Thursday, 10 May 2018


amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 May 04:48 [1805100448] .... having a say on

The Quantum State .... where this is that and also able to be anything else completely different

Don't disbelieve everything you read on the internet is just as helpful a statement whenever so much for real is faked and leads the hoi polloi to dead ends on old trails.

And the questions to ask for further information and intelligence on all about that is .... Why the subterfuge and subversion, the corruption and the perversion? Who and/or what profits and survives insatiable and rabid?


G C H Q 10 May 2018 9:20AM [1805100920] .... asking a few simple questions on
However, BT will borrow £2bn by issuing bonds and pay it straight into the pension deficit. The bonds will be acquired by the pension scheme itself. An earlier plan to pledge network assets to trustees to reduce the need for more cash was abandoned.
Hmmm? Is that not a perfect enough copy of a Ponzi scheme activity and usually criminal?
And is it also wilfully trading whilst bankrupt, both of which can be costly to the fine tune of billions?


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