amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Mar 13:33 [2003251333] …… saying a lot more about quite a lot of things on
Re: Warnings ignored?
This is IT. Our warnings are always ignored. About everything. …. jake
Ok, ….. however, if that be so, both it and IT can be, and therefore always are, both in somewhat of a dangerous and quite
unfortunate situation, for vulnerabilities and ineffectual defences are always ruthlessly exploited for immense personal advantage in any system intelligently designed to capitalise on that which is ignored because it is missed as being at its best whenever realised as being surprisingly better than all the rest at something novel and accommodating to engage with ……. and that can immediately morph into something which one has to make deals with from a severely compromised and catastrophically disadvantaged position ie forced to present whatever it takes which is whatever the principal driver wants, which bears absolutely no relationship at all to what may just be needed.
As an example of such a position ……. think a stone age type nation state threatened by a force with nuclear weapons …… although of course nowadays such blunt barbaric kinetic explosive weapons are useless against simple internetworking virtual sources providing rich targets for attack and decimation or pretty ugly total annihilation.
Who says IT and AI aint great fun to play with, whenever so much is so easily deployed and displayed and done ‽ .
amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Mar 17:55 [2003251755] ….. just saying on
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