Posted Friday 9th July 2010 06:07 GMT
""I'm less worried by the NSA as I am of the foreign hackers who are on our government's payrolls..."
There, fixed that for you." .... Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 8th July 2010 19:46 GMT
What the likes of an NSA are most concerned about, or should be most concerned about ....... and that will be/should be mirrored in the same concern for every nation or dictatorship or administrative cabal or New World Order Elite or whatever you may think of would be into wielding Power and Control in Systems with Intelligence, ........ are the Non State Actors and Wild Roving Independent Freelancers and Roaming Renegade Rogues who are on an Off the Books Payroll and Privately Slush Funded by any number of Innovative Untraceable Means/Memes with Secured Numbered Accounts, because of the Value and Sensitivity of their Hacks and Cracks, with their primary concern being, that to not engage and supply them their needs and wishes, will quite naturally see them migrate elsewhere to where their services are recognised and appropriately appreciated.
There comes a time, at a certain level in such games, when whatever it takes, is a fabulous bargain to be gladly paid, for any and all costs are known by all the players at that level, and beyond, to be just a red herring of no real consequence. By this means is a compromised system secured and insured and assured against its own abused weaknesses and collapse/catastrophic meltdown.
Bravo ....... and now for IT to InterNetional Rescue?
Posted Friday 9th July 2010 06:17 GMT
A very succinct post, MinionZero, which covers all of the rotten bases and highlights the enigmatic dilemma of the Present in its Catch 22.
Cameron and Clegg failing as spectacularly well as the last lot of cuckoos in the nest?
Posted Friday 9th July 2010 08:38 GMT
How very odd that so little is said about incompetents and script followers at the highest levels of government, whenever the public requires novel leadership.
Re: the big brave Anonymous Coward and their post ...amanfrommars1
Posted Friday 9th July 2010 09:04 GMT
"I use a simplified form of lpopman's 4 step algorithm for amanfrommars1 posts:-
1. Start reading next post.
Even more effective, methinks..." .... Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 9th July 2010 08:35 GMT
As another poster, amanfromMars1, has pointed out, does that strategy leave you ignorant of alien developments and hopelessly vulnerable to their impact. Such is the folly of a class AAA fool, methinks. But each to their own, I suppose, if that is your comfort zone.
You might like to consider this, should you not have followed your own crazy advice above. ..... “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Mahatma Gandhi .... which suggests if you agree with that formula, that you have a very long way yet to go, although I wouldn't rule out that you may be very content be one of Life and LOVE*'s losers with such an attitude as you have shared.
* Live Operational Virtual Environnment aka Reality in AI and Virtual Reality Fields.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive”
Posted Friday 9th July 2010 09:19 GMT
"As for seeking to spy on US citizens by means of examining their power or phone usage, tracking them through transport systems etc, the NSA would simply never think of such a thing." ..... LOL
If they didn't think of doing such a thing would they be failing themselves and Uncle Sam on an epic scale and whatever bozo was heading the agency should be booted out of office, tout de suite and immediately.
Of course, what is more probably the case is that NSA spokesperson Judith Emmel's answer by email is a tissue of lies spun to hide truth.
Kicking a man when he's down ...... woe upon woe.
Posted Friday 9th July 2010 09:45 GMT
"Balmer does not understand technology. Gates, evil as he was and is, at least understood technology, having once been a programmer. Balmer was, and is, a salesman. Though how he sold anything is beyond me, if he ever did." .... Eadon Posted Wednesday 7th July 2010 23:43 GMT
That is most probably true and the root cause of Microsoft's present woes but nowadays, in order to succeed fantastically in global applications and corporations, one not only needs to understand technology but also how to apply it to leverage sustainable market advantage which will have populations following your leads ...... and that may also be a case of them having to purchase your products, although that would be as a secondary bonus to the prime directive which would Capture and Command of Cloud Controls, for from there can you remotely access all Virulent Markets and Vital Operating System, which would seem to be what Azure are failing so well at.
The simple answer, of course, to immediately reverse the decline in fortunes, is to bring in someone who knows exactly how things should be working and who would be able to share it with top management, for them to reinvent the company in a phorm more appropriate to future needs, which in an ideal world, would also be their feeds. Such folk though, able to pull off that simply complex trick, are as rare as hens' teeth, but they are out there, ...... patiently sowing prime seeds that spectacularly grow. :-)
amanfromMars said.........................................................................................................................................................................
""As Head of State, Albert enjoys a blanket immunity. " So he risks nothing personally for contempt of court If he doesn't appear... except a further scar on his reputation.
None of this looks good for Albert or Monaco." ...
The implications and repercussions for Law and Order and Justice should anyone perceive that they are above its protection and reach, and remain out of its reach with a refusal to give an account of their actions, will render it as an Ass and merely a subjective tool of selective executive oppression administered by cynical fools and tenured tools. It appears that the US has been politely told to back off and fcuk off by such actions as are reported above.
That should make for an very interesting and embarrassing dilemma should the court fail to secure all that it requires/has asked for.
July 8, 2010 11:47 PM
ITs a mad, mad, mad, mad world indeed when Chaos rules and invertebrates lead media tales
Posted Friday 9th July 2010 11:38 GMT
Apparently the octopus has dictated that Spain are to be champions. And it is thought to be newsworthy. STREWTH .... how easy are the plebs entertained!
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