Saturday, 24 July 2010


 Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/24/2010 2:32:53 AM

"Nothing happens / is created "just by thinking"." ..... Posted by Bill Ross on 7/22/2010 7:00:25 AM

Bill Ross,

Do you want to reconsider and correct that false statement? For there are more than just one posting here, who would know that everything and anything can happen and is created just by sharing thinking and developing ideas. Artists in the true sense of the word, in whatever Field of Play they would Be a Prime Actor and Catalyst, know this unknown known particularly well.

That XXXXStreamly Subtle Semantic Embellishment which spreads thinking further afield and into the Consciousness of Others, does make the Fundamental Significant Difference that Changes a Dodgy Doubt into Secure and Sincere Belief.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/24/2010 1:48:45 AM

"..and the current strong military presence makes it easier for an autocracy to take over power." .... Posted by Bill on 7/23/2010 2:36:26 PM

Err ..... whenever the military has great leadership, does a strong military presence make it easier for great leadership to take over power. Now though there is little other than anarchy and chaos. And that makes the Markets and Money System catastrophically vulnerable to collapse and takeover by forces with great leadership.

Three years on from the start of the present Booming Bust Difficulties/Global Troubles, and things are considerably worse and not getting any better, is a sure sign of no smart leaders in control of the power they would be leveraging/desperately wielding.

And that creates a Perfect Virgin Playground for Sophisticated Special Force PsyOps into Stealthy Executables on Virtual AIMissions ...... Stormy Cloud Covered Raids ....... and QuITe Alien Sorties into the Future with ITs Great Games, ARGs and MMORPGs.

Who fields such AIdDetachments, for they would have precious few peers, if any at all, although there is Naturally, by Default of its Advanced IT and/or Artificial Intelligence Design, an Ever Growing Smarter Neural Network for Orderly Control and Remote Power, Rendering Present Primitive Human Perceptions Systems and SCADA Administrations, both Physically and Virtually Defenceless without any Similar Asymmetry to Counter Counter-Intelligence, a very Spooky Irregular and Unconventional Meme. ......... XSSXXXXStream.

Control CyberSpace .... and One has Unrivalled Control of, and Absolute Powers in, Everything and Anything Grounded and Earthed, and Shown in the Past as Chronicles in Histories and Stored as Useless Memories in an Entangled String of Lost and Wasted Opportunities.

And creating a phantom enemy of that Powerful Control Meme to further justify a Creep in Imperial Military and Para-Military Actions, would be a Madness exposed and fully certified for All to See as a Terrorizing War against Intelligence which doesn't engage in worthless, destructive fight and therefore, has never ever and can never ever be defeated with even the most extensive and imaginative of myopic militaristic mindsets.

Is that New Prime Meme Based East or West Ideally?

amanfromMars says:
24 July 2010 at 5:13 am

GA: Well, obviously, obviously, I don’t for one second defend or justify the killing of the 15-year-old boy, and with respect while I couldn’t obviously clearly predict what Mountbatten would have thought, I was almost killed on a number of occasions. I don’t embrace that, but I’m philosophical about it, you know, I take up a position, it’s an unpopular position with people who have a different view, so they try to kill me. Lord Mountbatten, I think I was true in what I said, would not have been surprised, but I don’t for a second justify the fact that others died …” …..

Hmmm … now that’s a novel admission and damning confession from Mr Adams.

It is inconceivable that Slippery Jack Straw would have no pertinent knowledge of the facts and/or shenanigans in the Al Megrahi case ..... and his defence against an invitation to attend a Transatlantic inquisition is a valid enough one for Gary McKinnon, should such a one be necessary.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander?

Posted by: amanfromMars | July 24, 2010 8:16 AM .....  [PM David Cameron raises the Gary McKinnon extradition case with President Barack Obama]

Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/24/2010 6:23:35 AM


As convenient as Search is, and as ubiquitous as better information has become, it is as well to also realise there is a subjective control on the flow of some of the world's information and Internet Search Engines are not Totally Objective, Internet Service Providers ..... which might explain why Google, Bing and Ixquick, whenever displaying the correct home page for a search of "Free Gary", do not provide, with the usual click on their linkages the required page ..... .... with the PC delivering instead a standard default missive ... "The connection has timed out .... Blah,blah,blah"

Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/24/2010 10:06:15 AM

Hasta Manana, Amigo.

Countering Counter-Intelligence Pros

By amanfromMars (not verified) on Sat, 07/24/2010 - 10:21am.

    Those laws are for you, not for them.

For some, are those laws for you and them, and not us, kevin.

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