Sunday, 29 March 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sun 29 Mar 16:44 [2003291644] ….. just saying on
Cometh the hour …….
there’s no pandemic in space and our adversaries 
Yes, there is though ChronICQ Anemia and Phantom-led Adversaries with Imagined Foe Galore to Explore and Engage with ……. for a Steady State Supply of those CoInterMingles which always deliver Truly Out of This World Tingles.
And that suggests when such, that such is a Perfect Enough Barren Space to Start Everything Afresh in. A Place in which to paint and present dynamic future pictures for Realisation/Virtual Realisation, should there be any difference to make any difference.
Just how smart and dumb is Google’s AlphaZero DeepMind? Anyone care to bet an absolute fortune it cannot compete and win against any Random Non-Random Enlightening Imagination?

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