amanfromMars 1 Mon 9 Mar 12:40 [2003091240] …… just asking on
Re: All very up beat but …
If you don’t know in advance what the answers are likely to be and don’t know how they are arrived at (typical legitimate characteristics of black box investigative AI) the one thing you have left to rely on is stability of the underlying mechanisms of decision making. ….. Mike 137
But, Mike 137, is there always in human centric circles an inherent systemic petrification and powerful endemic command and control problem whenever one knows in advance of how things are most likely to be [because one has been so informed and advised] but one isn’t privy to how such things are actually to be arrived at …… because that particular information is of a peculiar intelligence which is proprietary intellectual property, extremely valuable and easily misused and abused for almighty destruction and/or disruption?
Do you think AI would be bothered by that or even think to bother itself with that?
amanfromMars 1 Mon 9 Mar 13:05 [2003091305] ….. practising being cynical on
In Praise of Pyrrhic Victories ….
The default means that Facebook is one step closer to winning the case and collecting a hefty damages bill
So, bundles/bungs of pretty paper money doing their relatively ineffective thing …. although I’m not sure whether shekels are acceptable or US dollars are expected ….. although with both of them being little more than a fig leaf, what does it matter
amanfromMars 1 Mon 9 Mar 14:34 [2003091434] ….. having a disagreeable take on
Right Royal Dodgy is as Right Royal Dodgy does …..
Attending a court hearing is an implicit concession that the court has jurisdiction and standing to consider the claim.
The smartest move, if you know you’re going to lose, and are in a foreign jurisdiction, is to utterly and completely ignore everything to do with the court. Don’t issue any response or pleadings, and don’t turn up or engage in any way. ….. Anonymous Coward
Is that wishful thinking part of Prince Andrew’s defence strategy, AC? Surely it undermines and precludes any notion at all of innocence. And that is self-defeating and creates a whole new world of pain and shame to endure and champion. Methinks that is always quite moronic.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 9 Mar 17:50 [2003091750] ….. airing a likely sentiment and experiment on
Fake News Creates False Bases of Operations
As for the concept itself, legend has it that Adams came up it with while lying tipsy in a field in Innsbruck, looking at the stars and pondering “if only there was a HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”.
How very kind and PC but tripping in a field Innsbruck is virtually never like lying tipsy anywhere surely?
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