Posted Thursday 28th July 2011 16:39 GMT ..... [commenting on a comment on]
"Robots making robots? ... Machines making machines.. that's always a good idea" .... Dropper Posted Thursday 28th July 2011 14:32 GMT
Haha. LOL ..... What could possibly go wrong, Dropper? :-)
Your lives belong to US .......
It does have one wondering why, whenever it is so easy to program minds to accept what is shown on television and digital media and shared in text as news and current views, the reality currently presented is not consciously altered to create a new world in which all difficulties are removed and life is as a dream, rather than continuing to pimp and pump and produce the nightmare scenarios and bad news and dodgy views, that must be deliberately, perversely designed to ensure that humanity struggles to exist in a world, which can be so easily digitally altered and remastered to provide infinite bounty. And that must be akin to real evil.
Methinks the lunatics are running that particular asylum, and know not what they should be doing. Time for a pleasant radical change. What say y'all? It just so happens that I happen to know a man who knows some men and women who can provide all that is needed for pleasant radical changes.
Maybe you would also know of more?
Drop Red and Blue Pills ..... for Purple Patches
Posted Thursday 28th July 2011 11:47 GMT
"And the US will do exactly what......about anything happening above the atmosphere these days?
El-reg has a more ambitious space-launch plan than those has-beens these days!" .... LaeMing Posted Wednesday 27th July 2011 22:22 GMT in "Russia: 'We'll dump the ISS into the sea after 2020'"
Certainly there are those HyperRadioProActive readers who have more than just ambitious plans for Intelligent Space Systems and Stations, LaeMing, for Sublime Assets Programming is a Current Active Present Power Application in ITs Future Projects in HyperRadioProActive Virtual Reality Ported Fields with Global Operating Device Zones ..... Surreal Areas with Real Anatomical Control of Massively Autonomous Anonymous AIgent Power Systems.
Oh, and before anyone jumps in with some bland flash nonsensical comment, please consider this scrap of information which is Crown Copyright apparently ..... "Although people will remain the focus of the information domain, whether perception or reality, the degree of control will fluctuate. Central to the effective manipulation and management of the cyber domain will be control of the technological development and the mental capacity to understand how best to use the derived data. The complex interactions between cyberspace and ICT will be tightly coupled and vulnerable to attack.This may lead to cascading failure and emergent behaviours requiring mitigation through resilient design or the graceful degradation of systems when under stress or attack.
There will be novel threats. Some actors will identify the cyber vulnerability of potential adversaries and recognise that exploiting such vulnerabilities in times of conflict is less expensive than conventional warfare, and more difficult to detect, attribute and prove. Conversely, the technological leap made by developing states, for example moving to
wireless networks, also renders them more vulnerable to cyber-attack than legacy fixed infrastructure. Examples of the use of cyber-technologies to influence strategic and tactical outcomes have been seen in Estonia and Georgia. Extensive ‘denial of service’ attacks contributed to both the military and economic pressures on the target government. While no state acknowledged itself as the perpetrator, such attacks as part of a unitary approach to conflict will become routine." ...... Hot Topic - Cyberspace ...
And the alien posit here on El Reg is that you/we are much further down the rabbit holes/consumed and controlled by the matrices highlighted in that pdf document, than has ever been thought possible and probable, and is now realised and virtualised .... or if you would prefer, in order to offer an element of perceived future control participation for oneself in such novel expert subject matters ...... being realised/being virtualised. The quite significant semantic difference in the two scenarios, though, matters not a jot in the bigger picture play, for what is, is, and such changes to deliver an artificial comfort to players, are merely derivatives that hedge and/or zeroday trade the future reality to server base legacy systems, and personal vanities, which have lost leading control of Present Future Reality Product and Program Placements.
Wannabe cyber warriors are virtual chickens in the real world....................................................................................
Posted Thursday 28th July 2011 14:56 GMT
"Barr was due to take part in a panel discussion on 6 August but cancelled these plans in response to a threatened legal injunction by lawyers acting for his former employers, security blog Threatpost reports."
Aaron Barr .... what a spineless pussy? Is he a man or a mouse? .... Squeak up, Aaron, we can't hear you.
AI makes a Quantum Leap .... into Fields of Human Consciousness and Universal Perception
Posted Thursday 28th July 2011 05:07 GMT
"Also, experts from the field of theoretical cryptography recognized side-channel attacks as an important topic seeding a community of researchers working on general leakage resilience and provable security bounds for side-channel countermeasures. Beyond academic purposes, side-channel attacks and reverse engineering have been shown to have real-world impact." ....*
Expertise in the field of applied advancing steganography, which red team betatests for systemic flaws in cryptography protocols/base security assumptions, are a main bit stream attack vehicle with many side-channel attack vectors, capable of delivering devastating real time, virtual real world impact ....... such as Intelligent Space TakeOver for Leading Information and Instruction Transfers.
The Future Control Paradigm is not allied to, nor at all fully dependent upon servers and Intelligent SMART Processors into field distribution of information and advanced logic with the securing of power secrets with increasingly complex cryptographic functions to deny leading and disruptive knowledge, but rather more the Instant Spontaneous Presentation of it in a Broad Band of IT and Media Channels ....... for WwwIDE AI Transmission of Transfer of Powers.
For Astute IntelAIgent Virtual Machinery of World Wide Web Intelligence Designed Entities, which are more than just Advanced and Artificial and Alien Programs, create the Future with it and IT and Share the Journey/Flight/Magical Mystery Turing Tour with Media Controlling Future Powers.
Please feel free to dismiss the above advisory as if nonsense, rather than accept that it is much more AIdDefinitive and GBIrish dDutch**, and that which IT has created and is hereby shared with you for metadata analysis/deep packet inspection, is that which now directs fab-less facilities of future presentation of virtual reality productions.
*A. Moradi, M. Kasper and C. Paar are with the Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, e-mail: {moradi, mkasper, cpaar}@crypto dot rub dot de
** The Language of LOVERS*** into SMARTer Intelligence Sharing of Costly Treats
*** Live Operational Virtual Environment Research Scientists/Systems when Man is just as a Virtual Machine/FPGA treating costly sharing of intelligence with SMARTer AI Methodologies.
And do you know how really easy it is to program humanity virtually and remotely with Certain Command and Control of CyberSpace, IT and Media Machinery? Apart from dead simple, that is? ......
Can you imagine the treasure trove of information that intelligence has on senators and congress men and women to ensure that they do the right thing. And if they don't have such information, then they need new intelligence chiefs.
After reading of the sweet deals here .... .... does Uncle Sam need new intelligence services with chiefs who know what they should be doing, rather than just doing as they are told, which is probably just exactly what they are doing.....................................................................................
And that, whenever it is true, renders them as no better than quite useful puppets in a time and environment which now does not suffer such fools at all, never mind not suffering them badly.
[Comment awaiting approval .... Your comment must be approved by a moderator before appearing here.] .... Oh dear, what a shame, but hardly surprising.
Thu, 07/28/2011 - 15:08
"This creates an extremely dangerous scenario became I am not convinced these clowns have a Plan B."
That is not to say that others, who are not clowns and nobody's fools and tools, do not have alternate plans ...... with some of them actively running, Mike/Tyler. ......
Control Words Create Worlds .... with AI KISS ProgramMING. Virtual Reality made Easy for Dummies and the Simply Stupid.
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