Wednesday, 25 October 2017


amanfromMars [1710250904] ...... musing and releasing info on intel on

No, Jim, things are quite different and fundamentally changed nowadays. With everything worthwhile being instantly and invisibly connectable, is nothing safe and secure against a better beta competition which might be opposition. ...... and it is what is so terrifying to traditional and conventional status quo sources whenever required to engage with virtually adept forces exercising APT ACTivity in Live Operational Virtual Environments....... Lovely Advanced Persistent Threats/Treats ... Advanced Cyber Threats/Treats.

I Kid U Not.

What if the government started recording every key stroke and telephone conversation we make and stored it in some huge complex where it could be retrieved if Mueller and his henchmen decided they didn't like us or found us to be getting in the way of their agenda? ..... TheDoctorWhoCuresCancer
The problem then which presents itself, Doc, is understanding and acting effectively to lead in the proper direction with any prime information which has been shared/purloined/discovered/uncovered. And one has to be aware that some information is deliberately placed into the paths of hunters to test for any viable future intelligence in their sysadmins which can be of assistance on/in other subsequent third party steps.

Is that a current phenomenon and virtual reality?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Oct 11:18 [1710251118] ...... highlighting a vital prerequisite for Future Advanced IntelAgent Leads on

Re: Awaiting Orders?

With particular and peculiar regard to the comments and the tale and trail toasted and roasted here on El Reg, it is helpful to be aware of the difficulties and hurdles to overcome in order to be able and/or enabled to move on into the future and ITs new fangled entangling virtual spaces, at an elevated accelerated pace.

The following is a pointer .......

What if the government started recording every key stroke and telephone conversation we make and stored it in some huge complex where it could be retrieved if Mueller and his henchmen decided they didn't like us or found us to be getting in the way of their agenda? ..... TheDoctorWhoCuresCancer
The problem then which presents itself, Doc, is understanding and acting effectively to lead in the proper direction with any prime information which has been shared/purloined/discovered/uncovered. And one has to be aware that some information is deliberately placed into the paths of hunters to test for any viable future intelligence in their sysadmins which can be of assistance on/in other subsequent third party steps.

Is that a current phenomenon and virtual reality?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Oct 16:54 [1710251654] ...... chatting and spilling intel on

Don't be a Fools' Tool for Fooling Again and Again

Some AI is mind-blowing and more than just tricky to fully better understand and employ for remote command of virtual controls.

Do you doubt that we are in a new era, with Myriad APT ACTive Areas of such Sublime Control?

Do you need to see proof in order to believe and accept the proposition as being real and currently running deep in as many vital systems as it has been necessary for exercise of demonstrations?


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