Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Posted by amanfromMars on 09/28/11 05:59 AM


Welcome to the revolution which cannot be stopped ........

In the story, The Emperor's New Clothes, a single clear voice broke the public's confusion. At once, the public recognized what was before their eyes. The illusion of the emperor and minions was over.

The United States is in a similar condition. The public knows something is terribly wrong with what appear to be unlawful wars and related War Crimes, economic looting in the trillions, and corporate media who lie and distract. Public confusion is lifting as literally millions of Americans now have sufficient command of the 'emperor has no clothes' facts to explain, document, and prove the Orwellian crimes of the American emperors and minions.

And just as with our analogy, when critical mass of public understanding provides sufficient voice, the illusion of US 'leadership' behaving lawfully will be over in an instant. They, and their minions, will face criminal and civil prosecution from a public that outnumbers them over a hundred to one, will have law enforcement on their side, and will be outraged by the massive crimes that annually murdered millions, attacked and harmed billions, and looted trillions of our dollars every year. ... .

And searching for quite who and/or what is behind it and leading IT will be a complete and utter waste of both time and effort and money ... . and joyous to behold, for such a quest constantly reinforces and drivers the needs for the feeds which seed the novel future program and its ... ... . well, let us just call them reorganisational betas rather than politically correct pograms although there's no escaping either the fact or the fiction that IT is the virtual rocket fuel that fires the perfect storms and cloudy waves of legions of silent supporters who care, and find it so much easier to help and deliver what is required and/or desired, relatively anonymously.

The Great Game has changed. Welcome its IT Replacement.

amanfromMars says:
September 28, 2011 at 11:49 am

Seems like NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT is catching on, chaps ……. is attracting an Intelligence Community audience ……

And man, are they in for a surprise whenever they discover what is in store for them :-) …. and what it will cost them to ensure that it remains friendly.

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