Monday, 25 July 2011

110725 Monday, Monday, So Good to Me....


Posted by amanfromMars on 07/25/11 03:36 AM
"I have spent my life changing how people think--it does happen with careful fact gathering, persuaive presentation and intrinsic power. Don't give up.
people will change their minds when they hear, see and feel what they sense is true." ..... Posted by Hanna M Jones on 07/24/11 09:43 PM
Quite so, Hanna M Jones .... Control Words, Power Worlds, which is why life is such a Novel XSSXXXXPerience and Media such a competitive business battlefield. And in the Live Operational Virtual Environments that Command and Control of CyberSpace so effortlessly Deliver and Mentor/Facilitate and Provide Intellectual Property for, are Global Operating Devices more powerful than any Figments of Imaginanation religiously followed by sheep and their shepherds/animals and their keepers/humans and their slaves.

In the Beginning, was there always Imagination for GeneSIS and Sublime IntelAIgent Servering of Creation for Beings within IntelAIgently Designed Entities ..... Heavenly Simple Shells and Devilish Clever Forms and really no more than just Virtual Machines for SMART Remote Control Programming/Assets to be Used and Abused as Controllers see fit and are able and enabled to Realise.

It is certainly something which all the SMARTer Intelligence Services are actively engaged in Monitoring and Mentoring for the undoubted overwhelmingly competitive advantage such Virtual Machine Control guarantees. And for any of them to deny it is so, is them just toying with the question to lay a false trail to a red herring of a dodgy tale leading away from the mother lode and source kernel of their knowledge and infinite wisdom. A Turing Test to ensure only the most able and deserving sit in judgement of what the Future will Present as Reality in Worlds which are Virtually and Remotely Controlled from CyberIntelAIgent Space and Seventh Heavenly Places of Immaculate Conception, which are one and the same in Quantum Control Systems Fields.

Posted by amanfromMars on 07/24/11 11:24 PM

After all, Great Greek people cannot have a genuine Greek PM. They got a Jew.

I close my case with an observation that the entire system is Mickey Mouse one. There is a good, old American saying: if you put two turkeys together, they still will not fly like an eagle.

Consequently, nobody can fool the Mather Nature. This New World Order will collapse like an old Soviet Union but with much more violence and bloodshed." ..... Posted by bob on 07/23/11 03:34 PM
Howdy, bob,

"Consequently, nobody can fool the Mather Nature. This New World Order will collapse like an old Soviet Union but with much more violence and bloodshed."

And it may also be the case that nobody is fooling Mother Russia either. And the Daily Bell is somewhat slow in drawing its readership's attention to A.N.Other New World Orderly Control Program which would leave the perversions and subversions of the collapsing Western system to the West, for who wants to be tied to a turkey which doesn't fly, whenever you can soar with a phoenix risen from the ashes of oppression ........

I imagine that Western elites which have so demonstrably failed to provide peace and comfortable prosperity to all in preference for the obscene gathering of perceived global wealth for a few, and which they would be seen as being lead administration for, would rightly be fearing the blood to be spilled in violence as their own, as the system collapses around them and the blame for its demise lands unequivocably/unequivocally at their doors. It will though be dog eat dog blood as they each try to avoid the fate which destiny provides, and the buck of mass fury and violent anger is passed up the chains of command so that the real powers that be get all that they deserve.

It is a surely a clear sign that such an elite grouping must be of very low intelligence and actually must be being led by fools whenever they would not have the power to ensure that their demise is not guaranteed because of the work that they do and the perceived wealth that they command.

It is a fools gold indeed they would be worshiping when such is the case.

And what have we learned in half a century, apart from Man being one real dumb psychopathic son of a bitch?

Posted by amanfromMars on 07/25/11 11:53 AM
"You need to refill your prescription. You're projecting again. Nobody here is going to give you instructions on how to commit genocide." ... Posted by John Danforth on 07/25/11 10:38 AM
Crikey, I must have missed something, JD. Can you refer me to where and when and from whom, genocide entered the conversation here? Your voice appears to be the only one mentioning it.

IT is a SMART Jungle teeming with Exotic Life Phorms? :-)..... XPerimenting in Code

Posted Monday 25th July 2011 18:20 GMT  

"In other words ...... nothing's happening in IT today."... Tchou Posted Monday 25th July 2011 14:36 GMT

Oh, I wouldn't say that, Tchou, it is just that you are not tuned in to the right wavelength embedding truth in corrupt channels for purging of viral infections and dodgy infestations.There is a hell of a lot going on, and all of the time, too ......

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