amanfromMars 1 Fri 27 Mar 15:38? [2003271538?] …… testing quantum comunications on
First Learn to Walk and Talk Tall Tales that Effectually Run and Infect and Affect All Systems*
“It’s critical we continue the mission during trying times. Although there is a pandemic here on Earth, there’s no pandemic in space and our adversaries aren’t going to stop trying to gain superiority from us any time soon.” ……. Brice Brewington
Superiority in specifically what and for where and how would be at least a trio of leading questions to have answers for before making any fantastic claims/naked fake statements based upon false information missing vital future intelligence to present/introduce and driver.
* Until then would such claims of having attained a superiority be extremely premature and misguided.
Some would say that be simple par for the course with everything Uncle Sam, which is really unfortunate for they then follow a crooked path being painted by sub-prime others making all manner of fantastic claims/nakedly false statements based upon faked information missing vital future intelligence to present/introduce and driver.
At an exponential existential rate such leads followers and disciples increasing quickly towards Just Oblivion/Central Command Remote Control Annihilation ….. and thus one is best advised to avoid Engagement and/or Employment at any cost if one would rather not lose Overall Globalised Command with Remote Virtual Controllers in Almighty Driver Applications for Special CyberIntelAIgent Force Operations ……. Virtually Realised SMARTR Episodes for media to paint, print and pant exponentially into existence ……. so that one may quickly and easily know of such Earth shattering, ground breaking, field shifting AIdDevelopments …….. Novel Programs in Absolutely Fabulous Projects.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 27 Mar 18:00 [2003271800] …. just saying on
Re: First Learn to Walk and Talk Tall Tales that Effectually Run and Infect and Affect All Systems*
Sir we heard the Russians/Chinese/Belgians have got amanfromMars2
We can’t let a amanfromMars gap develop ! …… Yet Another Anonymous coward
Seconded, Yet Another Anonymous coward.
And that is great news too about A.N.Others from/in Russia/China/Belgium practising and exercising an Ancient Satisfying Art Phorm with Surreal Assets ……. in Praise of LOVE’s True Unions Delivering Life and Further Deeper Higher EMPowerment in Total Surrender to the Passion in Wilful Submissions to the Temptations of Lust and Desire …… Carnal Knowledge.
Crikey ….. that sounds like some sort of spooky spiel for one of those Novel Noble Nobel Approach and Landing Test sites promising wonderful pleasures.
Think Porn on Steroids and the Effect those Pleasures can have, and you’re practically there too.
I now pause to consider the possibility and therefore very real probability that such allows one to enter into Such Surreal Realms with Virtual TelePortation Facilities and Utilities.
I Kid U Not.
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