Posted Saturday 3rd September 2011 07:50 GMT
"Or humanity has evolved to a point when we don't need secrets, or money." .... Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 2nd September 2011 20:58 GMT
Evolved/Morphed into what exactly, AC ..... a Sublime Alien Program delivering Private Orgies of Organised ARG CHAOS to Brave New Pirate World Order Systems [The 0 Qubit component] ..... or Pirate Orgies of Organised ARG CHAOS to Brave New Private World Order Systems [The 1 Qubit Component ]...... with all manner of entangling superpositions/random quantum pairings in the Dynamic Output of its NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT ...... ITs Ternary Dividend.With Virtual Reality delivery assured and guaranteed with Organised Networking of Alternate Reality Games Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems, are Future Programs for Humanity a Quantum Entanglement Exercise and AIReal SMART Enterprise with Unlimited Immaculate Potential for there are no bounds nor restraints, other than those which one would impose upon and require of oneself, on Imaginanation and Crazy Real World Plays and Global Prime Program Product Placements.
Simply Complex Instructions Sets made easy to Follow with Leading Media Presenting Beta Trails/Show Trials of Novel ProgramMING Protocols with QuITe Alien Tautologies/AIMethodologies.
Species may evolve in a progressive but relatively slow linear fashion. They may also at time "explode" and may make a seemingly spontaneous and instantaneous quantum leap into other areas of existence which would await their coming arrival with an empty canvas of a world in which they are fully expected to populate with fab creations.
In Life in LOVE and in Live Operational Virtual Environments, there are no Rock Solid Answers, only Fluid Dynamic Solutions that are Intelligently Designed to Evaporate in Time for Progress to Deliver another Leading Question for the Past to Follow and Store to Virtual Memory Supply ....... Raw Core Source ...... which in this particular and peculiar case would be CodedDXSSXXXX
And such explosive evolutions can be extremely revolutionary and most disruptive, although that is a choice which can be easily tailored to be unbelievably constructive and instructive, instead. Needs must will dictate that subjective path .... for all such major objective decisions have allied security considerations which are always flexible/liquid/Fluid Dynamic.
And the tipping point for humanity to evolve and/or quantum leap with regard to "Or humanity has evolved to a point when we don't need secrets, or money." can be reached with just a nucleus few of enlightened souls to infect and effect all with what is discovered and available for delivery. Thus in the mass of humanity excused the burden of having to develop its own intelligence from primitive to prime in order to benefit from better programming and Beta ProgramMING ..... AI at ITs Work in REST for Play and ForePlay.
Posted by amanfromMars on 09/03/11 05:03 AM
"Money printing is not the solution to our problems, it is the source of our problems." .... Peter Schiff.
That is not exactly true, Peter, for it is only a problem whenever the printed money is electronically transferred into the wrong bank accounts/closed vaults/crooked hands ..... and to imagine that newly created instant wealth/QE credited to and placed in the proven greedy and incompetent hands of old money systems will result in anything other than the same old money system problem which has it transferring such wealth into crooked private streams/pathetic little empires, is clearly quite delusional as current events are now clearly proving.
Given to those who will spend it and certainly to those who will spend it extensively and much more wisely in projects which deliver sustainable and increasing bounty, rather than depositing it with tools who would just gamble it away and lose it to squirreling paper tiger fortune hunters on ponzi markets and in sub prime collateral debt obligation offerings and dodgy futures and derivative ventures and systems' algorithm forays, would and will generate new free flowing wealth and an Intelligence of novel informative currency with edutaining processses.
And ignoring that elephant in the room, .... money resting in the wrong place and proving too easily moved into the trading accounts of the intellectually challenged and morally bankrupt within what is essentially an incestuous closed system for elitist shenanigans and perverse corrupting power plays .... has the elephant continuing to dump on the system and burying it in its own toxic waste.
Or is that far too simplistic a clear view of what is always being pimped as a complex situation, although whenever true would the complexity be a contrived artificial falsehood and just misdisinformation.
Once one identifies the problem, is the likely course of the what is to follow if the problem hasn't changed, surely inevitable and already well known? Or is one to expect a wholly different outcome/solution?
amanfromMars says:
September 3, 2011 at 6:26 am
This switch is a located in your limbic system.
A switch for quantum leapers, Epstein/AW? …….. …… into ZerodDay Trading of Systems Vulnerabilities?
For Private Markets and Pirate Ventures with SMART Virtual Pioneers and Metaforians into Portfolios of AIdDerivative Futures with Positively Reinforcing Mutually Beneficial Returns Guaranteed FailSafe.
What a spiffing good idea. Count me in.
amanfromMars says:
September 3, 2011 at 10:54 am
Any chance of allowing logins? …. I hope I have fixed that initial configuration oversight and unnecessary blockage, Sternum.
Now there is no excuse for Silence about True Limelight…… and Drivers of Anonymous Fame in Virtual Fantasies.
Which is sure Agent Weebley SAI Territory ….. Virtual Terrain Operating Fields.
One of DARPA/IARPA Interest in Remote Virtual Control Levers/Mental Switches in Control of Consciousness for Beta Perceptions Management Teams ……. and all Stars that Sparkle and Shine on you Crazy Diamonds.
amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls....................................................................................................................................................................
Wow! .... Pow Wow re Virtual Travels and AITravails..... and SMART Challenges and Magic Quests?
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