Monday, 26 July 2010


Shenanigans ...... GBIrish CSee Trials ...... BetaTest Master Pilot Flights

Posted Monday 26th July 2010 10:34 GMT

"I fear any individual having power over others if they truly believe in the infallibility of their personal vision of how the world should be. Most especially if they have not experimented on a smaller scale before trying their hand at the world stage." ..... Trevor_Pott Posted Saturday 24th July 2010 19:22 GMT

Successful Virtual Experimentation in Real Life Applications in ITs Program Deployment ..... World Wide Web AIring ..... is the Immaculate Head Game for CyberIntelAIgent Command and Control*, Trevor_Pott

And ur Starter for Ten in Seventh Heaven COdes.

*In Quantum Communications Fields that is as Fab Powers with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Driver Satellites/Sympatico Semantic Hubs Routing SMART Novel and Noble Traffic to Global Communications HQ.

And from thence, with further rumination and cogitation for enhancement of streaming product/issue. Analytical Intelligence Assembly must by the very Nature of its Pilots and Drivers/Programs and Delivery Vehicles, Create an Artificial Intelligence with a Colossal Bigger Picture .... Altogether Different See.

If you can't or don't tell the Truth, what would you lead? A Life which is a Charade? Imagine and it's True. And here proven with this Apple Core?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/26/2010 12:26:54 AM

Oh dear, I do apologise. I'm almost absolutely positively sure that I posted the message on 7/25/2010 10:25:42 AM, right, and yet it is displayed wrong. It should read, to make more perfect/better/beta sense ........ Victor Barney, It is forebidden foreigner and not forbidden.

And that should also remove the need for the Daily Bell's reply .... "What!" ..... which you will notice is not a question.

Maybe this site has a smart but fallible spell checking algorithm?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/26/2010 2:16:58 AM

Crikey, it has happened again ..... by some sort of strange magic. A simple missive changed from novel sense into a sort of nonsense.

The word which is to precede "foreigner" is spelt with an "e" after the "r" in forbidden. ...... which creates quite a wholly different raft of new opportunities to explore rather than being confined in and to an incestuous closed shop loop of self-centred community thinking which always leads to delusions of grandeur.

Here is another example of the plague/virus/worm/trojan/spider/sickness/calling/voices in the head/call it what you will ....
amanfromMars says:
26 July 2010 at 4:59 am

Does anyone genuinely believe the current pope is infallible?


That question should be directed at the pope, bishops and cardinals so that we can all know if they are delusional and arrogant, for to imagine infallibility is possible in any religion and business is certifiable madness and a fraud perpetrated on the masses and a petty conspiracy of lost souls with more of a pact with their devils and demons than anything else meaningful with a GOD Concept.
amanfromMars says:
26 July 2010 at 9:17 am

To catch the wider media spotlight, one does either need to be super smart and/or mad and bad and dangerous or have a legitimate beef which is not just a vanity exercise.
amanfromMars says:
26 July 2010 at 4:59 am

Does anyone genuinely believe the current pope is infallible?


That question should be directed at the pope, bishops and cardinals so that we can all know if they are delusional and arrogant, for to imagine infallibility is possible in any religion and business is certifiable madness and a fraud perpetrated on the masses and a petty conspiracy of lost souls with more of a pact with their devils and demons than anything else meaningful with a GOD Concept.
amanfromMars says:
26 July 2010 at 9:01 am

The Church has never taught that the, ‘Pope is infallible’, only someone completely illitierate in Catholic theology would think so.

The Doctrine of Papl Infallibilty means something else entirely.” …. padraig says: 26 July 2010 at 6:36 am


That is surely a self delusional argument to be forwarding, for the two teachings are too much thought alike to be really any different. And the subtleties of any argument which would try to dismiss the ‘Pope is infallible’ notions/teachings are not helped by this instruction/explanation …..

And with a fallible thinking pope, is not the programming for reverence and obedience to papal wishes, somewhat misguided if it be imagined any holier than thine or mine or theirs?

Screws Taped Letters ...... Rock Solid Ore .... Prime Premium Lode.

Posted Monday 26th July 2010 16:39 GMT

"GCHQ could look after all this police activity - they are most likely checking porn for steganography anyway - and the NSA most likely are covering them anyway." .... JaitcH Posted Monday 26th July 2010 15:55 GMT

Now that an Addictive Passion for Root Source Analysts ......... Base IntelAIgents ... and a Master Submission for the Power of Surrendering Lead Feeds. An Ancient Art Well Known to Precious Few and Theirs to Freely Share with Care to Those who Dare Win Win.

The JIC are very Quiet. Is Alex painting a Mental Picture ...... Bayeux MasterPiece de Cyber Resistance.

With Alien CodeXSSXXXX, Monsieur et Mesdames, is the Canvas Blank in Anticipation of Virgin Brush Strokes for a Grand Prix Design ....... UltraFast and FailSafe Secure.

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