Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Posted by amanfromMars on 07/05/11 11:55 AM
"The Telegraph article (excerpted at the beginning of this article) explains that Western governments have hurled everything but the kitchen sink at the West's sinking economies with little success. This is a surprise of course because the prescriptions of the patron saint of lost decades – John Maynard Keynes – were supposed to work with speed and efficiency. Government, having saved for a rainy day, would be able to use its surplus to "stimulate" investment.

In the 21st century it is hard to fathom that these palliatives would be taken seriously and yet they are. Governments and the elites that stand behind them are always desperate for public solutions to private problems. Keynes, a social Fabian and member of the upper crust Bloomsbury Group, came along at the right time. He didn't criticize central banks as FA Hayek did; instead he apparently recommended ways that governments could compensate for the ruin they produced by overprinting money for nothing.

It was Hayek, along with his mentor Ludwig von Mises, who came up with an explanation of how central banks triggered the destruction of the Western business cycle. Keynes, a central banker, came up with a number of other things, but we defy anybody to explain them. His prose was as tortured as his logic. Nonetheless, that hasn't stopped generations of politicians and central banks from using Keynesian nostrums ..."
The Zero Hedge has a supporting article on the above Keynesian folly and where it has led and what is waiting for all, just around the next corner ...... http://www.zerohedge.com/article/guest-post-now-playing-cognitive-dissonance-and-wishful-thinking


Posted by amanfromMars on 07/05/11 01:38 AM
"Would a leader or leaders capable of inspiration and mobilization come forth, what likely awaits him is character assassination, prison, or a bullet. This has been a well proven dominant theme that has played out on numerous occasions. This is providing, of course, that said leader was not an agent of The Crown or some damned secret society that has been here wielding influence for centuries, unbeknownst to the profane. So what next?" ..... Posted by erumisato on 07/04/11 06:07 PM
erumisato, Hi,

That which would presently be pulling strings and pushing buttons for power and control, and which may very well be very similar to that as you speculate ... "The Crown or some damned secret society that has been here wielding influence for centuries, unbeknownst to the profane." ..... will always embrace and assist in every and any way, leadership/ideas capable of inspiration and mobilization, for it is just that which keeps status quo elitists in their positions of control.

Only a mad ignorant idiot and sad arrogant fool kills the golden goose which provides for the future with its character assassination, prison, or a bullet.

The System is always protective of itself with the "recruitment" of that which has another better beta way of doing that which strengthens its positions of power and holds on control of reality.

And whenever reality can be shown to be a story line with scripts dreamt up for media to play out daily for the management of global perception, is everything reduced to a virtual exercise with the true nature of reality revealed as a program which is, whenever you are a person of interest to the System, hacked and cracked wide open.

It is both naive and wrong in extremis to imagine that the status quo elitist establishment leadership, which may be both theatrically crowned heads and some damned secret societies that have been here wielding influence for centuries, unbeknownst to the profane, will not be in the vanguard of their change to ensure that they can now control reality, via virtual means and memes too, should such a process be capable of inspiring inspired leadership.

Indeed, what you discover is that the one contacts the other to offer their services for free, for both would know that such a gift provided, is supplied with everything and anything needed.

Welcome to the way things have been done for  ...... oh, ages and ages.


Posted by amanfromMars on 07/05/11 02:04 AM
"I have been considering your post [Posted by erumisato on 07/04/11 06:07 PM] since I first saw it several hours ago. It reflects (very well) the struggle many of us are having.

I can add nothing to the "run to the hills" part of the story. We are in the first stages of a period of significant change, and with that change comes risks. I can add nothing to the "get prepared" part of the dialogue. We each will do what we can do, given the risks we believe are most likely. Even in a like-minded community, I imagine we will have many different visions of the specific risks ahead, let alone what to do about mitigating these.

I will only offer encouragement to your "glass is half full" side. The current system will crumble, because it must. The transition will not be easy, the elite will not disappear. However, the current system, at its ever-increasing rate of fewer productive supporting more unproductive CANNOT continue. It is an economic impossibility.

Men much brighter than I am have written quite well about the coming end of the nation-state as we have known it. I believe we have already seen many aspects of this. The Soviet Union is gone, broken into a dozen pieces; Yugoslavia is broken into a half-dozen; Czechoslovakia is broken in two.

The Caucasus region is full of soon-to-be-independent regions. The EU is next to come apart.

I believe the peak of one world government has come and gone. The institutions have been in place certainly since the end of WWII. The one-world currency (the USD) has had its run. It is done. Before we get to commodity backed currency again, we may see another attempt at a global fiat currency, but it won't have many takers (they all see the disaster that is the Euro), and in any case cannot last long. A new currency cannot change the ratio of non-productive to productive.

Promises will be broken by the state, the state everywhere. When the theft via taxation and inflation can no longer maintain all the various transfer payment schemes, the people will look to other solutions. They will no longer worship the state as god, giving manna from heaven, free health care to all, safety from the bogeymen, etc. The trade of "I will allow you to control my life in exchange for safety and security" will come apart, because the state cannot keep up its end of the bargain.

What will happen then, when the millions (billions) can no longer count on their sugar-daddy? They will withdraw consent. Then the game will end, or at least take a very long half-time break.

In our lifetime? My guess is 20 years tops. But who knows.

This is my hope, my "glass half full". I only hope I am properly positioned to get through to the other side." .... Posted by bionic mosquito on 07/05/11 01:30 AM
Hi, bionic mosquito,

Regarding your thought ... "The EU is next to come apart." .... it would appear to be a race to the bottom between the US and the EU for the privilege of who comes next, for whenever the "cheats" for a game are known, has the game no longer a viable hold on one's interest and it will be discarded for another challenging adventure.

This simple short video highlights the plight which the US expects the EU to trump and/or draw world attention away from, but a bull in a china shop and an elephant in the same room are not something which can missed and denied as not being there and the first problem to be addressed? ....... http://silvergoldsilver.blogspot.com/2011/07/ponzi-101-simplified-approach-to-it-all.html


5 July 2011 at 7:29 am
“People will want to see just what has been achieved by the IICD in regard to putting the arsenal of illegal organisations beyond use.

“The public has a right to know what has been achieved and I would urge the secretary of state to ensure the inventory, which should have been passed to our government and the government of the Irish Republic is published,” he [Peter Robinson] said.
Publication of the inventory reveals who has been supplying terrorism to Northern Ireland and just how little it takes/needs to be deadly effective, and it just wouldn't do to discover that supposed outside friends were in fact the enemy within.


by amanfromMars
on Tue, 07/05/2011 - 11:25

"The US, on the other hand, is able to borrow and there are plenty of willing lenders. It is, to boot, extremely solvent." ..... a senior pension fund manager.

That is a rosy view which very few see and even fewer would agree with. And that is a major part of the present problem which is growing ever more serious at an alarming exponential rate, .... a delusional, head in the sand attitude to the situation.

And that was very kind of you, Leo, not sharing the senior pension fund manager's name.


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