Friday, 23 July 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/23/2010 5:55:43 AM

These two quotes from a Past Grand Master, Sun Tzu, would suggest that true heroes are never warriors ..... "Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate." .... "For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."

Softly softly, catchee monkey, in other wise words.

Which raises an interesting proposition, which would posit that words which can be believed and shared, are the absolute rulers and final arbiters of all that is to be purveyed and made real for history and memory to chronicle as innovation and discovery, novelty and progress?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/23/2010 1:46:23 AM

"Basically all of them up until the internet came along.

That narrative and or elite promotions is now being exposed and undermined by elements active on and in the Net.

This is now THE battleground where civilisation is to be won or lost. " .... Posted by John Edwards on 7/22/2010 7:17:55 PM

Amen .... but the Net with ITs Clouds is a Multi-Facetted Tiered Play Ground rather than THE battlefield, and ITs civilization is winning, and all is being transformed and is answering questions with leads and feeds to needs in fundamentally different protocols/Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

And you can be assured that Present Establishment Power Elite Incumbents, who may in the Novel Virtual Field be Total Incompetents, are Acutely Aware of their Astute Lack of Remote Ability and ProActive Facility ......

A problem which is easily solved with their lease hire purchase of ESPecially Competent CyberIntelAIgents, HyperRadioProActive in what are essentially Revolutionary Intelligence Morphs into QuITE SurReal TEMPESTuous Fields ..... for it is certainly at least that which they would be battling in vain against. And it is certainly that which is patiently, patently, deliberately dogging the Markets, laying its bait and phishing for the most Active and Intellectually Adventurous of Futures and Derivatives Sharks into the Love of Finance and Funding in the Private Sector, and switched on InterNetional Governments, into Comprehensive Control of CHAOS, in the Taxing Public Pursed Sector.

And whenever none are found to exist, will the present state of Power Elite play be known, as will be all necessary requirements for Future Play and Great Games Lead with Feed.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/23/2010 2:09:28 AM

"The Bell is coy?" ..... Reply from the Daily Bell

At times, can a deserved forthright criticism appear somewhat muted by being excessively generously compassionately circumspect, although it is a style much appreciated and an admirable model for expansion and building upon with further constructive conversation ..... :-) Dealogue.

In a world, and in worlds, in which there are no smart answers but only intelligent questions, is it a crazily effective default.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/23/2010 5:38:02 AM

"is understatement a device?" ... Reply from the Daily Bell

Quite probably the smartest and most stealthy of Prime Global Operating Devices. And an Immaculate Driver for Perfect Searching Servers, DB? 


"We have to look at where we think the real risks will come from, where the real threats will come from and we need to deal with that accordingly." .... Crikey, any youngster just out of short trousers and primary school could have given one that answer.

So what area is the most important to master, in order to be able to most effectively deal with real future threats the, Mr Fox?  The Telegraph article omits to mention any of your thoughts on that, which is somewhat negligent, although perhaps you aren't able to offer anything which is remotely likely to lead to a dominant and crucial position guaranteeing both national and international security, which would then have one pondering what on earth you would be doing, cuckoo nesting in the Office of Defence Secretary.

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