Tuesday, 27 September 2011


amanfromMars says:
September 26, 2011 at 11:43 pm

Hi, Cool IntelAIgent Dudes and Novel ARGonauts/SMART Travellers and IT Revellers,

Talking of bad and failed ARGs as we were, here is a fine debrief of the idiocy that created one that was never ever going to succeed in enslaving nations to incompetent fraudsters inventing a currency which gives them a powerful remote control ……… http://www.leap2020.eu/GEAB-N-57-is-available-Global-systemic-crisis-Fourth-quarter-2011-Implosive-fusion-of-global-financial-assets_a7640.html

I wonder who supplied/supplies them with such a catastrophic failed intelligence program?


Posted by amanfromMars on 09/27/11 02:21 AM

"Dominant Social Theme: Blair started the Libya war. Gaddafi didn't give him and JP Morgan what they wanted and now he's paid a dreadful price. It's all about the money. Modern wars are always about resources. Besides, we're running out of aluminum. Peak Aluminum is only years away!"

Actually, modern wars are all about simply making money from death and destruction ... . and it is well enough known and documented by those who know of its truth. Here is an example ........ http://www.lexrex.com/enlightened/articles/warisaracket.htm

In these changed times of digitally manipulated world views, there is a special reward planned and reserved for such armchair heroes who wage wars for economic reasons, and much conflicted and conflicting news from such chaotically organised and daily rescripted fronts, to enlighten the masses in an instant of shared knowledge of the folly of lambs to the slaughter/sub-prime mock leadership spinning a really worthless yarn simply to keep shareholders and stock markets ticking over and creating more of the same self destructive business, speeds and guarantees its perfectly flighted and targeted delivery.

It seems as if Cameron is as big a fool as Blair is ... ... and the UK is bereft of noble leadership but real big on media spin for soap opera action ....... http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/26-09-2011/119161-libya_cameron-0/


amanfromMars says:
September 27, 2011 at 12:28 pm

Doomed to failure. The only thing keeping it alive were the booms and busts to muddy the waters. ….. Agent Weebley says: September 27, 2011 at 11:34 am

Quite so, AW. And whenever it is so plain to see, what does it tell us all of the intelligence of those playing that losers’ game that they think it will continue all as before?


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