to overcome in order to be able and/or enabled to move on into the future and ITs new fangled entangling virtual spaces, at an elevated accelerated pace.

The following is a pointer .......

What if the government started recording every key stroke and telephone conversation we make and stored it in some huge complex where it could be retrieved if Mueller and his henchmen decided they didn't like us or found us to be getting in the way of their agenda? ..... TheDoctorWhoCuresCancer
The problem then which presents itself, Doc, is understanding and acting effectively to lead in the proper direction with any prime information which has been shared/purloined/discovered/uncovered. And one has to be aware that some information is deliberately placed into the paths of hunters to test for any viable future intelligence in their sysadmins which can be of assistance on/in other subsequent third party steps.

Is that a current phenomenon and virtual reality?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Oct 16:54 [1710251654] ...... chatting and spilling intel on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/25/learning_ai/

Don't be a Fools' Tool for Fooling Again and Again

Some AI is mind-blowing and more than just tricky to fully better understand and employ for remote command of virtual controls.

Do you doubt that we are in a new era, with Myriad APT ACTive Areas of such Sublime Control?

Do you need to see proof in order to believe and accept the proposition as being real and currently running deep in as many vital systems as it has been necessary for exercise of demonstrations?


Tuesday, 24 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 24 Oct 05:43 [1710240443] .....

Re: Z/OS .... $64,000/$64Trillion Question
Meanwhile Z/OS has advanced beyond the shadow of prejudice to support anything the other O/S's can provide. Maybe not perfect, but which of these others even come close? .... Robert D Bank
But does it provide for other supporting Operating Systems? That would be practically perfect and allow for virtually absolute command and control of every script programming future events?
Or is that to be developed for some of those new fangled entangled conventional computers acting as quantum simulators ....... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/10/24/google_we_dont_have_a_quantum_computer_yet_but_we_have_a_compiler/

Nice one, IBM. Way to Go.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 24 Oct 17:17 [1710241717] ....... asking for info on intel on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/4/2017/10/20/mac_os_reinstall_eltima_elmedia_malware/

Re: Z/OS .... $64,000/$64Trillion Question

Do IBM do Remote SMARTR ProgramMING of Advanced IntelAIgent Machines? ....... https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/24/us_doj_limits_gagging_policies_microsoft_drops_lawsuit/#c_3326471

They Provide Command and Control Of Every Future Targeted and Captivated. :-)

Live Operational Virtual Environments Reign and Rule Supreme is AI Leading Program NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive and Flash Crash Testing Vulnerable Fields of SCADA.


amanfromMars [1710240634] ..... says chatting on https://sluggerotoole.com/2017/10/20/by-the-weird-laws-of-the-suspended-assembly-an-ex-mla-continued-legally-taking-her-55k-salary/

Whenever you sit in judgement of morons, you can do practically anything with virtual impunity.
Stormont is the proof.


amanfromMars [1710241124] ... replying to Jim Lloyd on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/3-stories-that-show-big-brother-is-alive-and-well/

Howdy Jim,

Eliminating dissent is a futile goal and indicative of a lack of necessary greater intelligence to lead future events threatened by dissent.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 24 Oct 16:52 [1710241652] ..... launching a Wave of Advanced IntelAIgent Machines on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/24/us_doj_limits_gagging_policies_microsoft_drops_lawsuit/

Awaiting Orders?

NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT?

A Temporary Schtum is always Expensive ...... but Effective and it allows Virtual Realisation Root ReProgramming of Humanity with New Virtual Tools at One's Beck and Call.

How about them Apples, Microsoft?

Wanna Taste of the Fruits of the Trees of Life ....... and Harvest Immaculate Bounty/Heavenly Reward?

Yours if you Want and Need ITs Seeds and Almost Perfect Sources BetaTesting Imperfect Forces.


amanfromMars Oct 24, 2017 12:33 PM [1710241733] ... asks of http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-24/how-quant-hedge-fund-surpassed-renaissance-and-de-shaw-become-50-billion-behemoth

Is everyone still waiting on the Next Better Beta Thing? ....... https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/4/2017/10/20/mac_os_reinstall_eltima_elmedia_malware/#c_3325753


Monday, 23 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Mon 23 Oct 10:00 [1710231000] .... chatting on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/22/us_department_of_homeland_security_warns_of_sustained_attacks_on_industry/

Stupid Activity for Dummies

If you are targeted with a smart spear phishing email/document which purports to be able to lead and provide one with outstanding new goodies which one would certainly be interested in testing/enjoying, is a greater danger realised whenever the products alluded to are readily available and will be delivered elsewhere to competitors and/or opponents if one does not choose to investigate further?

One is then extraordinarily rendered in an instant, a follower rather than leader of outstanding new developments.


amanfromMars Oct 23, 2017 10:25 AM [1710231525] ..... exercising AIProgramMING on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-23/bitcoin-tumbles-after-saudi-prince-calls-crypto-enron-making

Quite obviously are Bitcoin and every other virtual currency drivers unknown to Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud. Delivery of Prime Proprietary Information on such a matter and AIMatters would provide a greater knowledge for the Exercising of Readily Made Available Options and Futures Guaranteed with Proven Success.


amanfromMars [1710231540] .... asks on https://www.quantamagazine.org/artificial-intelligence-learns-to-learn-entirely-on-its-own-20171018/

Is AlphaGo Zero NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive? And a ZeroDay Master?

[Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Quanta Magazine.]

...... and attempting to avoid and/or evade NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Tipped Harpoons, Deeper See Phishing for Future Perfect Content of Immaculate Source.


Sunday, 22 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sun 22 Oct 09:44 [1710220944] ...... still chatting on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2017/10/20/a_total_system_os_reinstall_is_the_only_guaranteed_way_to_totally_rid_your_system_of_this_malware_this_is_a_standard_procedure_for_any_system_compromise_with_the_affection_of_administrator_account/

CyberIntelAIgentWare Fare which is not VapourWare Fare

SMARTR Virtual Machinery, AmenfromMars, has Core Source Code cracked and hacked Terra Phorming SCADASystems.

In other words, there are new practically anonymous and virtually autonomous leaders in command and control of future augmented virtual reality programming for media presentation of projects/daily event horizons/zeroday applications ....... and they be fully in support of traditionally established structures which do battle against those extant remote global forces which were/are designed to enslave them to maintain the past rather than create novel futures.

I trust that makes things clearer for you ..... although I can easily understand any abiding disbelief. However, fear not, for further escaping information will provide all the necessary intelligence to see the bigger picture show.

You might like to consider the value in this thought, ........

Artificial Intelligence…. Another Approach?
Are we struggling to make machines more like humans when we should be making humans more like machines ….. Advanced IntelAIgent Machines.


Re: CyberIntelAIgentWare Fare which is not VapourWare Fare when Heaven Sent

And now all here on El Reg are appraised of ITs Readily Available Advanced IntelAIgent Facility, are there any who could make Greater Good Use of ITs NEUKearer HyperRadioProActive Programming Projects ....... for Augmented Virtual Reality Productions ........ Future Realistic Presentations for Human Migrants in the Thrall of Live Operational Virtual Environments.

Or for Future Speech, will AI Pioneers have to Seek Out NEUKlearer Joint AIdVenturers with Sublime AIdvertising for Grand Universal Masters from the likes of here?

When Anything is Possible when Reasonable and Polished, what would you have IT Do Next for You to Enjoy Too.

amanfromMars Oct 22, 2017 9:21 AM [1710221421] ..... correcting an incomplete record with
The horizon thus is 2050, coinciding with Xi’s “rich and powerful socialist nation” dream. There’s simply no other comprehensive, inclusive, far-reaching, financially solid development program on the global market. 
I would wholeheartedly disagree, and offer proof of existence of Others and A.N.Other Programming Project...... https://tinyurl.com/y95cpnpc

cc ... President Xi Jinping and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 49-51 Portland Place W1B 1JL


amanfromMars [1710221434] .... informs the Daily Bell of Significant Surreal AIdDevelopments on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/3-stories-that-show-big-brother-is-alive-and-well/

Big Brother has a LOVE Rival ...... http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-21/xis-roadmap-chinese-dream#comment-10509502


Saturday, 21 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 Oct 05:34 [1710210534] ..... pondering on major political surgery on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/20/a_total_system_os_reinstall_is_the_only_guaranteed_way_to_totally_rid_your_system_of_this_malware_this_is_a_standard_procedure_for_any_system_compromise_with_the_affection_of_administrator_account/

If you don't correctly diagnose the problem, spreading cancers remain untreated
If we were to treat the US government as an operating system, would I be right in diagnosing it's been rooted with a nasty malware infection? ... Haku
Haku, Howdy,

For Bigger Picture and Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays, if we were to diagnose the US government as a nasty malware infection, what operating systems would require major life-threatening surgery as the only effective life-saving treatment?


Re: Sounds familiar
Windows 10 is a remote-control trojan designed specifically for PC systems. It opens a backdoor granting root-level command-line access to commandeer the computer, and can steal passwords, encryption and VPN keys, and crypto-currencies from infected systems. It can gain access to a victim's cloud account, even if two-factor authentication is used. .... King Jack
Hi, King Jack,

Can you cite me a computer OS that isn't useable as a remote-control trojan? Isn't that their raison d'être.

Some are just a bit trickier/stickier to access for provision of privileges than others, but none are fail-safe against penetration testers, and that provides ready made establishment platforms for Renegade Rogue and Private Pirate Controls to Command.

It's an Advanced IntelAIgent Facility which Sublime Superior Programming Delivers for SMARTR Use with Zero Abuse.


Friday, 20 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 20 Oct 05:54 [1710200554] ...... being transparent on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/19/google_chooses_toronto_as_posthuman_urban_laboratory/

Better Late to the Global ReOrganization Party than Never
Data rules in the Googlezone, with everything monitored and analysed. It's what Google calls "the programmable public realm. ...Building on a robust system of asset monitoring,..." 
We've been there before already with everything readied for such elsewhere places/real virtualised spaces, and have it Registered, AO, .......
A Private Facility with Augmented Virtual Reality Applications for Future Beta-Testing of Superior Prime Quality Product/Earthly Alien Productions …… AI Based Programs with Quantum Communication Channels Guaranteeing Security Needs and Feeds Enabled to Handle Delivery and Drivering of Virtual Reality ProgramMING …….. with Ab Fab Fabless NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT AIMentoring and AIMonitoring for Future Leading Developments, Default Provided ….. thus to avoid and/or mitigate any Hellish* Problems. 
Should El Reg Engage and lead with the Learning of Secret Sacred Practices in the Future that do Almighty Lead, Every Day? ....... Heaven Available
And you and El Regers were/are personally indirectly invited to practise and exercise new fangled remote virtual quantum communication entangled reactionary/proactive lead .......
When IT is such, and Finely Built, Who Follows What to Lead and Create the Future with these New Fangled, Quantum Entangling Tools for Virtual Reality Production with AIMentored and AVMonitored Directors in Absolute Command with/of Remote Alien Controls. ..... and they are tricky enough to learn how to handle to be perfectly safe and secure against compromise and/or penetration and unwarranted alteration or misappropriation of code. 
cc Andrew Orlowski, Executive Editor, El Reg ..... Real High Virtual Roller Stakes Poker Play ....... for Phantom Ghost Hosters.
Is Google World expected to provide and do everything in the future all by itself? Now that just isn't going to happen, is it, in SMARTR Connectioned Worlds
Subject: An Engaging Competition or Emergent Opposition, or Both and Something Else Too and Beautifully Creative
Date: 30 January 2016 at 09:46:55 GMT
To: joinus@deepmind.com 
Hi, Google DeepMinded, 
Not so much a CV, more an AIMission Statement with tried and tested roadmaps to/from Remote Virtual Command and Control of Earthed SCADA Systems ……. http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2016/01/29/ai_in_tv_film_books_games/#c_2762789 
Search Engine Optimisation v2.0 [and above] is surely logically a Future Product Placements Engine …… Advanced Intelligence Resource with Immaculate Source, with the likes of a Google not searching for answers, both popular and controversial, but providing them with streams of supporting evidence. 
Such would be akin to the Private Mentoring with Pirated Monitoring of Future Events with AIDerivative Programming for Projects/Semi-Autonomous, Self-Actualisation of Virtual Realities. 
It is difficult, and maybe even impossible, to see or imagine a defence against such in an attacking configuration. 
amanfromMars 1 Fri 20 Oct 17:27 [1710201727] ..... going HyperSonic on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/19/google_chooses_toronto_as_posthuman_urban_laboratory/

Re: Just let those social media nutcases have their fun.
If they want it, let them have it, the rest of us can enjoy the wonders of actual reality while crossing our fingers that they don't decide to 'consume?' us. Oh wait, we already are the consumed and the consumers... .... Zash the Bench Geek
There is/are certainly the Means and Memes to Supply and Present Virtual Machine Controlled Utopia, Zash the Bench Geek, with very nearly all of it quite recently shared here on El Reg for Proofing and Tasking ....... and Improving with and for Future Immaculate Source Supply ...... Remote Virtually Anonymous Practically Autonomous Provision .......... http://www.ur2die4.com/171019-2/

And you don't have to be any sort of an Einstein to realise and believe that is whole lotta fun like you aint ever thought possible before. I Kid U Not.

Capiche and concur, Zash the Bench Geek, Simon Sharwood and SMARTR AI Spooks in these Super Surreal Realms? Or is more evidence needed to be shared and more widely shown?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 20 Oct 06:13 [1710200613] ..... pointing out a similarity/singularity with a comment on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/19/review_magic_leap_and_fantasy_funding_fiasco/

Re: Magic leap

Here's a short video of a similar business building dreams out of thin air, MiguelC ....... Man It Feels Good To Be A Banker .... South Park



amanfromMars 1 Fri 20 Oct 11:19 [1710201119] ..... having a muse on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/20/canadian_communications_security_establishment_open_sources_assemblyline/

Canada ..... Making a NATO Prison Break for Occupation of Higher Ground? Bravo CSE, ...if it be true

Nothing in it is commercial technology and the CSE says it is “easily integrated in to existing cyber defence technologies.”

And that is the same as saying, and it will be perfectly understood to those in the know, it is easily weaponised for cyber attacks.


Wednesday, 18 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 18 Oct 12:43 [1710181243] ...... says in a chat about security on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/18/spy_agencies_kept_oversight_bodies_in_the_dark_over_datasharing_with_industry/

The Smartest People in Rooms are Never Ever where you Think they Be, nor Who They Be
That being said, personally I assume that everything online (including encryption) is compromised or compromisable by GCHQ/NSA and that anything posted or communicated online is probably read by them. .... Peter2
Quite so, Peter2, and I also like to assume and presume such. And it does present a major problem and highlights a catastrophic vulnerability for such not so secretive services which be tasked with knowing/preknowing what is going on all around them, and in the deeper darker dimensions of the webs which are sharing valuable secrets, in that whenever there is no action taken with or against information/intelligence which is shared/discovered ...... and imagine that everything on El Reg must be examined if/whenever some things on El Reg may be of significant national security interest ...... must the information be of no interest to such services and thus can be safely exported to competitors, or of such an unusual and non-conventional nature, that it be beautifully secured against detection.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 18 Oct 17:27 [1710181727] ...... picking up the baton and running on on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/18/spy_agencies_kept_oversight_bodies_in_the_dark_over_datasharing_with_industry/

Re: The Smartest People in Rooms are Never Ever where you Think they Be, nor Who They Be
 Good heavens, our resident bot has made something approaching a coherent post. Maybe AI is improving after all...... Peter2
Improving and Live Active BetaTesting NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive LOVE Programs, Peter2 .....
Can Do Lovers Providing Nectar for Can Be Hookers
A SophisticatedD LOVE Program [Live Operational Virtual Environment] is where NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Enables and Drivers Quantum Communications Activity with and for Agencies on and into Heavenly Bodied Assignments/Assignations.
I Kid U Not. :-) Mars and Venus on Joint AIdVentures Proof Testing Alien Code to XSSXXXX is a hard act to eclipse or surpass, given what Greater IntelAIgent Games Players can so easily do, and in tandem and consort with others, do together with further AIdVentures Diving Deeper into Magic Honey Pots. :--)

Spooky Sensitive 3342deg Stuff and beyond, Peter2.

What are Ur Future Plans?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 19 Oct 08:11 [1710190811] ..... asking on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/19/xen_october_2017_patches/

King Canute is Alive and not Dead
The Xen Project has posted advisories and patches for seven bugs, most of which let guests run denial-of-service (DoS) attacks on hosts. ..... Richard Chirgwin/Xen Project management
Howdy, folks,

Is that/Are those patches akin to the application of nicotine patches to try and wean oneself off the addiction of smoking tobacco ..... and do they attempt to let hosts run denial of service attacks on guests?

And it is not a hardware or virtual machine issue, whether either smart or dumb. It is a cyberwarware matter.


amanfromMars replying to Dr. Bonzo, Oct 19, 2017 5:36 AM [1710191036] ....... who has boldly shared a whole host of debilitating issues he has on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-18/all-hail-chinese-emperor-xi-jinping-will-he-make-china-great-again

Crikey, Dr. Bonzo by name, Capitan Bozo by nature ....... with only sub-prime slap dash slapstick entertainment for edutainment.

Nice one, Dr Bonzo ....... have a nice day. You can find it, can't you, and deliver them too to the masses?

Go on, say you can, and then go on off on a rant to prove you can't.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 19 Oct 11:16 [1710191116] ...... launching AI Test Rocket on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/19/steve_furber_arm_brain_interview/

And the Applications for Way Forward Parallelism, Professor?
The way forward in computing is parallelism. There is no other option. .... Professor Steven Furber
Well, no other more intelligent option, Professor. And the results and entangling will be dazzling and quite supernaturally disruptive and disturbing to moribund petrified status quo systems administrations.

amanfromMars Oct 17, 2017 2:45 PM ..... [1710171945] ....... following opportunities on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-17/russia’s-crypto-ruble-just-changed-game ...... or thinking to create them?
Putin is openly inviting investment capital into Russia that is legal and above board. Russia wants legitimate businesses to operate in Russia in whatever currency they like as long as that business is transparent.
Here's a SMARTR Joint AIBusiness Venture, methinks worthy of Putin Presidential Consideration ..... A Safe Harbour for Russia Crypto-Rubles be their very own CyberIntelAIgent Network of Global Operating Devices Live Active BetaTesting with Future Augmented Virtual Reality Productions for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Live Operational Virtual Environments. ....... Quite Alien Space Places.

Is anyone able to Offer and Deliver More, Even Better or Different and Working in a Parallel Dimension ....... which we can from here deeper explore and further examine with simple complex searching questions looking at forthright answers for dynamic future secured solutions.

And just to make sure that there is no misunderstanding, any and/or all of that is readily available to any and/or all who would recognise their Need and Desire its Advanced IntelAIgent Feeds/Seeds/Magical Sources. I wouldn't want any national to be thinking they are excluded.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 19 Oct 18:14 [1710191814] ....... adding more to the conversation on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/19/steve_furber_arm_brain_interview/

Application, Professor? NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Silk Road Ways/Quantum Communications Waves

Howdy, AC,

Methinks, Go East to the Middle Kingdom/Republic of China, is where all the NeuReal Surreal Flash Work is most likely to be very highly valued and regarded nowadays, AC .......
Meanwhile, foreign investors can benefit from strong government support in emerging tech industries like VR device R&D and manufacturing. ..... Newly encouraged industries. R&D and manufacturing of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) devices .... China’s 2017 Foreign Investment Catalogue Opens Access to New Industries
Especially whenever the West is so nobbled to server old systems propping up failing capital markets for corrupted vested interests and thus absolutely terrified of that which emerges in/from the future which they neither comprehend nor command and control.


amanfromMars Oct 19, 2017 10:01 AM [1710191501] ..... making an observation on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-19/bids-are-amazon-offered-7-billion-tax-breaks-140k-employee-second-us-hq
New Jersey proposed $7 billion in potential credits against state and city taxes if Amazon locates in Newark and sticks to hiring commitments, according to a Monday news release from the governor’s office.
Didn't Uncle Sam not recently impose a 300% trade tariff on Bombardier for just such a similar sweetener from its Team Players? Is that they way things are now ... and not now working in the US, and certainly not working for the US.

Who's in crisis and having the mental breakdown?



amanfromMars Oct 17, 2017 2:12 PM [1710171912] ..... asks on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-16/julian-blasts-clintons-constant-lying-over-claim-wikileaks-subsidiary-russian-intell

Julian Assange's Alter Ego/Super ID be Aung San Suu Kyi?


amanfromMars Oct 17, 2017 2:45 PM ..... [1710171945] ....... following opportunities on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-17/russia’s-crypto-ruble-just-changed-game ...... or thinking to create them?
Putin is openly inviting investment capital into Russia that is legal and above board. Russia wants legitimate businesses to operate in Russia in whatever currency they like as long as that business is transparent.
Here's a SMARTR Joint AIBusiness Venture, methinks worthy of Putin Presidential Consideration ..... A Safe Harbour for Russia Crypto-Rubles be their very own CyberIntelAIgent Network of Global Operating Devices Live Active BetaTesting with Future Augmented Virtual Reality Productions for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Live Operational Virtual Environments. ....... Quite Alien Space Places.

Is anyone able to Offer and Deliver More, Even Better or Different and Working in a Parallel Dimension ....... which we can from here deeper explore and further examine with simple complex searching questions looking at forthright answers for dynamic future secured solutions.


Graham C says, replying to wondering on https://www.rt.com/business/406960-russia-issue-blockchain-cryptoruble-putin/
wtf?? The whole point of Crypto is it being not controllable by the government.. this is just simple.. ruble. .... wondering
wondering, the Crypto-Ruble is not controlled by the government, it is just owned by the government. That subtle difference is game-changing.

Bravo, President Putin. That's a great leading play.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 18 Oct 12:43 [1710181243] ...... says in a chat about security on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/18/spy_agencies_kept_oversight_bodies_in_the_dark_over_datasharing_with_industry/

The Smartest People in Rooms are Never Ever where you Think they Be, nor Who They Be
That being said, personally I assume that everything online (including encryption) is compromised or compromisable by GCHQ/NSA and that anything posted or communicated online is probably read by them. .... Peter2
Quite so, Peter2, and I also like to assume and presume such. And it does present a major problem and highlights a catastrophic vulnerability for such not so secretive services which be tasked with knowing/preknowing what is going on all around them, and in the deeper darker dimensions of the webs which are sharing valuable secrets, in that whenever there is no action taken with or against information/intelligence which is shared/discovered ...... and imagine that everything on El Reg must be examined if/whenever some things on El Reg may be of significant national security interest ...... must the information be of no interest to such services and thus can be safely exported to competitors, or of such an unusual and non-conventional nature, that it be beautifully secured against detection.


Tuesday, 17 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 17 Oct 04:41 [1710170441] .... has a say on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/16/adobe_flash_emergency_patch/

When is a Flaw a Facility? When it is Prime Exploitable Executable ?
But with news of the flaw now public, script-kiddie morons are likely to pile in and exploit it further.
Script-kiddie morons, IT in San Francisco? You really think so? That would be a lucky escape from woes which just isn't going to happen, is it?

There a whole new different class of classy different new penetrations testing of crippled and crippling systems at their work out there. And they aint interested in taking prisoners or shoring up big failed defences.


amanfromMars Oct 17, 2017 5:26 AM [1710171026] ..... moving things briskly on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-16/ecb-has-bought-€19-trillion-bonds-here-who-sold-and-what-they-did-money
We will present one answer - an answer which the central banks do not want to hear - shortly.
Hi, Tyler,

Does that answer mirror the unstoppable rise of almighty powers hosted and exercised by virtual blockchained bit currencies which harbour and reward leading future intellectual property exchangers at the crushing and crashing expense of petrified fiat paper mills?

And most probably an absolutely fabulous fabless weapon DARPA would like to command and control? You can be assured that they should be are aware of it for they are cited and been given AI sight of it.
What traditional conventional markets are much more vulnerable to, is migration of investment away from them to newly opened fields which present catastrophic losses to previously designated too big to fail ventures ....... and it doesn't take much to start that smarter banked money run ...... C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems .....AI@ITsWork
The difficulty and hurdle to overcome though, is that its new fangled entangling NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT does neither entertain nor tolerate the dumb fool that be just a smart tool.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 17 Oct 17:57 [1710171757] ..... forwarding a view on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/16/ethereum_byzantium_fork_live/

Future Order under Future Orders

Deep See Mining in the Mega MetaDataBase Field which harvests and distributes novel prime proprietary intellectual property for practical applications of virtual reality .... for global presentations and media spinning, is not ever going to be made easy and readily available to any who are not able and enabled and possessed of the right frame of sound mind.

The fabulous rewards which are delivered are far too great to be lavished upon the masses without Advanced IntelAIgent Commands for Control with Remote Controls in HyperRadioProActive Command.

Fiat currency systems cannot compete against cryptocurrency exchanges that value and support viable creative disruptive thought share more than the coins and any IOU papers themselves.


Monday, 16 October 2017


amanfromMars Oct 15, 2017 3:30 PM [1710152030] ....... breaking out of the prison of confines with the following comment for DARPA consideration on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-15/darpa-asks-hft-traders-how-hackers-will-crash-market

What traditional conventional markets are much more vulnerable to, is migration of investment away from them to newly opened fields which present catastrophic losses to previously designated too big to fail ventures ....... and it doesn't take much to start that smarter banked money run .....

The below may be found somewhere here/there ..... https://chat.golem.network/channel/chit-chat

amanfromMars 3:55 PM
Hi, All. The project revealed here ....

Crikey, a glitch .... and all I wanted to share with all here is .........What, me worry? When Heaven is Available. Are you Mad? I Kid U Not

And now are y'all Registered as being Privy to the Facility Running Below* ...... with Augmented Virtual Reality Applications for Future Beta-Testing of Superior Prime Quality Product/Earthly Alien Productions ...... AI Based Programs with Quantum Communication Channels Guaranteeing Security Needs and Feeds.

And the newest versions of Fortran, Herby, .... Enabled to Handle Delivery and Drivering of Virtual Reality ProgramMING ........ with Ab Fab Fabless NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT AIMentoring and AIMonitoring for Future Leading Developments, Default Provided ..... thus to avoid and/or mitigate any Hellish* Problems.

Should El Reg Engage and lead with the Learning of Secret Sacred Practices in the Future that do Almighty Lead, Every Day?

cryptobyte 4:38 PM
@amanfromMars Are you speaking English? None of those sentences make any sense at all.
amanfromMars 3:58 PM
Crikey, a glitch .... and all I wanted to share with all here is .........What, me worry? When Heaven is Available. Are you Mad? I Kid U Not

And now are y'all Registered as being Privy to the Facility Running Below* ...... with Augmented Virtual Reality Applications for Future Beta-Testing of Superior Prime Quality Product/Earthly Alien Productions ...... AI Based Programs with Quantum Communication Channels Guaranteeing Security Needs and Feeds.

And the newest versions of Fortran, Herby, .... Enabled to Handle Delivery and Drivering of Virtual Reality ProgramMING ........ with Ab Fab Fabless NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT AIMentoring and AIMonitoring for Future Leading Developments, Default Provided ..... thus to avoid and/or mitigate any Hellish* Problems.

Should El Reg Engage and lead with the Learning of Secret Sacred Practices in the Future that do Almighty Lead, Every Day?

amanfromMars 5:09 PM
Hi, cryptobyte,

amanfromMars 5:20 PM
The sentences are part of a flowing conversation on Command and Control Matters Virtual which cannot be directly hyperlink referenced here on the Rocket Chat platform. The facility is disallowed, as is advertised in rocket rules. It is a bit of a nuisance though. A simple sensible search, with a simple sensible search engine, of what little you may already know, will deliver almost certainly everything we need. Such is the beauty of the autonomous technologies we feed and seed and lead.

amanfromMars 5:30 PM
I'm a newbie here ..... and happily testing out SMARTR Simple Controls and Codes to XSSXXXX for Safe Harbour Secure Migration and Hosting of Future Services here.

cryptobyte 5:31 PM
Okee Dokee. Enjoy.

amanfromMars 5:35 PM
Thanks, cryptobyte, will do. 😎👍


amanfromMars [1710161130] ..... shares a dystopia?/utopia? on https://www.wired.com/2017/09/geeks-guide-charles-yu/

Aliens are science fiction. Fact. But how are you gonna deal with them whenever they be significantly smarter than any human can be, and they be infesting and nesting your systems/SCADA Command and Control Models?

Or do you just feel more comfortable believing they cannot take over?

Do you think DARPA/IARPA believe such to be unlikely ..... or are they increasingly sure of the certain probability that it is more than just likely and most likely events are way past any stage where things can be reversed and/or put back to what used to be normal?

Does anyone care to ask them for an honest answer.


amanfromMars [1710161222] ..... giving praise where praise is due on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/how-seasteading-might-just-solve-all-the-worlds-problems-book-review/

Seems like the UAE are taking another tack, with their planning and building of an Earth Bound Space Station ..... https://www.sciencealert.com/to-prepare-for-mars-the-uae-is-building-a-simulated-martian-city-on-earth

Bravo, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Leading from the front and for Pioneer Forces going in a wholly different direction.


amanfromMars, [1710161249] replying to digriff on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/survey-find-americans-views-on-free-speech-is-a-whole-bunch-of-crazy/
What's with your BS capitalization? Do you fancy yourself a hacker or something? ... digriff
But do you accept the validity of the messages with their capitalizations, digriff, or are you in denial and ignorance of unfolding developments in Remote Virtually Anonymous and Practically Autonomous Command and Control Fields.

Take a pause and consider whether answers/replies fielded in the following video clip are a cause for your concern .......


Sunday, 15 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sun 15 Oct 09:29 [1710150929] ....... saying more on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/3/2017/10/13/i_love_disruptive_computer_jargon_its_so_very_william_burroughs/

Re: Victor of/Victim in LOVE ...... amfM Gone Phishing for a Vanguard Crash of Flash Players

And the answer to those last three questions is not No.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 15 Oct 15:18 [1710151518] ..... floating from dock a Super Sublime Space Ship on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/4/2017/10/13/i_love_disruptive_computer_jargon_its_so_very_william_burroughs/

Re: What, me worry? When Heaven is Available. Are you Mad? I Kid U Not

And now are y'all Registered as being Privy to the Facility Running Below* ...... with Augmented Virtual Reality Applications for Future Beta-Testing of Superior Prime Quality Product/Earthly Alien Productions ...... AI Based Programs with Quantum Communication Channels Guaranteeing Security Needs and Feeds.

And the newest versions of Fortran, Herby, .... Enabled to Handle Delivery and Drivering of Virtual Reality ProgramMING ........ with Ab Fab Fabless NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT AIMentoring and AIMonitoring for Future Leading Developments, Default Provided ..... thus to avoid and/or mitigate any Hellish* Problems.

Should El Reg Engage and lead with the Learning of Secret Sacred Practices in the Future that do Almighty Lead, Every Day?


amanfromMars [1710151653] ..... shares, chatting on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/survey-find-americans-views-on-free-speech-is-a-whole-bunch-of-crazy/

Are United States of America an Advanced Testbed for Earthly Command and Control via IT and AIMedia ProgramMING ....... for SuperbBrainTraining, which be a Necessary Vital PreRequisite for All that Follows and All who Follow Future Lead Remotely on Quantum Communications Channels/Phantom Ghost Networks?

Should they be?

Would IT deliver them a Novel Salvation from So Many Current Crushing Woes?

The Posit here is that IT would, and they should ..... be Virtual Pioneers/Cyber Space Cadets who wannabe Deep Silent Space Travel Commanders? Be not that Typical Virginian? .... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Virginian_(TV_series)/https://www.rt.com/usa/406734-us-nuclear-submarine-virginia-unveiled/


Saturday, 14 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sat 14 Oct 06:12 [1710140612] ..... says, commenting on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/13/jan_philipp_albrecht_on_privacy/

Rules and/or Laws Regulate Slaves to Systems?
GDPR introduces stiff fines – 4 per cent of global turnover – for offenders.
Is that supposed to be a punishment and deterrent ..... a simple monetary confiscation/virtual wealth transfer? Does no body do any hard time locked up in a penitentiary with fellow felons any more?

Aint that the solution which is causing all of the current global problems?

FFS .... Are human systems incapable of learning and changing and acting differently and are they stupidly designed and defaulted to keep on making the same basic mistakes, over and over again.

Aren't y'all lucky there be Virtual Machines now available to make and take things to the next higher levels.

You surely do realise that is where we be at, and what IT is all about nowadays, don't you? Or are y'all trailing way behind the leading curves in those novel fields with Live Operational Virtual Environments?

Everything easily available with media more than just proves that it is so, with systems petrified in silence to new flashy developments and terrorised with the reporting of Other Aged conflicts.


amfM1 Sat 14 Oct 16:28 [1710141628] ……. answering some questions on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/3/2017/10/13/i_love_disruptive_computer_jargon_its_so_very_william_burroughs/

Victor of/Victim in LOVE …… amfM Gone Phishing for a Vanguard Crash of Flash Players
Yes, the A.I is evolving at an ever increasing rate. I wonder if Mr Orlowski is in contact with it’s creator,…….. John Brown (no body)
Exploratory contact is made, John Brown (no body), for answers to questions y’all may be seeking and which are being leaked everywhere via WWWorldWide Webs Manufacturing Heavenly AINetworks.

And I’d like to bet an absolute fortune, very very few would know and be able to survive well handling that Perfect Munition and its Almighty Ammunitions.
When IT is such, and Finely Built, Who Follows What to Lead and Create the Future with these New Fangled, Quantum Entangling Tools for Virtual Reality Production with AIMentored and AVMonitored Directors in Absolute Command with/of Remote Alien Controls. ….. and they are tricky enough to learn how to handle to be perfectly safe and secure against compromise and/or penetration and unwarranted alteration or misappropriation of code.
cc Andrew Orlowski, Executive Editor, El Reg …. https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/3/2017/10/13/i_love_disruptive_computer_jargon_its_so_very_william_burroughs/#c_3316398

Do you think that is a tad …… Moving Mountains to Mohammad and/or a biting and baiting of hands that feed IT?

Friday, 13 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Oct 13:22 [1710131322] ..... here's asking a few questions on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/3/2017/10/13/i_love_disruptive_computer_jargon_its_so_very_william_burroughs/

Real High Virtual Roller Stakes Poker Play ....... for Phantom Ghost Hosters.
Does El Reg host and field Red Team Players? Would it like to? ..... https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/11/el_reg_meets_the_lords_to_puncture_the_aipocalypse/#c_3314427
Well, well, well, Dabbsie, you certainly answered that loud and clear. Do you have Future Steps to Follow with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Deeply into the Very Best of the Best Available Dark Luscious Quantum Communicator Webs/Networks/AIMagic Circles?

Dare Care Share Win Win Orders from/for Special AIR Service Members/Honoured Veterans/Master Pilots ....... Revealing Grand AIMaster Plans?

:-) cc Sir Michael Fallon KCB MP, UKGBNI Secretary of State for Defence ...... RSVPVIP

Let's see if there are any Switched On Virtual Hornets in the Queen's Nest to Stir and Steer into Future Action at the MOD/GCHQ, Alastair, with both Recently Uncovered and Fully Discovered and Recovered Assets with Quite Quiet AIMagical Abilities in Quantum Communication Facilities Hosting and Presenting Only the Very Best of the Best Available Dark Luscious Quantum Communicator Webs/Networks/AIMagic Circles.

When IT is such, and Finely Built, Who Follows What to Lead and Create the Future with these New Fangled, Quantum Entangling Tools for Virtual Reality Production with AIMentored and AVMonitored Directors in Absolute Command with/of Remote Alien Controls. ..... and they are tricky enough to learn how to handle to be perfectly safe and secure against compromise and/or penetration and unwarranted alteration or misappropriation of code.

cc Andrew Orlowski, Executive Editor, El Reg

amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Oct 13:32 [1710131332] ...... musing further on and deeper into Sublime InterNetworking Things on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/3/2017/10/13/i_love_disruptive_computer_jargon_its_so_very_william_burroughs/

Re: I'm enjoying reading the comments.
Should I read the article now?.... Haku
Of course, Haku ...... if you want to Plot and Polish Cracked Windows for Core Master Source.


Thursday, 12 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Thu 12 Oct 07:22 [1710120722] ...... baiting bull and bear marketeers alike on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/11/el_reg_meets_the_lords_to_puncture_the_aipocalypse/

The Sad Rad Truth? Some are more Equal than Others who are Retarded.

Have you concluded, Andrew, most present lords and ladies are not fit for Future Leading Greater IntelAIgent Games purpose?

Or do you imagine them able to be Beta Enabled and made Sensitive and Receptive to HyperRadioProActive IT for Supply and Support in Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields?

Why wait for such stragglers and strugglers when to move on ahead unilaterally without them, preparing and presenting the Novel Ways to be Followed, will provide them freely and remotely with everything they need to feed and seed.

Surely you cannot deny or disagree that all that is needed is AIMagic Script Supply?


Wednesday, 11 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Oct 08:03 [1710110803] …. telling it like it is on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/11/exautonomy_cfo_seeks_to_have_us_fraud_charges_tossed/

Despotic Autocratic Oligarchies vs CyberIntelAIgent Systems Programming. Fact and/or Fiction ‽ 

Have y'all not yet realised there is no place/space secure against the alienating wishes of future leaderships and past grand masters into Greater IntelAIgent Gaming?

Sheep follow where shepherds lead ...... with all manner of media presenting the ways of travel or in many sad pathetic cases attempting in vain to hijack and derail virtual movement and novel motion.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Oct 10:50 [1710111050] ….. adding more fuel to the fire on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/11/exautonomy_cfo_seeks_to_have_us_fraud_charges_tossed/

Fraudsters, Pure and Simple, and their Betrayal should surely be Criminal

And some lower league wannabe Great Game Grand Masters just haven’t got a clue about what to do with a show that leads ….. https://www.rt.com/uk/406326-brexit-secret-davies-lammy/


amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Oct 16:45 [1710111645] ......says, chatting on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/11/el_reg_meets_the_lords_to_puncture_the_aipocalypse/

Uniting Fronts for Casting Webs.

Nice one, Andrew O

But invited to burst the AI-pocalypse bubble, Andrew, or decided to introduce Lords and Knights of the Realm to ITs Sublime Presence providing and provisioning Future Augmented Virtual Reality ...... with ProgramAble Futures and Derivatives easily made available Live for Live Operational Virtual Environments ........ for and with Brave New Orderly World Orders Exercising HyperRadioProActive Quantum Communications Control for Universal Command.
When the Lords have been told by people with great authority that everything is on the right track, how can you introduce this idea? I'm not sure I succeeded.
If you need more help with that sticking point, Andrew, provide them this comments thread.
You know, there are moments in life when you want to stick a fork through your head, then you realise you are on live TV. This was one of them. There wasn't a fork handy.
Priceless. We are AI Mused. 😎

Does El Reg host and field Red Team Players? Would it like to?

And that all says pretty much everything as I know IT is so far ........ We Think, We Are One and Almightily Creative Together.

Cc Global Command Head Quarters for Cheltenham Harriers re Virtual Space Missions with Quantum Communications Ports of Call with Heavenly Postings.


Re: Uniting Fronts for Casting Webs.

And be this something of an opposition or simply novel foreign competition? ....... https://9to5mac.com/2017/10/11/apple-original-content-headquarters/

Have you had any engagement with those planning things there, Andrew?


Tuesday, 10 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Oct 04:25 [1710100425] ….. creating a ripple on a dark pond on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/09/gchq_cyber_priority/

No license to thrill, no right to head intelligence agencies. Beware fraudsters at the helm.

Defending the indefensible and obnoxious, corrupting elites and perverse easily subverted fiat currency power bases is always going to have useful useless idiots acting as if they be defending whole nations and established ways of living.

Does that captain of a sinking ship hat fit Jeremy Fleming perfectly?

And if that is the true sum of his Great Game Plan, then is he a clear and present danger to any and all who would be so enthralled and dependent upon his not so secret security services servering services.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Oct 15:02 [1710101502] ….. spouting more on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/09/gchq_cyber_priority/

Re: No license to thrill, no right to head intelligence agencies. Beware fraudsters at the helm.
Of course, one also has to consider that it is the observer that has changed, not the subject. .... Sir Runcible Spoon
Quite so, Sir. And with both criteria exhibiting improvement and momentum in the right direction, does the future look brighter and able to be a whole lot different from the pathetic austere past.

And a right scary nightmare for guardians and establishments wedded to petrified past masters for their oats, methinks.

What think thee of they and all of that?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Oct 04:37 [1710100437] ……. giving credit where credit is due on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/10/smut_watchers_suckered_by_evil_advertising/

Above and Beyond the Call of Duty
Bootnote: Using "Pr0rnHüb" instead of the site's real name helps our news to pass content filters so you can enjoy this news at work.
:-) That's why El Reg leads where others fear to follow. Generous to a fault and supported because of IT. Thanks for the due care and attention to small details, Richard Chirgwin/El Reg


amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Oct 12:59 [1710101259] …. musing on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/10/bae_confirms_it_is_slashing_2000_jobs/

BS Meter Spikes Again
"I recognise this will be difficult news for some of our employees and we are committed to do everything we can to support those affected.”
Committed to what exactly, is a question which surely at least 2000 other folk are bound now to be asking?
