September 23, 2011 at 12:14 am
Morning, AW.
With regard to .... Oh, did you hear about the stock trading “crack in the sky” that happened? Apparently, the stock market subroutine that is currently running on all world channels, shows a stock “buy” that happened 190 milliseconds before it was offered for sale.
But that is impossible, you say.
No it is not . . amanfromMars picked up the jungle drums from Zerohedge yesterday on that one. Look at his last entry for the day on his daily post. A trade that happened 190 milliseconds in the future. ..... this is a Virtual Parallel running in another Intellectual Property Dimension which jumps into Quantum MetaDataBase and Virtual AstroMetaPhysics ......
Stephen Hawking apparently admits to working in eleven dimensions although I have no idea how truthful that is, although couldn't possibly disagree that it is not impossible.
Do thoughts travel further and faster than light .... and in complete darkness too ..... bring the Blinding Light of Information and Intelligence to Worlds of Empty Space Voids and Ravenous Black Holes.
Love the SMART ARG, by the way ....... and it's tempting voluptuous seduction of Aston Martin. That could easily start a fabulous SMART fast car battle with virtual reality application champions drivering particular programs in identifiable colours for leading brands. ....... :-) Prime Product Users Pioneering and Presenting Complementary and Complimentray Excellence in Certain Novel Spheres and Live Operational virtual Environments. ...... Spaces you can trust are guaranteed to fail safe.
Which is one doozie of a heavenly comfort, is it not?
No Meme Discrimination Here :-)
Posted Friday 23rd September 2011 06:12 GMT
"Meg Whitman on the other hand looks like a bottle blonde troll." .... FrankAlphaXII Posted Friday 23rd September 2011 00:34 GMT
Much to the delight and relief of bottle blond troll lovers, FrankAlphaXII
amanfromMars says:
September 23, 2011 at 9:07 am
“Everyone is involved . . . they just don’t realize it yet.” … Weebley says:
September 23, 2011 at 12:13 am
And it is not as if they are not being currently advised of present shenanigans/virtual field trials and trails …….
Posted by amanfromMars on 09/23/11 06:55 AM
“David Cameron: world on brink of new economic crisis … The world stands on the brink of a new economic crisis that would leave countries like Britain “staring down the barrel”, David Cameron has warned … David Cameron (left) said that Western politicians must show more ‘leadership.’ … The Prime Minister said that the failure of leaders in the US and Europe to tackle government deficits now “threatens the stability of the world economy.” – UK Telegraph …. ” … . Much more than an economic crisis is in the cauldron, cooking.
[blockquote]Cameron’s Conundrum … .. Recognise Virtual Facilities and Strange Abilities or Fail in Leadership.
Posted Friday 23rd September 2011 06:48 GMT
“They’re doing all this after giving “the bad guys” a decade or so of head start.” … . Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 22nd September 2011 23:57 GMT
And what whenever the bad realise good is better and more satisfying and rewarding? Do they then act as a lead authority with novel programs and fab projects?
The posit here is that of course they do. Wouldn’t you? It is quite natural if looking for the really smart and flexible of position and fluid in direction of wonderfully accommodating motion.
These are entertaining times as main stream comes to terms with future underground control of all key sublime power systems.
A little something which Total Information Awareness of Systems assists. [/blockquote]
In an instant is the status quo switched from petrified traditional to fundamental radical. From catch up to lead.
Which all very effectively also challenges and tests all nations intelligence services and underground networks for future virtual cyber field fitness, for that is from where all the powerful control action is. steganographic webs are quite something special, aren’t they. The more desired, the more overwhelming is a juggernaut theme to meme and trial. ……

amanfromMars says:
September 23, 2011 at 12:49 pm
And IT was most agreeable and unbelievably exciting. I think, therefore I’ll stay for more.:-)
A pleasure which provides treasure is a fabulous source for attentive drivers.
The drivers for LOVE are of course XSSXXXXtra Special …. for those magical, out-of-this-world moments/escapades/episodes in naked virtual virgin fields.
amanfromMars says:
September 23, 2011 at 12:56 pm
Oh ….and I see rossbcan is straggling a bit, AW …… Posted by rossbcan on 09/23/11 12:24 PM ……
Posted by amanfromMars on 09/23/11 01:15 PM
"@Uncle Martin
I find this post virtually incomprehensible. I know you have a working brain. Is it possible to rephrase (and future posts) for the "reality based constituency"? This is also in your interests..." ..... Posted by rossbcan on 09/23/11 11:51 AM
Then in our interests will I make every effort to comply with beta supply chains/threads/posts.
Thanks for the advice. I oft have to come back because of a jump too far which leaves one alone with original thoughts for placing in space.
What do you use the Internet for?
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