Tuesday, 10 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Oct 04:25 [1710100425] ….. creating a ripple on a dark pond on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/09/gchq_cyber_priority/

No license to thrill, no right to head intelligence agencies. Beware fraudsters at the helm.

Defending the indefensible and obnoxious, corrupting elites and perverse easily subverted fiat currency power bases is always going to have useful useless idiots acting as if they be defending whole nations and established ways of living.

Does that captain of a sinking ship hat fit Jeremy Fleming perfectly?

And if that is the true sum of his Great Game Plan, then is he a clear and present danger to any and all who would be so enthralled and dependent upon his not so secret security services servering services.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Oct 15:02 [1710101502] ….. spouting more on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/09/gchq_cyber_priority/

Re: No license to thrill, no right to head intelligence agencies. Beware fraudsters at the helm.
Of course, one also has to consider that it is the observer that has changed, not the subject. .... Sir Runcible Spoon
Quite so, Sir. And with both criteria exhibiting improvement and momentum in the right direction, does the future look brighter and able to be a whole lot different from the pathetic austere past.

And a right scary nightmare for guardians and establishments wedded to petrified past masters for their oats, methinks.

What think thee of they and all of that?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Oct 04:37 [1710100437] ……. giving credit where credit is due on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/10/smut_watchers_suckered_by_evil_advertising/

Above and Beyond the Call of Duty
Bootnote: Using "Pr0rnHüb" instead of the site's real name helps our news to pass content filters so you can enjoy this news at work.
:-) That's why El Reg leads where others fear to follow. Generous to a fault and supported because of IT. Thanks for the due care and attention to small details, Richard Chirgwin/El Reg


amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Oct 12:59 [1710101259] …. musing on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/10/10/bae_confirms_it_is_slashing_2000_jobs/

BS Meter Spikes Again
"I recognise this will be difficult news for some of our employees and we are committed to do everything we can to support those affected.”
Committed to what exactly, is a question which surely at least 2000 other folk are bound now to be asking?


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