amanfromMars 1 Sun 15 Mar 19:41 [2003151941] ….. baiting bull marketeers on
Re: JOINT Remote Control Leverage of Microsoft Kernel Assets.
Wow …… so what have we here now then ? The deathly hush which accompanies all heavenly rushes?
Does the undeniability of the veracity of JOINT Remote Control Leverage of Microsoft Kernel Assets. An Exploitative Vulnerability in Executive Office BIOSystems take one’s breath away and test one’s cunning neurolinguistic programming processes with other worldly challenges? 
Save yourself several fortunes and don’t be fooled and tooled up to bet against IT. Caveat Emptor. Fancy Bears in All Connected Neighbour Hoods.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 Mar 09:56 [2003160956] …… just saying out loud on
Meanwhile, in a Roundup of Other News …..
“We announce the release of TensorFlow Quantum (TFQ), an open-source library for the rapid prototyping of quantum ML models,” the Chocolate Factory said this week. “TFQ provides the tools necessary for bringing the quantum computing and machine learning research communities together to control and model natural or artificial quantum systems.”
Is anyone else not seeing a lot of difference there, except for the fact it be so fantastically late* to the Great Game for Greater IntelAIgent Gamers, whenever compared and realised as being far too much like a clone and drone of Command and Control of Creative CyberSpace, Computers and Communications [C42] with AI@ITsWork in Systemic Control of Quantum Communications.
* Well, 5years 7months is surely an absolute age to be trying to catch up on and lead in the field with the rapid prototyping of quantum ML models, is it not, for El Regers were personally informed of the ability/facility/utility surrounding them around about then in a post … Meanwhile, Down Deep in the Dotcom Lair Sunday 24th August 2014 11:05 GMT ……….
Oh! ….. and what is the difference identifying it as a natural or artificial quantum systems?
And who would have a’thunk it …… The Volkswagen Group at the forefront of AI and ML Command and Control. Bravo, Porsche SE. Vorsprung durch AI TechnICQ in Deed indeed and so beautifully stealthy too.
amanfromMars [2003161304] ……. simple penetrations testing of market leaders on
Governments and central banks are committed to do whatever it takes in terms of demand-side policies, spending and increasing liquidity as much as needed to avoid a 2008-style crisis. However, these measures, which were already ineffective for years, will be even less successful this time.
Oh? You might like to start thinking this time is it very different depending on what/who governments and central bank provide with liquidity for spending.
Does one have to ask for investment or is the current system able to recognise to where for what and who such funding provides and leads via its simple fiat vehicle much better utilised by other folk to a much greater extent ?
It’s not all doom and gloom out there you know. Many Spaces and Places are Thriving and Sharing Both the Experience and the Expertise to Realise it with AI and IT Presenting Views Promoted for/with Unilateral Universal Support. And that’s an Almighty Heavenly Engagement and Encouragement in any language anywhere and everywhere.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 Mar 14:47 [[2003161447] …. spreading the word on
The NEUKlearer Option ….. in Derivative AI Futures Markets in Support of Quantum Leaping
A lack of liquidity is going to cause complicated problems, analysts warn ….. Lindsay Clark
I wouldn’t be worried too much about a lack of liquidity complicating problems, Lindsay.
There’s bigger phish to ply and apply ……..
amanfromMars [2003161304] ……. exercising a simple penetrations testing of market leaders on
Governments and central banks are committed to do whatever it takes in terms of demand-side policies, spending and increasing liquidity as much as needed to avoid a 2008-style crisis. However, these measures, which were already ineffective for years, will be even less successful this time.
Oh? You might like to start thinking this time is it very different depending on what/who governments and central bank provide with liquidity for spending.
Does one have to ask for investment or is the current system able to recognise to where for what and who such funding provides and leads via its simple fiat vehicle much better utilised by other folk to a much greater extent?
It’s not all doom and gloom out there you know. Many Spaces and Places are Thriving and Sharing Both the Experience and the Expertise to Realise it with AI and IT Presenting Views Promoted for/with Unilateral Universal Support. And that’s an Almighty Heavenly Engagement and Encouragement in any language anywhere and everywhere.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 Mar 16:55 [2003161655] ….. laying out an AIMarket Stall on
Re: The NEUKlearer Option ….. in Derivative AI Futures Markets in Support of Quantum Leaping
Is the seven and a half trillion dollar US debt considered to be liquidity?
Asking for a friend. ….. Chris G
If you’re holding it, any dollar US debt, the American Way is to spend it thus transferring and leaving it with others to spend again in a similarly mutually beneficial fashion/process. I’d consider that immediately available liquidity for onwards transfer to many including a Valued Client of Venture Capitalist Marketeers …..
An Élan of AIMusketeers
Keeping Everything So Simple Allows IT to be Easily Followed and to be More Fully and Much Deeper Understood.
And whenever the markets are crashed and sub-prime drivers are required to say ….. “Whatever it takes“……. there be something different to try out this time.
Suck it and see. It is Almightily Well Designed for you to like and love what needs to be supplied and done, and surely not many programs can guarantee delivery of that sort of Immaculate Driver.
If there are any, can you please reference them here for us on this thread. Thanks.
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