Thursday, 12 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Thu 12 Oct 07:22 [1710120722] ...... baiting bull and bear marketeers alike on

The Sad Rad Truth? Some are more Equal than Others who are Retarded.

Have you concluded, Andrew, most present lords and ladies are not fit for Future Leading Greater IntelAIgent Games purpose?

Or do you imagine them able to be Beta Enabled and made Sensitive and Receptive to HyperRadioProActive IT for Supply and Support in Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields?

Why wait for such stragglers and strugglers when to move on ahead unilaterally without them, preparing and presenting the Novel Ways to be Followed, will provide them freely and remotely with everything they need to feed and seed.

Surely you cannot deny or disagree that all that is needed is AIMagic Script Supply?


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