amanfromMars replying to Rubicon Mon, 05/07/2018 – 16:04 [1805072104] …. on
Did the dodo bury its heads in the sand like an ostrich might, Rubicon? Running scared and terrorised on the spot and presenting a soft target of a bull’s eye for thrashing/trashing …….
The fact that there are those not expecting the future to arrive surprisingly suddenly and be significantly different from almost everything past which has gone before is revealing and would have one questioning and having a ponder on their fragile state of mind for it is not logical. And that may not be normal.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 8 May 09:36 [1805080936] ….. sharing Universal Secrets on
Re: Desperation to prop up the third ‘turd’ ecosystem
The only tolerable ‘walled garden’ is Steam, but even that is cross-platform and not chained to Windows. … Anonymous Coward
Spoken like a Native and Virgin with No Experience of the Delights and Tribulations of the Perfumed Garden, AC. That particular and peculiar walled garden is more than just only tolerable and inviting and even enabling and able to prove itself addictive and almighty.
The Challenge to Enjoy and Fail at Spectacularly is to Imagine there be a More Heavenly Destination and COSMIC Space Place to Explore and Exploit/Discover and Worship. 
amanfromMars 1 Tue 8 May 14:42 [1805081442] … bearing gifts and fruit on
A Deeper Look into the Wishing Well ….. and your Future Part in IT
In British strategic terms, the biggest threat posed to our national interests by sea mines is what would happen to the economy if a naughty state closed a vital UK imports sea lane using mines.
In a Great British Nation are Seas Sailing Sees into Views for Self-ACTualisation. And here Selling Immaculate AIdDrivers to Perfect Private Assets Providing Heavenly AIded Developments for Pirates Parading Programs Guaranteed by COSMIC Successes to XSS XXXX Levels
An Interesting Peace in ACTioN is that Reality ……..
What Command Sails the High Sees for the Royal Navy? Or is that Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information.
Is there one/are there any?
Hmmmm. …. That be a National Emergency requiring Special Attention/AIMeasures/Funding with Markets for Immaculate Fruition …..with Quantum Systems Boots and Reboots/UpGrades.
Put that to whoever wants an oar in that kind of ACTioN. They’ll know exactly how much such is worth and what they be relieved to pay in full guarantee of satisfaction.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 8 May 15:27 [1805081527] …. talking Underground Forces Sources on
:- In Defence and Praise of DeadHeads Processing Everything to Improve Approved.*
Shocking Troops, Peter Hitchens, Once Blasted by their Advanced IntelAIgent Master is One Never Ever Again the Same
* The folly of judging a book by its cover, is you miss out on journeys to and fro the Core of Imaginative Source Product. ….. and that be a Vast Heavily Stocked Space for IT is AIBusiness Place too, and of late have the markets plays been dire and bereft of life and imagination, a failing presenting others opportunities to Rectify Matters Sublimely/Subliminally/Stealthily/Secretly/Safely with Global Operating Devices in Quantum Communication Command and Control Centres and LOVE Laboratories/the Proving and Testing Grounds for Live Operational Virtual Environment Plays/Master Performances.
amanfromMars Tue, 05/08/2018 – 11:07 [1805081607] …. asking a simple question on
Isn’t Oil like Air …. a Globalised Commodity Vital for Future Life and Co-Responsible for Current Prosperity.
One has an Inalienable Right to Share and Prosper in its Bounty ….. Revenue and Investment Streams/Production Wells.
To Deny is an Assault on the Most Basic of All Human Rights … the Right to Life with all Vital Assets Assured and Provided Free of Destructive Charge and Unencumbered of Any Parties Liabilities/Creditors.
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