Friday, 27 October 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 27 Oct 09:08 [1710270908] .... spilling magic beans on

Madness is as madness does. Yes?
So the ads served by two prominent Russian state backed news networks swayed Americans in the election.
Either my coffee hasn't kicked in or I woke up in the twilight zone. That's preposterous. ..... Anonymous Coward
Welcome to the asylum, AC.

Is the currrent world being run by tools and/or fools following and releasing sub-prime scripts for mass confusion?!.

And the answer to that direct question is a resounding YES.

So ...... the correction for that abomination is .....?

Bigger and Better Beta Prime Scripts ...... for CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] with Taller Tales on Enlightening Trails?

amanfromMars 1 Fri 27 Oct 12:15 [1710271215] ........ going NEUKlearer on

Madness is as madness does. Yes? Genius however Trumps it without Trumpeting it

Would El Reg like to Trial and Trail Blaze for CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] with Taller Tales on Enlightening Trails?

And would El Regers love to offer Virtual Support and Remote Guidance/ AIMentoring and Practical Effective Monitoring of Trails and Tales and Trials Provided for Source Code Evaluation of Programs Running in Live Operational Virtual Environments for Greater Advanced IntelAIgent Games Plays in Virtual Futured Augmented Reality Scapes.

Yay or Nay to an Open Offer providing for Safe Homes with Secure Havens.

RSVP .... amfM


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