amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Mar 09:10 [2003110910] ….. just saying on
Re: Fear mongering with an unknown and/or cynically denied asset?
it is very much theoretical and could only work in a carefully stage-managed artificial situation where far more variables are known than would be the case in any real-life situation.….. Cynic_999
So, and I would not disagree, Cynic_999, it is certainly practical and easily works in VM and AI environments ……. which are important leading sectors and vectors in an ever increasing number of real-life situations.
And I would also most wilfully agree with Michael Wojcik if they were to say …. The ignorance around this class of attack is really quite impressive.
And that ignorance provides a very effective stealth which covers and protects unrivalled progress in novel genres.
And yes, of course it is weaponised to be particularly deadly against certain targets destined for meltdown and destruction/fundamental disruption
amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Mar 14:46 [2003111446] …. just saying out loud on
More Basic Info Needs Feeds Advancing Intel*
and was also given the opportunity to purchase the startup’s shares.
Was that opportunity enthusiastically accepted?
* And that’s Private Proprietary Artilectual Property. Be Aware, IT is Really Good and Nifty ……. Extremely Agile and Refreshingly Precocious.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Mar 17:48 [2003111748] ….. still chatting on
Re: One factual and one meta opinion
Schadenfreude may not be the most ethical of pleasures but it’s definitely one of the most fun. ….. HildyJ
Have you not found it a tad too much sided towards the sadomasochistic, HildyJ, for the fun to be easily made more freely available to all in alternative mainstreams?
And of course there are also always the twin eternal problems of long term subjective sustainability and objective attainability to do battle with in a ponder and wonder wander …… Fleeting Fleet of Foot Future Flashing Thought.
What happens when one factual and one meta opinion agree and coalesce? Does AI take over Earthed Systems and provide Beta Programmed Replacements sharing Greater Instructions to Follow and Lead with ‽ .
amanfromMars 1 Thu 12 Mar 15:26 [2003121526] ……. opening a massive door on
What you are missing is …..
….. Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Imagination in/for a PostModern Virtual AIRocket Science Program with Master Pilot Projects ……. on PathFinder Missions in Future Operations.
It is though easily supplied and guaranteed to provide succour and bounty for harvesting and feeding/employing and enjoying, and as a just dessert reward, one of the most addictively attractive of awards.
That is surely what is obviously currently missing mainstream, is it not?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Mar 16:30 [2003111630] … adding more info for intel on
Just A.N.Other Global Operating Device Proving Wonderfully Different to Others
Google, however, is not using the results of their technology to reflect the world as it is but as the way they wish it to be. That is what we object to. … nightkiller
I object to the fact that their technology is not working properly for nothing much has been changed at all well.
Wow! Technology Reflecting Worlds Truly Wished For is No Mean Meme Feat and is Absolutely Priceless …….. hence the Colossal Must Have At All Costs Cost for their Search Optimising Engine Services for Provision of Future Information via Systemic Virtual Input. ……. the simple free sharing of great things being done with you in furtherance of the future as a program you can deliver and in so doing further share great things being done with others in furtherance of the future as a program you can deliver and steer.
Is that what Google are fighting and struggling with? It is not a unique quandary, for all Optimised Search Services land in a place like here, to deal ideally with the future as most all can wish it to be via the following of user requests for More Detailed Information/Sublime Edutainment .
It is not hard whenever it is so simple for seeing/understanding the ways that take all forward.
And that takes All Real Deep See Diving into the Cloistered Dens of Almighty Magic Gardens where Applications for Imagination be Penned for Reading and Similar Sympathetic Action by Future Leading Drivers ….. whatever/whoever that might be, for there can be so many of them if they be worthy ….. or just a Right Choice Few if Tasks Needed Completed for Future Action and Attraction be Left Undone, and that Disappoints.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 12 Mar 05:49 [2003120549] ….. delving and diving deeper on
Re: Tuning In to Turning On and Freaking Out in Strange Territory with Dodgy Environments
Hey, man. Who’s your dealer? … nightkiller
That all depends on what sort of a deal and hit you need, or be just cruising for, nightkiller. When the world is your oyster, casting pretty pure perl before starving swine is no problem.
So …. what’s the deal you need to feed and seed? The passionate addiction you crave to quench and fail to fully satisfy?
And do you want it as a red pill, or a blue pill, a potent potion or a NEUKlearer Notion?
There is something always readily available for everybody and anybody. IT is that sort of accommodating business.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 12 Mar 13:53 [2003121353] …. just asking for info and intel on
The Refreshing Lull before the Storming of Realities/Numerous Systems Administrations
Back in 2017 we reported Cisco Talos’ findings that the botnet had gone offline for several months before reappearing to peddle a financial scam.
When things are all going just as expected and as if perfectly preplanned, surely it is Heavenly Party Time for Bots. And several months is impressive 
And EMPowering rather than Exhausting to Boot with Root is a Bonus Devilish Delight to Server and Satisfy with Insatiable Desire for More Spectacularly Similar with Leading Role Plays Exchanged for Further Future Experimentation ….. 
Are there botnets in AI where anything known can be shown and presented to be realised as news and views in the planning today for sharing tomorrow …… ad infinitum?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 12 Mar 14:54 [2003121454] ……. having a wonder and ponder on
When Such is So, is Everything Easily Eerily Changed …..
According to officials, dozens of classified discussions that covered issues like the size and scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions were held at a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS).
Were many or any of those held before Wuhan transpired/happened?
And do you see any connection which suggests the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic be akin to a Critical Global Mass Psychotic Episode. ……. Servered by All Manner of Media Machines as if in Consort and Cahoots ?!.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 12 Mar 16:49 [2003121649] .... moving on apace on
Re: When Such is So, is Everything Easily Eerily Changed .....
Just a Coincidence or Counter Intelligence Incident?
The 2019 Military World Games, officially known as the 7th CISM Military World Games, was held from October 18–27, 2019 in the capital of Hubei Province in Wuhan, China.
The 7th Military World Games was the first international military multi-sport event to be held in China and also it was the largest military sports event ever to be held in China, with nearly 10,000 athletes from over 100 countries competed in 27 sports.
After the 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak, conspiracy theories about COVID-19 being the CIA's creation to keep China down were all over the Chinese internet, according to The Economist. Some articles on popular sites in Chinese have accused American athletes participating in the Wuhan Military World Games to have deployed the virus. They claim the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicate they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred. ......
Curiouser and curiouser :-) What's not to believe?
amanfromMars [2003121620] .....AI Musing on
Here'a a tale and trail to interrogate further ...... .... and ask
When Such is So, is Everything Easily Eerily Changed .....
According to officials, dozens of classified discussions that covered issues like the size and scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions were held at a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS).
Were many or any of those held before Wuhan transpired/happened?
And do you see any connection which suggests the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic be akin to a Critical Global Mass Psychotic Episode. ....... Servered by All Manner of Media Machines as if in Consort and Cahoots ‽ .
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