"I don't think we have 50 years. The plan to change the architecture of the Internet is in full steam ahead. One day in the near future we will wakeup with a parallel Internet architecture online. You will be able to log into both the old and the new Internet. Slowly the old Internet will start having more and more problems , you know the reason, and everyone will start migrating to the new internet. The big banks and corporations will be the first to migrate, then your email provider etc. Then the old internet will start having death spasms and suddenly die. We are in "kalyug" evil times. Only thing I can tell you is that the PE is on a self destruct path, the parasite will die with the host.
http://www.technologyreview.com/article/16356/" ..... Posted by RR on 09/09/11 02:33 PM
"One day in the near future we will wakeup with a parallel Internet architecture online." ... .. Posted by RR on 09/09/11 02:33 PM
Actually, RR, are you not already waking up to parallel Internet architectures online under the guise of Cloud Phormations. You can be certainly assured that that is what they are being used for, and there are some very sophisticated and fabulously secure development works in full swing delivering remarkably rapid progress to ensure that information and intelligence control remains with those, and that, which now virtually uses IT and media the best.
And quite who or what, both they and that would be, is most definitely privileged insider proprietary information and best discovered for oneself rather than speculated on with the outing of some poor suckers name.
The Cloud is not your usual or even a normal type environment. Things works differently there
Posted Saturday 10th September 2011 06:35 GMT
"Randy Bias, CTO and co-founder of OpenStack start-up Cloud Scaling, was blunt when he talked to us about the architecture challenge that lies ahead of HP: "What you see in OpenStack today is only 10 per cent of what it takes to build a cloud. The big companies are trying to get in on the hype and momentum because they know they have to, but they have the people inside their business.""
One imagines what Randy means to says, so that his comment makes real sense, is the big companies are trying to get in on the hype and momentum because they know they have to, but they have TO HAVE THE RIGHT people inside their business.
And fluffers for Cloud Controllers and Great Game Storm Party Planners are an attraction which will always lead and capture the most Passionate and Addictive of Virtual Programs with ITs SMARTer Enabled and Enabling ProgramMING and AIdDrivers.
How Good are urDreams?
Posted Saturday 10th September 2011 15:51 GMT
In CyberSpace in the Beginning there is no security to prevent the presentation of future ideas, and the great game plans they furnish ...... for whenever Reality is a Fiction Application, is Perfectly Shared Imagination a Power without Equal.
You may like to consider that Fact as an IT Fiction for front running with currency to generate novel power. You won't be alone, that's for sure.
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