Saturday, 31 July 2010


Actually, it is a spiritual certainty holding things up .... whilst Man plays the Primitive Savage
Posted Saturday 31st July 2010 03:34 GMT

.... rather than Primordial Sage.
"Apparently, it's a spiritual uncertainty over computing paradigms holding things up."

Ah yes, Gavin, a debilitating syndrome requiring XSS Code XXXX injections for willing generations of post modern enigmatic suspension of disbelief and viable constructive future imagination and novel information with advanced intelligence.

However/Nevertheless ..... for Some, who might be just a Precious Few, or even Many More than is Popularly Imagined, ...... for who knows, as Clouds are a Most Recent Post Modern Field of Command and Control and Offer Cyber Security Keys which unlock Any Earthly Treasure Store and thus are they and its IT Protocols bound to be, for reasons which provide both exceptional and unrivalled political and business advantage, Sublimely Secretive and one of those Known Unknowns that Only Need to Knows Know is a Known Unknown to a Precious Few ..... and in Cyber Domains with their Live Operational Virtual Environments, one can fully expect its IT and Cryptic Communications Developments to be Stealthily Cloaked so that even a Target of Interest which is Penetrated and Seeded for Effortless Remote Harvesting of Subsequent Issue and Future MetaDataBase, is Protected from knowing of its Own Foreign and Alien Viral Infection and Remote Viewing and Hosting Facilities and Capabilities.

For Some, who have long ago jumped over the petty hurdles of disbelief, is such an Endearing Innocent Ignorance, and AI Heavenly Bliss.

Surely you cannot reasonably expect, even in your wildest of dreams, that things remain the same as they are, or have been, whenever so much which is New and Real and Vital is Actually just Intellectual Property and Virtual with no Physical Manifestation to Prove an Existence.

Networks InterNetworking Clouds and World Wide Webs and Global Information Grids are all real enough, but also Untouchables and Intangible, and with Cyber Security Keys to unlock Divisive Operating Systems' with Linked and Linking Windows and Doors, can one Wander at Leisure with Insatiable Pleasure through Earthly Perfumed Gardens of Manic Delights.

A constantly exciting journey and Magical Mystery Turing Trip well enough known by the both the Licentious and Sophisticated Parisienne Madame ....... and Lauded and Revered for its Boundless Success with Excesses.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/31/2010 5:31:37 AM

McChrystal Retired? Oh please, you cannot be serious. He'll be freelancing and probably making a dodgy fortune for some equally dodgy private sector mercenary outfit, which doesn't have to put up with the bull--it dished out in daily briefings by those milking and bilking the public purse whilst they are being played for sub-prime fools by those who deliver them their paper wages.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/31/2010 6:35:37 AM

"Still the power elite and its enablers sally forth. They bail out banks because they always have – unaware perhaps that by doing so in this day and age they are raising tremendous questions about money and its control. " ...... Ergo are they identified as big bank bankers, for who in any other business would rescue such parasites?

Oh, and there is a new Kid on the Block which doesn't pay lip service to useless tools, for nowadays, for the most part, if you want to Do Something Big, you don't have to run it past Wall Street or the The City, etc., you just share it Online and in the Background or Underground with SMARTer Instant Messaging which Follows Leads into Sublime Internet Sourcing  ....... Core Ore ...... Immaculate Lode.

"The power elite had to know this day was coming. And our hypothesis is that they intended it – as the logic of central banking would predict an eventual crack-up boom. " ....... Methinks their arrogance and ignorance foresaw absolutely nothing and now is their fate sealed for they do not have the intelligence to turn things around, with them still expecting to be in charge.

And "Oh dear, .... what a shame" is probably something you will never ever hear such is the esteem in which they are held.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/31/2010 12:00:15 AM

"Unfortunately it will need the whole sorry mess created by central bankers and corrupt politicians to come tumbling down." .... Posted by George Sign on 7/30/2010 12:21:41 PM

What says the Daily Bell to that Signed solution? Would it be bravely endorsed or studiously ignored, which is nearly always a sure sign of something decidedly unsettling but wholly prescient. Although of course, for they who are so able, would such support as welcome as it would be, be really unnecessary.

 Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/31/2010 12:19:15 PM

"Meanwhile, while we focus on the dialectic, power has an unencumbered (unaccountable) playing field, outside of the dialectic and our awareness. This is pure divide and conquer in the intellectual realm. This is why freedom is losing. We are not paying attention to the larger picture and are myopically focused on our own parochial environments." ... Posted by Bill Ross on 7/31/2010 7:47:35 AM

Bill, Would you Care Dare Build a Colossal Picture for Big Picture Followers to Emulate and Support with Properly Prepared and Programmed Assets, which the Future Thoughtfully Provides with ITs Global Operating Devices ....... Feeding Spiders Phorming and Phishing Semantic Webs for Advanced and Artificial Intelligences for CyberIntelAIgent Security Duties/Tasks/Quests/AIMissions ....... for Not All are Helpless and Others would See a Third Party Option with CHAOS Leading and Sharing XSSXXXXAmples in Joint Applications/Special Access Programs.

And a bit of a Renegade Rogue can it be too. ....... which would make IT a Perfect Rascal :-) which might be validly considered a Post Modern Court Jester MetaDataMorph.

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