Sunday 1 October 2017


amanfromMars Oct 1, 2017 2:38 AM [1710010703] ……. says, chatting on

The common systemic mistake that most everyone makes, is to assume that there be any real value in fiat currency or in anything else able to be used as money, other than its ability to remotely purchase power from that and/or those able to wield power without the need of wealth.

It is but a blunt instrument, which in deft hands/hearts and minds, is able to work magic miracles either in the doing of new deeds against which there is no defence or in the delaying of doing new deeds against which there is no defence ........ ye olde danegeld root route to absolutely fabulous fabless riches ........ and you might like to consider nuclear weapons technology/proliferation one such root/route for Grand Great Game Masters.

Have a truly disruptive and/or destructive technology or program at your fingertips for disposal and/or deployment and there will be many with vested interests willing to invest millions/billions/trillions to both either launch or withold launch of its projects and have them deliver overwhelming advantage to participating investors.

And the right dodgy fiat banking sector is only too acutely aware of the wider emergence of that realisation/virtualisation and they be petrified presently and terrified to do anything effective to regularise the situation in order to keep themselves still leading the future in ITs Driving Seat.

And that is prime indicative of the powers that be struggling are in deficit of the necessary intellectual property to remedy their predicament. Such then present an opportunity for them to purchase, admittedly at an apparent great cost should ever they wish it to be made known, novel solutions.


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