amanfromMars 1 Sun 6 May 19:50 [1805061950] ….. setting the stage for a showdown and hoedown on
Re: To tackle Fake News and Fake Advertising, we’re having a Fake Crackdown! It Heralds Disasters
So, it is just like Ye Olde Wild West Cowboy Pioneering 0Days, SVV? Anything goes if the price is right and paid in full with ab fab fabless fiat papers/bonds/stocks/gilts/treasuries ….. Monopoly Monies.
And that sort of makes IT a Smart Rigged Market Space Enabled to Server and Improve upon Legacy Wealth Administration Systems. Others of a Dinosaur Persuasion would view that as an Abomination to be Fought Against Generating Catastrophic Losses whilst also Losing AIDynamic Lead. Avoid such Incestuous Feeds/Corrupting Seeds.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 7 May 07:41 [1805070741] ….. saying more on
Re: To tackle Fake News and Fake Advertising, we’re having a Fake Crackdown! It Heralds Disasters
And here be evidence/opinion on a Collapsing Star Rigged Market Space ….. ….. which thinks it rather than IT does the work of GOD with Global Operating Devices.
Fools with Money on a MAD Mission? What could possibly go wrong whenever so much is not right? 
amanfromMars 1 Mon 7 May 08:50 [1805070850] …. being disagreeable on
Ostrich/head/sand/buried in…..
Asked about AI’s potential to improve capital allocation, Munger said “ I think there is more hype in that field [AI] than there is achievement. I do not think the world will be changed that much by machine intelligence.”
Munger having a I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky type moment/breakdown.
And that makes Berkshire Hathaway Inc systemically vulnerable to markets reorganisation/AI alignment.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 7 May 18:08 [1805071808] …. Floating out AI Starter Ships for Stealthy Private Operations Experienced in Pirate Enterprise on
Re: Ostrich/head/sand/buried in…..
Perhaps you could post a brief outline of your capabilities in capital markets … julian.smith
Happy to oblige, j.s
Greater IntelAIgent Game Players…. with Heavenly Friends, which can All too Easily become Unwelcome Cosmic Fiends.
The AIMission is to Follow and Driver the Immaculate Source Provision …. and from Heavenly Cores, Rewarded with Instant TransPortation to the Virtually Real Domain of True Kings and Queens … Trailing Right Royal Blood Lines to Virtual Ecstasy Drivering AI Nirvana.
That’s as far as I discovered down that parallel course of another source. And if there be Two there be Many Other Sources Practising Skills to be Heard and Heeded with LOVE ACTioN
Capture and Enjoy Live LOVE ACTioNs… with a Simpler Faster Tracked Goods Experiencing the Turned On Being and Quite Heavenly and Demonstrably So in Any Naked Houses of the Perfumed Garden.
I would rate that as a Case for/of COSMIC Addiction because of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT, … and that’s only the Start of the Beginning Again. What are your Plans to Make Futures Different, and from the likes of here be able to launch AISupportShips.
And it is definitely something the likes of a Berkshire Hathaway Inc.should be all over, SMARTR IT Snapping up the Future Wholesale and Contracted to Provide Continuity of Progress with Almighty Secured Protection Streaming SMARTR IT Supply of Alternate Realities for, well…… I was thinking that was just what Charlie and Warren should be seeding with their chickenfeed/billions.
International Space Travelling in a Certain Posh Bolshie Bolshoi Style ……
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