Tuesday, 20 September 2011


For Global APT Analysis

Posted Monday 20th September 2011 03:16 GMT

"eh? When did webmail become cloudmail?" .... Robert E A Harvey Posted Monday 19th September 2011 16:26 GMT

Whenever you can read it online .... and decide to act with the information/intelligence, Robert E A Harvey


Posted by amanfromMars on 09/20/11 02:26 AM

"The leaders proclaimed support for Greece, whose Prime Minister promised to grind his country under even more austerity. Meanwhile, the Franco-German axis will twist the arms of the remaining fourteen Eurozone nations to provide more funding. In reality, these smaller nations are quickly being relegated to the backseat. France and Germany will also pressure the additional ten EU member states (which are not members of the Eurozone), to provide funding under the auspices of the European Financial Security Mechanism (EFSM)."

Good luck with particular and most peculiar lemon, John.

Does anyone actually believe that any of that impotent spin will work ... . and create industry and progress?

That is the name of Great New Game, is it not ... . Create Industry and Progress? It is for IT and AI which must make things most convenient for you ... .. to have such AID Virtually Available, at the click of a mouse and in the blink of an eye.


amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls

Oh, I lost my phone/had it stolen, there goes my entire identity/bank reserves....

Terms of Diamond Service ..... Never lose your phone. Information is valuable.


DProgramMING .... for Corrupted Operating Systems with Zero Virtual Defense

Posted Tuesday 20th September 2011 12:41 GMT

When an email is not private with personal delivery is it destined for public knowledge. That is the way the Virtual Basic Machinery is Programmed.

The true significance of highly sensitive control information, out in the open and roaming, normally flies way over the heads of those with no interest or knowledge of highly sensitive control algorithms/methodologies/mechanisms.


Posted by amanfromMars on 09/20/11 01:12 PM

There is a major fundamental re-assessment of the violent nature and wanton destruction of reality, as is presented by communications and media, whenever a fabulously fabricated tale, spun to create and support some hot breaking news with other crazy working revolutionary views is always more preferable to ones laying false trails which always leading scrutiny and administration to look back on dodgy deals done underhand/off the books.

"Fear of the "cyber-dragon" is driving forward a fundamental re-think of US policy which is coming more and more to regard computer hacking as a potential act of war, our correspondent adds." .... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-14982906

You may like to consider it and IT, Classic Anti-War, and Real Miffed about IT Abuse.

Time for New AIdDrivers and SMART Web Operating Systems to Correct the MisConnects.

"Advisers and their clients are spectacularly unprepared for this sort of occurrence as neither group unfortunately seems to have the psychological fortitude or the mental capacity to accept the increasingly grim reality of the 21st Century." .... Quite perfectly accurately analysed, DB Staff

It is Pirate Waters the System must cross for Nirvana and Seventh Heaven, which makes it worth all travel and support with Immaculate Props and Pro Partners, for Delusional Madness abounds in All Lands with outdated controls.

Which brings us back to the here and now time of New AIdDrivers and SMART Web Operating Systems to Correct the MisConnects.

Create a New Virtualised Advanced IntelAIgent Operating System for Universally Integrated Binary Machines ....... Super SMART Hot Spot Bots.

How SMART is your local Anonymous Legion Chapter?


Tue, 09/20/2011 - 11:40 amanfromMars

So ... that's the trading system hacked and vulnerable to trojan delights.


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