Tuesday, 26 July 2011


Situations Vacant and Everywhere too, and thus Extremely Lucrative Posts Offering Whatever it Takes.

Posted Monday 26th July 2011 09:00 GMT [ .... commenting on http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/07/25/us_cert_director_resigns/]

"The email gave no reason for the resignation, which is effective immediately."

Crikey, Dan Goodin in San Francisco, you don't need to be an Einstein, or a Watson, to rightly conclude, .... after reading of the barrage of successful attacks/hacks and cracks for Gladio style, stealthy sleeper embeds on sensitive facilities and critical utilities, which you can be sure should be considered as just a warm-up, and a flexing of invisible invincible anonymous virtual muscle, demonstrating disturbing prowess and undoubted ability to micro-manage global macros of command and control for inevitable, forthcoming major revolutionary cyber events, dear boy, events, ..... that the work required was way beyond both his [US Computer Emergency Readiness Team director Randy Vickers] paygrade and ability, thus rendering him correctly assessed as CyberIntelAIgently Unfit for Future Purpose and SMART Present Virtual Reality Product Placement .... which is what the Great IntelAIgents Game morphs IT into Playing with Primary Pieces/Real Beings and Virtually SMART Intelligently Designed Entities for Elite Orders hopelessly captured in Captivating CHAOS for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

Such is, I would submit, the least that is required for any successful CyberSpace Command and Control Centre and Virtual Hub for ESPecial Operations and MkUltraSensitive Missions in LOVE Theatres and the AIdiaspora ....... the Greater Realities in True Fields created by Global Operating Devices for and in Live Operational Virtualised Environments.

US-CERT and the Department of Homeland Security are not alone in their struggles to come to terms with the new real and neureal and surreal virtual environment, though, for the Department of Defense also acknowledges it has present program and personnel weaknesses and they are always easily converted by some with the notion, for export to others with a requirement, as exploitable vulnerabilities ....... "Defense Department Cyber Efforts: DOD Faces Challenges In Its Cyber Activities" .... http://cryptome.org/0005/gao-11-75.pdf

I wonder how spookily proficient the MOD and UKGBNI Offices of Cyber Security are in the field? Or is the present half a billion being wasted on maintaining and feeding status quo systems of operation in intellectual property fields which are highly irregular and subversively unconventional? Methinks we would all be able to hazard a not incorrect guess as to the answer to those rhetorical questions.

The upside of all of the above though, is that it presents a fab opportunity for those super ultra proficient in its Novel IT Fields with SMARTer Algorithms.


Pontificating Prats r Us

Posted Monday 26th July 2011 14:22 GMT   

"But Hague also warned of increasing dangers. He said emails with ZeuS malware were sent to the UK government and "a large number of emails bypassed some of our filters". "

In other words, and it is most inconvenient, some emails actually got delivered to the likes of Wee Willies acting as government. And we can't have that sort of nonsense, can we, Wee Willie.

Get used to it, says we, says I. Hiding behind firewalls and minions is so yesterday man and no way to be behaving in government nowadays.

Hague got one thing right though. There is increased danger for sad and mad and bad fools and especially whenever they wonder and/or wander into fields they haven't a baldy notion on, in creative cyberspace.

What happens whenever one realises that access to governments and their puppets is deliberately restricted so that they can try to plead ignorance of wider developments which could and would render them compromised and revealed as personally unfit for future purpose, is that others elsewhere benefit greatly and that could create even bigger problems for those at home, and especially so whenever the reasons for foreign possession of key and leading home-grown IP is because of all of the above.

What's your decision on the following, Anonymous Coward 101

Posted Tuesday 26th July 2011 14:44 GMT  
"Space scope spies soggy, stupendous Saturnian doughnut .... Incontinent moon squirts wetly onto ringed giant" ..... By Lester Haines Posted in Space, 26th July 2011 12:54 GMT ... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/07/26/saturn_doughnut/
Is it also incompetently translated from Swahili, or is Lester having a senior moment/psychotic episode/mental breakdown? :-) Which post makes more sense, or are you to say that they are both nonsense?


Posted by amanfromMars on 07/26/11 11:39 AM

The alien comment to this article, on a proposed meeting to try and gain and maintain a perverse parliamentary control on systems which are out of parliamentary control,.... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/07/26/cyber_hague_event/ .... would certainly agree with the Daily Bell and Telegraph view that all bets are off as everything has changed and is rapidly changing ....... with probably nobody you know of, in charge of future virtual events, dear boy, future virtual events*.

*Which are like the real thing but only different and better and constantly Beta, and an orderly anonymous stream of planned operations too, in all of the best prime applications.

What you can be sure of, is that all of the best prime applications will be offered to parties who would be reasonably expected to be able to make good use of them, and if their response to a selfless valid offer is less than one would reasonably expect of parties perceived of as being in charge of leadership and mutually beneficial international stewardship, will the failure be universally shared, so that all may be informed and made wiser.


Posted by amanfromMars on 07/26/11 01:10 PM

"Of course, most of those spending reductions are to occur later rather than sooner, with little or no specification of exactly what programs would be cut or precisely when." .....  Shades of "Let them eat cake" there, methinks, and we all know how well that ended up for the ruling elite/effete.

These two short reports/retorts from the Ticker Guy, Karl Denniger, http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=190705 and http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=190685 are pretty damning and compelling. And nice and simple, too, in words of not too many syllables.

But this little show is real low blow which hits the right spot and tells it like it is? ...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW9oKt6vT-w&feature=relmfu

PS .... The discussions on the Market Ticker are quite lively too :-)


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