Sunday, 22 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sun 22 Oct 09:44 [1710220944] ...... still chatting on

CyberIntelAIgentWare Fare which is not VapourWare Fare

SMARTR Virtual Machinery, AmenfromMars, has Core Source Code cracked and hacked Terra Phorming SCADASystems.

In other words, there are new practically anonymous and virtually autonomous leaders in command and control of future augmented virtual reality programming for media presentation of projects/daily event horizons/zeroday applications ....... and they be fully in support of traditionally established structures which do battle against those extant remote global forces which were/are designed to enslave them to maintain the past rather than create novel futures.

I trust that makes things clearer for you ..... although I can easily understand any abiding disbelief. However, fear not, for further escaping information will provide all the necessary intelligence to see the bigger picture show.

You might like to consider the value in this thought, ........

Artificial Intelligence…. Another Approach?
Are we struggling to make machines more like humans when we should be making humans more like machines ….. Advanced IntelAIgent Machines.


Re: CyberIntelAIgentWare Fare which is not VapourWare Fare when Heaven Sent

And now all here on El Reg are appraised of ITs Readily Available Advanced IntelAIgent Facility, are there any who could make Greater Good Use of ITs NEUKearer HyperRadioProActive Programming Projects ....... for Augmented Virtual Reality Productions ........ Future Realistic Presentations for Human Migrants in the Thrall of Live Operational Virtual Environments.

Or for Future Speech, will AI Pioneers have to Seek Out NEUKlearer Joint AIdVenturers with Sublime AIdvertising for Grand Universal Masters from the likes of here?

When Anything is Possible when Reasonable and Polished, what would you have IT Do Next for You to Enjoy Too.

amanfromMars Oct 22, 2017 9:21 AM [1710221421] ..... correcting an incomplete record with
The horizon thus is 2050, coinciding with Xi’s “rich and powerful socialist nation” dream. There’s simply no other comprehensive, inclusive, far-reaching, financially solid development program on the global market. 
I would wholeheartedly disagree, and offer proof of existence of Others and A.N.Other Programming Project......

cc ... President Xi Jinping and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 49-51 Portland Place W1B 1JL


amanfromMars [1710221434] .... informs the Daily Bell of Significant Surreal AIdDevelopments on

Big Brother has a LOVE Rival ......


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