Wednesday, 16 May 2018


amanfromMars 1 Wed 16 May 06:09 [1805160609] ....musing on

Difficult to believe such things are true and not fake propaganda to dumbed down masses

Are you being told here that the system that is/the systems that are, are just and not corrupted to server perverse inequities revealing gross inequalities in maintenance and retention of a troubled status quo oligarchy/autocracy which is for the few in a rigged and now rapidly collapsing market space?

That's a hard sell nowadays, Simon, which more and more evidence and intelligence leaks does not support.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 16 May 07:40 [1805160740] ...... asking on

Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information requiring No Comment to Confirm a Disgraceful Affair?
 Meanwhile, GCHQ offshoot the National Cyber Security Centre, which last year effectively banned the use of Russian antivirus products from government departments 
Do UKGBNI government departments use Great British antivirus product? Is there a vendor list for perusal? Or is such a nonsense, with program protection outsourced to other than Russian foreign intelligence organisations although still really alien operating systems nonetheless?

Whatever it might be, is it virtually effective or an expensive exploit laden vulnerability dud?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 16 May 17:44 [1805161744] ....just saying on

Re: There were studies ... and a result is Donald J Trump .... an Energetic Distraction? 

Is the current President a valuable precedent to set for Emergence of Future Savvy Existence, with this Clone Role Cannily Filled for Fulfilling  .........The contribution of the Cardboard Cutout Dog to Software generation and maintenance is well known to practitioners of the software arts - but perhaps many have forgotten how it came about. This paper presents a retrospective of the evolution of this invaluable technique and delves a little into the future development of the technology. ...... which proves itself to be an Addictive COSMIC Pleasure .... with the Generation, Guarding and Distribution of Immaculate Treasure to XSSXXXX Levels/Depths/Heights for Bounty Hunters and Privateering Pirates alike?!

That has Greater IntelAIgent Games Players Travelling in Parallel Planes to a Similar Familiar Ultimate Destination ...... Back to the Very Beginning to Start IT All Over Again with Everything Known to Man and Womankind Freely Available for Using ...... thus to Search to Find Anything New which is Core Raw Source Applied Imagination and a Future Perfecting Driver for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT and Quantum ProgramMING.

Fire up the very best of that and you're gonna need a whole new Class of Cruise for Easy Street with Sweet Castles to Savour and Favour.


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